Money keeps getting blocked

Hey everyone! So, for the last 4.5 years, I have been working on some money with some partners of mine thats now finally, due to come in, but nearly every time we’re about to get it, a monkey wrench keeps getting thrown in our path and prevents us from doing so. My partners and i have been paying out the ass to our lawyers, banks, and courts to get this money and we keeo getting charged and hit with problems with the court’s, and i should point out that this isnt a little bit of money. I’m talking a huge amount.

I need ideas of who i should summon to remove these obstacles so the money can finally manifest and put this all behind us. Ive tried with Belial, Salas’ash and only so much happens and not sure who else can help. I’ve been thinking of Lucifuge but need ideas to remove the obstacles that keep preventing us from getting the money. Thank you!


Try Mammon!

Can he remove obstacles? I know that hes the King of Greed. Whats his sigil?

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I don’t know his sigil but I’m currently participating in a group ritual that @Lux_Anguis channeled from Mammon. The ritual is giving us permanent wealth fortitude and more.

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I recommend the Spirits found in the book “Lucifer and The Hidden Demons”. The path workings for Lucifer and his Demon helpers are very effective in contacting them. The book introduces two Demons who would be able to help in your situation. You might want contact one or both of them. The help I’ve received from the Demons has been quick, effective and timely for the situation.

Rosaran - To bring fortune in a legal situation.
In some legal situations, you need luck, otherwise known as fortune. This ritual can increase your chances of having things go your way, even when you are in the wrong.

Corilon - To crush the ambitions of somebody who wishes to defeat you in a legal argument.
Even the humblest people find themselves embroiled in legal situations, such as when a family member unfairly contests a will. This power will crush the ambition of that person. Name them in the ritual, and Corilon will take away their ambition, The legal proceedings will either be brought to a halt or will proceed with such a lack of energy that you will win.

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Can you put a link for the book or so, so i can see it in the book and see the sigils? Thanks!

It’s pathworking so there are no sigils. And you can easily find the book on Amazon, just search for “Lucifer and the Hidden Demons.”

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It is written by Theodore Rose. There are several threads here in this forum on the topic. Search will find several, but here is one ;

Are there free books or resources for this.
