Mike B's Djinn Working Journal

6-17-22 Friday 1pm

Well I botched the above ritual this morning when I chose to do the astrological calculations longhand instead of just having it computer generated. My bad :pensive: I missed my window of Venus hours.

So what do you do when this happens.

Try again!

I’ll be starting now


Oh everyone I forgot to share this with you. This is some music I like to play in the backdrop of my Djinn workings.

This is beautiful music and really gets you in the mood to connect with the Djinn.




Today’s operation

My foster mom has two friends. Old ladies. These women are constantly asking my foster mom about my immigration status ( which frankly is a whole other can of worms, I really can’t afford to get caught by immigration without the money to fix the situation…). I’m tired of thier endless prying and meddling. I’m going to bind thier thoughts away from me.

Bind Somebody in Thought

Binding somebody in thought can have many uses. It can make them unaware of your actions or
make them inefficient and unable to do their best work. The ritual works by making the person
get stuck in loops of thought, unable to focus on much else. You should set a time limit on this,
usually of a few days. It will wear off within a week anyway, so deliberately narrowing it to a
particular time period can actually give it more strength. You need to know the person and name
them in the ritual, but you don’t need to specify the particular thought that will get stuck.
Go through your initial preparation, perform The Opening Ritual, then continue as follows. Say:
By the power of Kasfaya’il
I call on you,
Mighty King, Abu Nuh Maimun
Speak your request.
Speak the names of the three Jinn; Mirdas, Harith, Khyfth.
Watch the flame as instructed and then close the ritual by blowing out the candle.

Let’s give this the standard two weeks and see if there’s improvement.



You are Filipino, I’m Filipino too living in Australia. Is it ok to message you?

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@Luna_Freya You can message me, I’m actually American but I live in the philippines. I do understand Tagalog pretty well ( for a foreigner) if you’re more comfortable with that.

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Interesting, thanks for sharing.

I already tried this method from C. Hargrove a few years ago, but whitout results.
I’ve been thinking about trying again with some changes.


May I ask which rituals? Because I found something interesting studying the divine names employed. Malik is said to rule over the hosts of hell according to a Sufi order and is in charge to keep divine balance. This means that he may have blocked parts of the magic if it wasn’t in “tune” with cosmic balance or straight up baneful without justification.


I don’t want to hijack this excellent thread, so I will start another one later.

Basically it’s a mix of Ben Qayin’s (The Book of Smokeless Fire) with C. Hargrove along with representing entities on a circle with a triangle inside, using 9 custom candles and a pit fire.

I still need to study and plan more before trying a ritual, some steps to define and research to be done.

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This is in response to the ritual on 6-17-22

To make someone see the worst in another.

My friend wife was getting hit on but that peaky guy at her said that all of it has stopped and there hasnt been a bit if bad behavior out of him.

I call this ritual a decisive success

Thank you Djinn :man_genie:


Please update us on this it sounds interesting. :thinking:



I really have no other working I could do that actually makes sense today other than this one.

I’ve been seriously neglecting a pact and it’s work and just feel parched like my well has run dry.

I need inspiration and I need it like yesterday.

Ok the results on this are gonna be really subjective we know that. Let’s see what the djinn have got. :man_genie:

To Unleash Inspiration
When you need ideas, the Jinn will connect you to a flow of inspirational thinking. This can be
used for creative work, in business, or any time that you feel the need for more inspiration. You
can guide the ritual to a specific area of life (such as writing a book), or let it be more general in
nature so that you are more readily inspired all the time.
Go through your initial preparation, perform The Opening Ritual, then continue as follows. Say:
By the power of Ruqaya’il
I call on you,
Mighty King, Al-Mudhib Abu 'Abdallah Sa’id
Speak your request.
Speak the names of the three Jinn; Hamran, Harthamah, Murrah.
Watch the flame as instructed and then close the ritual by blowing out the candle.


6-27-22 Monday morning

In addition to yesterday’s inspiration magick I’m attacking the problem from this angle too.

Again results are gonna be subjective but I gotta get my mojo back asap

Reverse a negative cycle
This ritual can be used to break habits or to reverse any situation that appears to be continually
worsening. If you direct this at a habit, ask that you be rid of all desire and opportunity to indulge
in the habit. Other negative cycles often involve relationships; your boss dislikes you more, and
your work becomes worse; you argue with your partner and the arguments become more cruel;
you get into boring routines instead of going out, making love, and living a good life. Any
negative cycle can be reversed, so that positive improvement is seen. The skills is to spot the
cycle and determine that it needs to be reversed. When you do, magick will help reverse it for
Go through your initial preparation, perform The Opening Ritual, then continue as follows. Say:
By the power of Shamhoriz
I call on you,
Mighty King, Murrah al-Abyad Abu al-Harith Abu al-Nur
Speak your request.
Speak the names of the three Jinn; Shytub, Arhbh, Fatrah.
Watch the flame as instructed and then close the ritual by blowing out the candle.

