Mutli layered spell

I just finished speaking with Duke Sallos…He said that he was okay with me layering the current spell…I had spoken to him for a little while, just from general conversation to about the spell. He I asked him if he needed some time without me invoking him, & chanting his enn to work & he told me yes he does but he is not angry with me at all which was very comforting…Next thing I know I feel a very intense & very strong wave of his energy wash over me & his energy then manifested into what felt like a hug. I know demons can attach to our subconscious minds…He must have seen how much I appreciate & enjoy hugs & manifested himself to hug me which gave me great comfort in knowing he does favor me & is working on it as hard as he can…I explained how I do.get paranoid as well.& I think that’s what made him decide to comfort me too…He confirmed again that she is coming back to me. I asked for.a sign of when I could be expecting her but he had said no to that request. I’m going to start prepping the layers tomorrow!! Thank you & @shinri again for the answers to my questions!!


Hiya OP! @DarkestKnight and @shinri gave you a lot of good info, so I’m going to chime in with a different way to layer the spell, though it’s likely to be much more difficult to successfully pull off! :slight_smile:

Another kind of layered spell, which is more rare to see in operation (making it harder to counter) is that of multiple diverse intents with objectives chained together. For example, the kind of objective breakdown described by the aforementioned folks into base intent (health/wealth/etc) that anchors vector-based magic (prevent a disease from forming or spreading, increasing frequency of advancement opportunities in the workplace, and other specific-intended spells)… but with multiple base intents instead of one, that are derived from a sought end product. Practically, an example would be winning the love of someone, where the thing you want at the end is to be their life partner. The energetic structure of such a spell is something tree-like, as in:

Vectors for love/wealth/happiness/stability
Vectors for love-wealth/love-happiness/love-stability
Vectors for wealth-love/wealth-happiness/wealth-health/wealth-stability
Vectors for happiness-“
“ “ health “
“ “ stability “

Where LOVE is the direct spell for the result that forms the dirt that the roots draw power from, where the roots are the conceptual distinctions of the initial result ((their)love of (your) love, wealth of love, etc. The initial vectors from the conceptual distinctions are like the trunk of the tree, where the available/casted combinations and permutations of energy and intent become the branches, and the leaves are the results. It’s very complex, but extremely rewarding! :slight_smile:


Thank you for your advice!! Just so I fully understand I would cast several rituals over & over again to continue to provide love, wealth, happiness & stability in the order you had listed as an example to ensure the end result??

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You can add repetition of ritual, doesn’t hurt, but the breakdown ranges from the raw result to each step involved in anchoring it to manifestation. Like a wealth of their love, happiness in a relationship, healthy relationship and partner, and stable relationship and path together from my example- ask yourself, what would these things look like in manifest reality? The same goes for the primary and secondary configurations of vector; what would the wealth-happiness of the relationship look like and how is that different from happiness as the primary and wealth as the secondary?

Always ask yourself questions, our unconscious levels tend to respond accordingly! :slight_smile:


Anteater :joy:
I don’t want to know :sweat_smile:


I see what you mean, thank you so much!! I’ve given this a lot of thought since her & I broke up & I’ve drawn up the ways I wish for her to return & how things would be after we rekindle our romance, I’m going to start connecting to the demons energies that I wish to work with later on tonight so when I go to do a ritual I can have a pre established relationship with the demons I’m going to task. Similar to how I established & have been working on my relationship with Duke Sallos

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I busted out laughing when I first read that part of his response :joy::joy:

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Hiya OP! I didn’t read the response where you mentioned it was a love spell you were after; guess it’s a good sign for layered spells being the way to go! :slight_smile:


It’s okay!! I still appreciate all the knowledge I can get!! I’ll post updates on how everything is turning out/turns out!!

Any update?

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The layered spell worked however I shot myself in the foot with lusting, & pushing for more & more. But I’m fixing it & I’m getting some VERY powerful omens, & signs


How was your result

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Highly successful!! I’m sorry for the delay!!

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This. This is what Ive been looking for as a solution to the question, how to springload an advanced ritual or spell. Now to study enchantment and spelling.


Hi @DarkestKnight

My going to tell you my situation - there is a girl in my office and I like her, I also told her my feelings but she said we are only friends nothing more then that I never see you in that way, exp boyfriend , so what should I do

I already ask dantalion to generate romantic feelings in that girl so now who should I request and what that request should be ? To maker her may girlfriend

and the book I use for connecting demon is (Demons of magick by Gordon Winterfield)

Do as you will but I would wait until there are at least some feelings on her part before trying to make her your girlfriend. Wait for a result from Dantalion before asking another demon (especially since having her as a girlfriend does not automatically mean that she will have feelings for you. People can get together for many reasons without catching feelings at all).


How long should I wait . I make my request to Dantalion on 9/sepl/23 since then it’s going to be 1 month and 2 days

And how I know that she feel romantic feelings for me

Usually it would manifest in flirtatious behaviour.

There’s no set time, but I would say that if you don’t see at least some indication of her feelings towards you changing within two months, then you should try again.


Can anyone with experience in layered spell contact me? :chart_with_upwards_trend::ladder:

I have also called upon Seere as well when doing layered love spells, for speed. Hope this helps!