Not a problem starting reading literature Eve if it feels boring or basic you’ll be happy you did happy holidays also keep florida water in your home I use it before and after I do rituals it protects me I pour it in a pray bottle and spray myself from head to toe all over basically begin my ritual then I use it again after I’m done.
Yes I know the recipe of florida water
Thank you
getting herbs would be difficult for me
Also you mentioned the baneful powder
Florida water is charged with a particular deity or loa for protection against all negative entities its something i recommend keep in yoúr home at all times
It’s a plethora of herbs and powders I have plenty powders simply because I make my own or I order some but I learned how to make a lot of baneful powders if i run out of the ones I order. I have a platform where i call myself kitchen bitch because i make most of my pwders from herbs in my kitchen or if i buy certain powders such as black arts pwder i do a half and half mix of graveyard dirt black arts powder and my own powders that i make and I sprinkle these powders on my petition to bring forth whatever request I wrote on my petition to be done to my target that may have wronged me I got powders and oils i use for my love spells lately love spells is something I’ve been working on a lot lately.
Congratulations honey. That what I’m talking. I’m going to continue to keep working with him.
The basic story that includes this is here, though I left the “thin air” part out:
I’ve experienced being borderline stalked already due to something I posted, which was misread and a load of wishful thinking added by the reader, so I err on the side of caution.
Luckily E.A. writes books for a living, has a shit-ton of guns, and no such bashfulness about those types of things, so I refer you to Ipsissimus, where he describes a spontaneous manifestation of fruit.
Congratulations on your success, if you ever want to do some investing and grow that money let me know. I work in motion picture ventures. Most people don’t know that the studio only puts up 30% of a film’s budget and the rest is all private equity. Elon Musk actually made a good portion of his fortunes investing in movies and people think he did it all by selling electric cars Lol
And you’re not letting me pitch a script? I feel betrayed, Adam.
I’ll go cry myself to death in a lonely corner.
You have a script written?
No, but I can write one or at least pitch an idea.
I think I told you I’m a writer and broken (and yes, I do have some English stuff ready to go)
Ok PM me and tell me about what you got
Ohhh girl thanks!!!
I thought that you couldn’t ask for money in a ritual with Bune and then the same money ritual to Claun eck. Don’t two two rituals collide?
I looked up motion picture investing because I never knew it was something that was done. I invest in stocks so I assumed it wouldn’t take a lot of money to get started with investing in films…I knew it would probably take a lot of money, but when I saw the amounts of the investments needed for some of the films
It does seem very lucrative and I’m very interested nonetheless, because I absolutely love investing. I have some research to do later & then will do a ritual or two…maybe 5 or 10 to come up with the money to invest.
Where’d you get that info
I read it on some sites on the internet. Does it mean, you can ask the same thing to different demons on different times?
Yes. DM me
I agree with you about why wouldn’t magick work. If we are doubtful it can happen to anyone else then we are projecting that failure onto ourselves. Maybe we could reframe it. Look at all the positive and extraordinary results and focus on how easy it is to receive extraordinary Infernal Blessings through Magick. This eliminates any subconscious doubts that may hinder our Magick and Growth.