Thank you Djinn :man_genie:


6-26 & 6-27 works have been good for me. I know this purely subjective buy I’m going to give the 6-26 ritual a marginal success. I don’t feel inspired per say but I got out of the funk I was in. 6-27 I think was stronger were Gonna call that a decisive success.

Thank you to my Djinn for thier service :man_genie:


7-5-22 Tues 223 pm

Today we’ve got some fantastic djinn experiments to do.

Encourage Burnout in Another
Burnout is a condition that makes it almost impossible to work, with an array of physical,
emotional and psychological discomfort. It not only hurts, but it damages careers and lives.
People who suffer burnout can come back from it renewed and improved, so be aware that
although it may seem cruel, you might actually be giving somebody a spiritual transformation
that eventually brings them great benefit. It’s not the best revenge tool, because of that, but can
be used when you want to set somebody back, force them to change, or just make them suffer for
a while. Some people never recover from burnout; if you know somebody who is already
overworked, there’s a good chance this ritual could weaken them beyond the point where they
could make a full recovery.
Go through your initial preparation, perform The Opening Ritual, then continue as follows. Say:
By the power of Samsama’il
I call on you,
Mighty King, Al-Ahmar Abbu Muhrez
Speak your request.
Speak the names of the three Jinn; Nawdar, Tythamah, 'Ayzar.
Watch the flame as instructed and then close the ritual by blowing out the candle.

I found a suitable A Hole to test this out on. Let’s give this a three week time line. I’m watching the A Holes social media and I’ll monitor it for things turning to shit on him. I do hope a spiritual transformation occurs for him because right now he’s just an A Hole!



7-6-22 932 am

Ok Wednesdays experiment is as follows. Now this is totally new ground for me but I’m frankly excited about it. Lemme tell you about this woman I’ve been trying to nail for YEARS. C.L.G she is a bad girl. I’ve almost had her two or three times but it fell apart on me before I could seal the deal. Now she recently messaged me and the cycle could be repeating again. This time let’s unlock the situation and get down to business.:heart:

To unlock a situation

When there’s a situation that refuses to change, no matter how hard you impress your will or
your magick upon it, you can consider this to be a locked situation. Sometimes a situation is
locked deliberately through another’s willpower, decision, and magick, but more often,
circumstances are locked in place through habits, beliefs, fear and other emotions that may lie
beneath consciousness. For example, a relationship that never ends or improves is locked. A
business that gets by but never increases its profits may be locked. When you call on the Jinn to
unlock a specific situation, you should name it or describe it in a way that you understand. When
you unlock something, the change that follows is not guaranteed to be positive; you are only
given the potential to make a difference, so be ready to make a difference.
Go through your initial preparation, perform The Opening Ritual, then continue as follows. Say:
By the power of Dardyyil
I call on you,
Mighty King, Barqan
Speak your request.
Speak the names of the three Jinn; Furuq, Zawba’ah, al-Hurth.
Watch the flame as instructed and then close the ritual by blowing out the candle.

Let’s give this three weeks to start opening up…
Possibilities :heart::man_genie:


7-13-22 Wednesday

Today I’ll be doing the ritual for abundance.

To Increase Abundance
Use this ritual when you want more of something. Most likely you want more money, and I
know you will probably aim this ritual at money sometimes, but it works most effectively when
what you ask for is more imaginative. You can request an abundance of pleasure, time,
sensuality, opportunity, or relaxation. The potential of this ritual is easy to overlook, but when
you ask for increased abundance in any area of life, you will come to love this ritual. If you
allow it to surprise you and give it time to work. It can bring the most gratifying results.
Go through your initial preparation, perform The Opening Ritual, then continue as follows. Say:
By the power of Dardyyil
I call on you,
Mighty King, Barqan
Speak your request.
Speak the names of the three Jinn; Naman, Shimr’al, Ashja’.
Watch the flame as instructed and then close the ritual by blowing out the candle.

Hopefully we have good fortune with this. Well give it two or three weeks


The Djinn altar and sandlewood incense


A curious experiment that you can try is using the Elders, i may try that today. :smiley:

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Yeah you know there is alot of different ways to do this isn’t there. BALG is awesome In that it has some pipe hard hitting information about the Djinn. Alot of people don’t give offerings. Even the book Practical djinn magick says not to give offerings. I give thanks and gratitude and burn sandlewood because I know they are drawn to the scent.

For the purposes of this journal though I’m just staying with the script of the book.

I want people to see what kind of success/failure ratios they can expect with this system and what kind of results I personally got.


Yup, i am doing the same, i offer them incense stick in general rose, even if it was forbidden in the book of Hargrove. Some research showed me that Moroccan people gave regular offerings of food/ incense to the Jinn. The Jupiter King is very famous over there ! :open_mouth:

The only problem i got, it’s not the system, but my reality is “frozen”, i need to unfreeze and do some actions on the mundane, to work with them in an optimal way, and make my life more enchantable.