Money and Job Magic (Structured Practice & Results)

When I first posted I was living with bad people while seeking a job and feeling down. I did a ritual to invoke Mars & it’s intelligence angel Graphiel. That night something comforted me and I got a job within days after months of looking.

Now I’ve moved, got a different job, and proved to myself that money magic can work, although the money came from bad events. I’ve since learned to do more protection & grounding before. Thanks to the person who shared that & other money rituals here: Money Spells with valuable information!

I’ve added things that worked for me below & my planned practice. Feel free to share if something has worked for you. I’m not spending money on books at this time. A lot of things can be found for free.


  1. Unblock and open roads for a fresh beginning then weekly or as needed:

Get a black candle, red pepper flakes or chili power (any hot herb to remove negative energies), Road opener oil or incense, and salt. Shower (or take a bath) with intention & throw salt over yourself or create a salt scrub. Alternatively spray yourself with Florida water or salt mixed with water if you can’t shower

Ground by connecting to the Earth (Google 1 of the many ways) & throw protection on yourself & the home. Visualize it. I also use an incense like frankincense

Wipe the candle to remove debris and add drops of Road Opener oil to it then light it. Optional: Use a small candle or cut the black candle down to save time. Add cinnamon & other prosperity herbs plus an image on your phone or printed version of what you seek.

Clean your space then make a circle around your body using the salt & red pepper flakes. If you wanna invoke something ask it to remove any blockages, enemies, bad luck, etc. Or demand those things are removed in a forceful voice while visualizing a cleansing & powerful force or light sweeping over you & your home to remove them. You can use thoughts if speaking isn’t optional. If inclined imagine a large, fiery sword from within cutting them.

Implore protection from future enemies and unseen blockages. See roads & doors being opened and unblocked for what you want. Let the candle burn & stare into the flame. Connect with it and see your desire being created in the flame and obstacles burned away. Destruction and creation. (Google Fire meditation)

*Some people use expensive tools & several steps but it’s not always needed. This is simple for those who are stressed or don’t have a lot of money and time. Believe in the results to come.

  1. Subliminal daily:
    This subliminal helped me get $100 in less than 24hrs of doing it. Ground first, add protection, and focus the mind. No doubts.
  1. Easy Job/Opportunity Spell weekly:
    Pay the Little Ones (using coins):
    Go into your favorite grassy area that helps you feel close to nature. Spend some time with the area, blending into the energies that live there. When you are finished, toss a handful of pennies, the brighter and shinier the better, into the grass and tell the little ones who live there that they may keep the coins if they will go find financial opportunities for you to explore. Don’t worry. They are happy to work on the cheap like that.

Source (includes other money & prosperity spells):

My results: this got me interviews. Don’t rush & do it in a nice field or positive feeling area after mediating or sitting in silence to connect with the energies. Really feel it & be grateful for what you do have.

  1. Pay it forward when you can:
    Simply help others in small ways. Give a homeless person food even if it’s an apple, ask someone if they’re ok if they look down, give positive energy to those who need it even if it’s a smile. Expect nothing back, but I’ve gotten things when I needed it. Being negative often when others can have it worse isn’t good. If you aren’t starving in the streets hopelessly addicted to drugs, be grateful and help someone.

Source: same as above. See her list for the “Pay it forward” actions

  1. Use the law of attraction (just kidding hahah…I’ve found new age mumbo jumbo is bullshit. Don’t waste money buying someone’s course or materials especially when they aren’t rich. Modern “gurus” just want your money)

  2. Positively write the end goal of what you seek then write the steps to obtain it backwards. Place the list somewhere you can see it often. Make the steps so small that you can take consistent action over time. Use a goal setting phone app instead if inclined. We must have goals or something to march towards. Idle time spent doing nothing is harmful.

My results: I’ve manifested things by writing or wanting them. Spooky. This also happens when my thoughts are very negative. Maybe I put myself in this situation by not believing in my abilities and giving up. Now is not the time to continue down that path. Words and thoughts have power. Don’t use them against yourself. Hard lesson.

  1. Getting a rose of Jericho and adding symbols of prosperity to my environment. I got cheap seeds to grow rosemary and basil plants. Working out for a strong body & mind. Turning a page overall from depressed to creating what’s needed.

  2. Personal: my homie Mars and everything related in positive aspects. Mars helps with a strong will, motivation, focus, action, invigoration, protection, fierceness, bravery…this isn’t for everyone as people should review their birth charts to see which planets are strong & positively aspected but he’s my homie.

