Money Spells (And Other Workings) That Yielded Results

So can you give us an update on your life with the financial spirits and if things kept going in the direction you wanted financially?




Hi Tami try using the primordial abundance of Jupiter ritual by J D Temple from E A’s anthology of sorcery volumes 1 2 and 3
if that can’t make them loosen the purse strings nothing will.I have done that ritual twice and the results have been awesome, the first time, one of my big customers who were a pain in the arse because they never paid on time sometimes I would have to wait 4 months and then it would only be three quarters of the bill paid and then I would have to yell at them again and would then wait another month for the rest it was really annoying as they were a multi million pound a year profit company and should have know better.
Enter the primordial spirits of Jupiter Three days before I did the ritual i handed this company £1200.00 worth of invoices which as I handed them in I made a mental note to expect the payment in 3 to 4 months.
Three days later I did the ritual and then forgot about it. Five days after that I looked on my internet banking and couldn’t understand why there was so much money in the account.(an extra £1200.00)
This company for the last 20 years has always paid by cheque which i then had to bank and wait for clearance to use the funds and five days after the ritual it was paid and done.

the second time i used the ritual someone owed me £200 from 2 and a half years ago and I had given up any thought of collecting it that transaction was in my mind when i did the ritual but didn’t give it much thought because the guy was very illusive.I did the ritual on the full moon which happened to fall on the day of Jupiter and i did it during the hour of Jupiter at about 3 am in the morning I have to say it felt really good.
10 days later I had a phone call from the guy “can I come now in about 20 minutes and pay you what I owe you” it was the first time ever that he turned up when he said he would turn up and I was astounded.(Thank you Jupiter and your primordial spirits you have made life so much easier ) Thanks to J D Temple for submitting it and Eric for including it in the book.
If you don’t have the book you need to get it, it’s not cheap but worth every penny .and if you can’t afford it yet look at the video J D put on u tube he has done a live video of the ritual and when you have done the ritual you will be able to afford the book win win all round. Herbie


From what I’m reading, it should be 27 times.

I evoke Bune.
I have successfully found housing, increased sales and money and goods finding themselves to me in odd ways.

I petition Bune on Thursdays, very early morning with Green candles, offerings of Oranges,Blood, Rum and Honey.

I use Bunes Enn and a detailed petition.


I can not remember in what book I found it exactly.
But the method is the following, on a piece of paper or a check that we are not going to use, we put a quantity or a phrase that represents a quantity of money (example: money to buy a new car)
It is important to put “all paid” in the payer’s area.
Then store it in a remote place and forget it.

Months was it due to this? I do not know, I received a check in the mailbox, which represented multiplying my salary x5 or x6 times. I could’nt believe it.
There was a judicial issue with my house claimed judicially, but I did not expect any return of money and 2 years later, if only the value of 1 salary, no more.
Nervously I went to the bank, and asked if it was real or an advertising strategy. Because the check arrived in a normal envelope to the mailbox, without certification. It could have easily disappeared.

If it was due to the check I made on a piece of paper … you have to find out and tell me.


Motivated to buy… when double extra funds turns up


You won’t be disappointed just reading it feels extremely powerful and so far I’ve not any complaints it has paid for it’s self probably eight times over and continues to be a book to return to regularly when I get a problem Happy Magick Herbie


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I need to learn how ti do this.

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that’s an amazing story Herbie thanks so much for sharing

Don’t you just love magick when it works it’s pretty special:smile_cat::smile_cat::smile_cat::smile_cat::smile_cat:


What do you do with coins once your done with the trinka five spell ?

I think you boof them. @Infantry_grunt_Warri

What do you mean by that ?

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Consciousness not the rituals or entities is the key. That is the only reality. In your cases, visualising using the Silva method must be, for some reason, more effective in shifting your consciousness into alignment with the desire.

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I’m currently new to magick and use LOA frequently, in fact it’s what brought me here. Anyway the “I’m a money magnet” and “money flows to you” are 2 of my favourite meditations I started with listening to on YouTube. What a great idea @GaiasGirl!.. and so easy to make! :slight_smile: I always remove the magnets from the backs of ugly fridge calendars/advertising material and use them for making other ornamental magnets. Can’t believe I didn’t think of this! Going to dig through my bag for a $2 coin and do this :slight_smile: Oh and the “money magnet” LOA affirmations worked for me twice. Once time I was moving house and found my hidden stash of $1000 I had long forgotten about in an old handbag, and the second time my bf at the time offered to help cover a partial amount of my bills/rent which helped immensely at the time, and my mum offered to pay to fix my car (unfortunately that last one didn’t work out as let’s just say she never keeps her promises :roll_eyes:).

I’m a money magnet! :money_mouth_face:


It worked
Thank you

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Hi Nitika What can I say Thank you doesn’t seem to cut it somehow but it was your unmistakable panache that made it so on the 12th december hour of Jupiter I started an 11 day ritual to Nitika using the New avatar power book formula ie the meditation middle pillar fountains ritual and thelight shifting ritual and followed that through with using the planetary colours and timings I was completely skint with not a penny to my name and I told him I wanted to go on a course to learn a change of career which would initially cost me about £4500.and told him that when i had finished the course i wanted enough money to fund my new career but I would ask him for that later
5 days after starting the ritual I got a call from out of nowhere saying that a company that I had been dealing with in 2012 had gone bust and because I had an account with them I was entitled to compensation back which I would receive in about march.
Today less than one month later a solicitor has just today placed £36,000 in my account
for which I had to do less than maybe two hours work Nitika you are priceless Thank you so much how can i ever repay you back Happy Magick