Well I’ve decided to change the schedule Abit.
I’m going to do two Djinn magick rituals per week starting this Wednesday.
It’ll be Wednesday and Thursday this week
Next week Friday and Saturday
The following week Sunday and Monday
I want to cover all the days and thier different Kings and find out who I jive best with.
I also want to get a pretty wide variety of experimentation dine with the different rituals of the days. I’ll be trying not to repeat a specific purpose ritual, each one once is kinda what I’m going for here.
So that’s it.
The timeline on the tasks I give will be from immediate to approximately two weeks. If I haven’t seen success from an operation in that kind of timeline then I won’t be chalking the operation up as a success ( unless it’s verifiable that it did manifest but later than the allotted timeline).
Let’s talk about the opening ritual of the book.
I’m going to give you my slightly abridged version of Hargroves instructions.
Take a black candle and a piece of Sandlewood incense ( it works like Djinn bait) and begin by imagining the universe in total blackness. Concentrate on the flame and that alone.
Begin chanting “EL” in rhythmic, monotone cadence.
Imagine the the universe in the first spark or explosion of activity and see it expanding outward in all directions. Feel this timeless fire and know this is the essence of the Mighty Djinn.
Connect with the flame and know the Djinn are near, repeat “EL” three to five minutes.
Speak “Takah, Zariel, Shaqhamunishish, Eheyeh Ashur Eheyeh, Adonai Tzabaoth, El Shadai, Malik, Malika, Malikhun”
“Taliyah, Mazjal, Tarqab qalnahuwd, Barhayula, Qazmaz, Shimhahir”
Next vibrate the names of these archangels three times. Very important to note you must know the first time you call they heard you, the second time they draw near, the third they’ve come to assist you.
“Jib-ree-EL” X3
“Mik-ha- EL” x3
Next call the Djinn Elders
“Nazar, Kamtam, Kaswalah, Taecal”
Now you are ready for the next part
The calling out to the King of the day and performing your ceremony.
On your chessboard Djinn altar move the King of the day to the front center position in front of the three bishops designated to be the Djinn the King commands.
Btw I may have forgotten tidbits of the opener ritual I transcribed this by memory so if you’re a purist forgive me.
The above DOES work however I know because I’ve used it many times.
I’ll be starting Wed of this week.
Time to get some awesome practice and see the Djinn in action. Boy do they work fast too.