If anyone has things to share feel free:) These things have worked so I’ll make them a consistent practice. My work before was sporadic. I’ll share more results & things as I go.


Another small, thing you can do, is get your notebook out, and write into it everyday 10 times. I receive infinite respect, abundance, prosperity, and joyous happenings everyday. and watch what happens after 3 days, of just doing it. I wrote the respect and joyous for you as your situation has had bad events and negative impacts on your mind and life. and at the end of the 10 put so it shall be / it is done !

and I’ll add a secret little tip for this

write in black market to manifest it one line
write in green the next line to manifest money
write in red the next line to manifest speed for it to manifest
and do these colors every other line till the ten are done
should be 4 black written out 3 green and 3 red in that sentence above and at the end use black to write so it shall be it is done !

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Oh look it’s you! Thanks:) I’ll also give that a try.

I want to add trying work with Saint Expedite. I like this woman’s detailed ritual video. I’ve never worked with him so I’ll make a brief introduction with a candle and his image before asking for help to see if I should proceed.

My ritual with Saint Expedite will be simpler using a white candle, gold glitter, a glass of water offering, and a request for money & opportunities. Once fulfilled I’ll give cake as mentioned by others then throw it away after a day or so.

I’ll do Grounding and protection first as always. I’ve heard very good things about him across different cultures. He’s also big in Hispanic countries with many churches dedicated to him.

I’ll provide an update if I see results.

I learned how to make a cash book to contact the genie Nitika. I learned from Damon Brand’s Cashbook book but wondered who is Nitika…

Why am I going to work with or call to someone without knowing who they are? Why trust blindly in someone or not know who someone is which I feel is disrespectful. If you ask me for money or something you should at least know WHO I AM.

So I researched Nitika. They’re a genie from the “84 Genies of Power” by Tristan Whitespire & mentioned in other books like New Avatar Power with at least 2 different sigils in print.

Their origin of being mentioned goes back further to Apollonius and others. Many report the cash book works.

Damon Brand apparently curses people who get his books for free so you must buy them. His cash book is an art project. It requires buying & making a book with one side being completely gray and the other side being orange. Get the book to see exactly what’s needed.

Tristan Whitespire’s book has a super easy ritual without a cash book that doesn’t require money and time to create. He didn’t create a curse if you do it for free. Find the sigil he used. Easy. It’s different from Brand’s

NOTE: Some people don’t have to use a cash book after some time! They connect with the spirit or energy of Nitika. They have a direct connection to abundance or prosperity! Research what genies are.

Nitika is over the 6th hour and rules precious stones. New Avatar Power uses Nitika and is also available for free with no curse & so is connecting or establishing a relationship with the genie spirit Nitika. 83 genies in addition to Nitika. 83. Find another who may be able to help you better.

The other 83 are worth looking into. Why aren’t they spoken about?

Always Read source materials. Damon Brand made accessing such spirits easier to digest and purchase from him, but source materials or experiments are free & could possibly lead to more. Try and see. Especially if you need help with things these spirits who are neither demons nor angels could help with.

I’m sharing as new age & authors seeking profit or gate keeping knowledge hinder people’s progress. 84 genies. 84 who are not angels or demons. They should be known. They sound lovely.


no curse? …yoink!

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Since I posted 2 days ago I got $300 in one day, but not in a way I wanted or thought. 2 situations presented themselves and it was right to take action. Literally minutes right after each other without much.

I’m still using subliminals & tried to contact Nitika without using the cash book from Brand’s book as I wanted a connection outside of it, but I recommend trying the cashbook or directly connect with the genie Nitika or other genies & spirits. The connection I made with Nitika felt very faint.

I’ll finish reading New Avatar Power & continue taking action. Everything needs a catalyst, spark, or funnel. I’m sharing some results, but feel the need for silence henceforth for workings. The NAP book is also super cheesy…

Orobas is great by the way! I left him wine as a sign of friendship and felt it was well received. Coffee can also be left for demons if you can’t use alcohol. I look forward to getting to know some spirits & I’m not perfect but we’re human. A great user also taught me to not plead or grovel. Stand firm, don’t fear, and command firmly but not rude. Will see what that does.

I’m also sharing to encourage others who find this. Don’t give up. Take action & do inspired magic. Mental magic works if you can’t afford tons of tools & materials. I’ve found not all of that is needed. I didn’t believe that, but found it to true. We can’t always practice openly. Do all you can & create funnels for activity to flow to you. Idk much but it’s helped.

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