Mutli layered spell

How was your result

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Highly successful!! I’m sorry for the delay!!

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This. This is what Ive been looking for as a solution to the question, how to springload an advanced ritual or spell. Now to study enchantment and spelling.


Hi @DarkestKnight

My going to tell you my situation - there is a girl in my office and I like her, I also told her my feelings but she said we are only friends nothing more then that I never see you in that way, exp boyfriend , so what should I do

I already ask dantalion to generate romantic feelings in that girl so now who should I request and what that request should be ? To maker her may girlfriend

and the book I use for connecting demon is (Demons of magick by Gordon Winterfield)

Do as you will but I would wait until there are at least some feelings on her part before trying to make her your girlfriend. Wait for a result from Dantalion before asking another demon (especially since having her as a girlfriend does not automatically mean that she will have feelings for you. People can get together for many reasons without catching feelings at all).


How long should I wait . I make my request to Dantalion on 9/sepl/23 since then it’s going to be 1 month and 2 days

And how I know that she feel romantic feelings for me

Usually it would manifest in flirtatious behaviour.

There’s no set time, but I would say that if you don’t see at least some indication of her feelings towards you changing within two months, then you should try again.


Can anyone with experience in layered spell contact me? :chart_with_upwards_trend::ladder:

I have also called upon Seere as well when doing layered love spells, for speed. Hope this helps!