Mother nature

I think I can’t do black magick nowadays because whenever I do, the people I cursed turn on me.
Also I think I am being possessed by Mother Nature. It seems every time I do something to harm others, big powerful people turn on me.
Can someone explain to me what is going on?

Possibly the law of attraction: “like attracts like”. You’re resonating with these people they are drawn to you and reflect your own energy back at you, and you end up with an escalation instead of a resolution.

Maybe try other forms of magick, or find alternative ways to get what you want. Like, instead of cursing someone to get them away from you, bless them to get an amazing job offer that they can’t refuse that makes them move across the country. Send them love in spades, and they should dislike it and do the opposite and get away from you.
Basically switch up the the forms of energy used but not so much the results.

I don’t know about the Mother Nature thing, I don’t see why that comes into it, and I personally don’t believe that egregore is very pleasant or kind, it’s neutral and doesn’t care at all, the best you can do is stay out of it’s way.


Can you help with a reading for me please?

Is it possible that you are unable to pour out all of your anger in ritual and can’t move on?

I don’t know. I’ve been told I was rejecting the will of the universe by a tarot reader.

I don’t really curse anyone. But vampirism works surprisingly well.

I don’t want to curse anymore. If I curse, it feels like I’m suffering because of the curse.

I don’t curse anyone. I just have great fun messing up their energy. With free will it’s not my fault what happens to them

One my Paths is of The Fool. 0

Alright, the cards called out to me on this one. I don’t force these things, they come or they don’t, so I’m not a professional Tarot reader, I treat my cards as an entity that volunteers it’s advice when it wants… I got the impression they wanted to talk here:

I clear the deck, and then focusing on @Xen_Zhen the cards pop out what they want to say as I shuffle, or alert me that I an touching the correct card, in this case they jumped out…

I have favourable and less favourable information:

  1. The Eight of Swords.
    Imprisonment, calamity, this is acute, not an overall condition. In the context, this implies you have some kind of binding on you.

I notice from your intro, you had a Muslim background, and I also note many former Christians come here feeling encumbered by past alignments with the Judeo/Christian/Islamic (JCI) energy, and this could be a very similar situation, as the overarching entity and doctrine is question is similar. It’s possible you have bindings on you from your family and religious leaders against doing sorcery that need to be unhexed.

  1. XI The Sun.
    This is an excellent card. :ok_hand: Truly one of the best you could get. This is about love, success and joy.

I feel, the cards want to tell you, you are whole and you are well. My cards have the lion as te face of this card, which also means courage. There’s nothing wrong with you or your spirit, have faith in yourself and courage and you will get through this.
It also means, you’ll need a bit more courage before you’re done, so stay your pat and hold the line, and all will be well. :sun_with_face:

  1. King of Pentacles.
    This represents yourself in the context of this question.
    You are a person of character and intelligence, a leader, reliable and wise.

I’m getting that this is more an afterthought, because I personally like things in threes, and I kept asking or more when the message is complete with the first two cards. You got a pep talk that basically says “you got this”. :smiley:

So based on that, ignore what I said before, look for bindings on you.

I would say, get some basic spiritual hygiene and grounding in place with salt bath cleansing and warding your living space from unwanted influences.
Once your at a baseline, deviances away from what’ really you should show up more easily.

If you work with entities the spirit Mehmi’on from the Book of Azazel specialises in binding (usually putting them on, but if they can put them on they can take them off) and I’ve posted here how he helped me remove family bindings in vision. We have a bunch of unhexing threads, and if you’re interested in hoodoo at all a “road opener” candle can’t hurt.