Money vs. Material Objects

Hey All,

I have heard it said that it is easier to work magick for a specific thing, than it is to work magick to bring the money to buy that thing. Eg: Perform ritual to bring a new car, not for the money to get a new car as there are ways to get a car without paying for it (like winning contests).

My question is, what entities would you use to bring the object? Would the demon or angel that can bring money, also bring whatever you want the money for? Where would you turn for material objects, not money?

Any thoughts from those more experienced with such things?

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Try evoking a being known for bringing treasure and then ask if it is in his power to bring material goods.

Personally speaking anytime I’ve done work to attain material goods I usually manifest the money to obtain it. I just visualize myself with the item I want, and imagine the sensations and satisfaction of finally having what I had been desiring.

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WanderingFool, do you work with a money manifesting entity but in your visualisation focus on the specific item?

I’d be interested in hearing some other thoughts on this. As I have a stable and profitable job having the money to buy assorted things isn’t so much of a challenge for me but if I spend money on assorted things it means that money can’t be put towards investments and establishing a stable “empire”. With this in mind I would rather try to manifest thing a bit more directly so I can separate and actively view and appreciate the two streams of income

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Generally I’ll make a sigil for what I want. I’ll usually phrase it as “it is my desire that a _____ makes itself available to me.”. It may be more to do with my mindset as I don’t expect anything to drop in my lap but instead just be attainable at a price I can afford/am comfortable paying.


1.Find appropriate sigil
2.Open sigil for spirit that helps you befriend a rich person.

Adopting Necromaster’s signature mantra of “Make Money, Fuck Bitches” when you wake up in the morning, may also be useful in attaining desired results.


Perhaps working with an entity to help guide you to kickstart your investments to the point where they can become their own money making source and allow you to put the money from your job into other avenues of growth. For example using your investment profits to purchase tracts of property and become a landlord. This income will be completely independent of your job, is profitable (as long as good tennants are rented to) and can further fund your investments for future goals and lead to expansion especially with people being in a housing crisis at the moment. homes are relatively cheap for purchase and many people have no option but to rent as they don’t have the credit/income to purchase a home in this economy.

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[quote=“Frater Apotheosis, post:5, topic:1000”]1.Find appropriate sigil
2.Open sigil for spirit that helps you befriend a rich person.

Adopting Necromaster’s signature mantra of “Make Money, Fuck Bitches” when you wake up in the morning, may also be useful in attaining desired results.

F.A. i like the way you think Lol

Personally I would prefer to manifest the money. Everyone seems to think that if you can manifest the actual material object (house, car, etc) then that’s it, you’re done. WRONG!

Let’s use the house example. Say you manifest a house. Nothing major, say a $400,000 house. Say you won the house via some sort of contest or inherited it from a rich uncle you only met a few times when you were a kid but he took a liking to you and left you a house. Ok, so you got a house. Now how about the bills? Taxes? Maintenance and upkeep, especially if you don’t live there full time. Someone has to cut the grass and keep it clean. If you don’t pay taxes on it expect a visit from the county sheriff. The same goes for a car. You manifest a car. Great. Now it’s time to get insurance on it (if you live in the US), gas, maintenance, and if you’re a young buck like myself you’ll probably do a few modifications to the car. All these things cost MONEY. People seem to forget that. Manifesting a car or a house isn’t always the answer.

Why not just manifest the actual money so you can acquire whatever material objects you want and also have the money for whatever other fiscal responsibilities come with it? That’s how I see things.

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1.Find appropriate sigil 2.Open sigil for spirit that helps you befriend a rich person. 3.Befriend 4.??? 5.Profit

Adopting Necromaster’s signature mantra of “Make Money, Fuck Bitches” when you wake up in the morning, may also be useful in attaining desired results.


Number 4 should be to get them to invest in any business or invention ideas that you may have…after they run it by their lawyer(s) of course. I think we all know that 90% of the ideas that most people have are already in existence or wouldn’t be profitable.