
Metatron speaks to me and it’s always 13, I won 20,000 on 13, I was shot on the 13th, I was just in a car accident on this past 13th. I met metatron the day I bought my first crystal, he came to me and told me that he is the prison god gave us to only see this 3 dimensional space he is every shape and hides the higher and lower planes from us because god doesn’t want us distracted from our path. He tormented me with an urge to buy 13 sphere crystals and create a metatron cube grid he told me that the 13 is our chakra system like Jesus and his 12 disciples we absorb gods light through our heart chakra and the light overflows into our surrounding six chakras and once those chakras over flow with light we open up our other six chakras like a 12 pedaled lotus, then we can see what metatron sees.


Please properly introduce yourself as requested, not just repeat the post you made in another thread. This nonsense tell us nothing about you or your experience in magick.


Those things happened and introduced me to magik I’m 30 now but been studying ritual magic, meditation, crystals, tarot, eastern chakra system, alchemy, and their relationships with all religions. Since I was shot at 22 I’ve looked into to golden dawn, Rudolph Steiner’s works, Aleister Crowley’s work with sex magic work, some astrology work.


What initially got you started in magick? :smiley:


I like your crystals. Makes me want to spend money.


Welcome @ZixNewEra :blush:


Since I was a child I spoke to spirits, then saw a full body apparition at 17 on Rosevelt Island’s abandoned tuberculosis hospital looking down at us from the second story window with 3 other friends around me, it was so solid that we thought is was a person, we proceeded to run around the chain link fence to find an opening to get inside and when we turned the corner we noticed the Hospital was just a shell and the roof and second floor didn’t exist. Then at 22 me and my friends go to the casino for the first time in Atlantic City and I keep winning at roulette on the number 13 until by the end of the night I had 20,000 dollars in chips in my pocket, the next Friday the 13th I get shot while walking to the store in a gang shootout. During my recovery something came to me in a dream and showed me 150 years in the future and told me without words that I needed to study computer science and write some book on digital human rights. It freaked me the fuck out because I had little interest in computers and still don’t want to write this book. After that dream I spoke to my father about it and he proceeded to tell me that I have royal Jewish blood in me that I’m a direct descendent of Aaron from the Bible and took me to my grandfathers grave and showed me some weird symbol of 2 hands doing the star trek sign. That’s when I started down the magick path with Kabbalah trying to find out who told me to do this was it an angel or a daemon. After buying a crystal on whim I had another insane dream where this Star of David appeared made out of changing colors of the rainbow appeared and didn’t say anything or do anything it was just there and very beautiful when I woke up I had gained knowledge that I never knew before about the significance of the number 13 and why the number follows me, it gave me the urge to buy 13 crystal balls and told me that he is the mental prison in our heads that only allows us to only see 3D shapes and that past him you can see all of the realms above and below you after you fill up your 13 chakras with gods love. I proceeded to look up this Star of David type thing on the internet and find out that it’s metatron and that our mental prison is metatron’s cube and that metatron gives people knowledge and is the word of god, so when god spoke the universe into existence metatron scribed it for our minds to comprehend and beyond him is the realms above and below.image image

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What an intro!
Welcome to BALG

Thank you I even have a tat of metatron and all my other tats have 13 symbolism in it


Interesting, because Leonard Nimoy did explain that was a Jewish symbol, so if you can submit to our rules on here I am sure you’ll find many interesting things, and thank you for replying in full. :+1:

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Sounds great here is my alter now; I want to get some sigils for a few angels and demons to add to it. I want to get 6 angels and 6 demon sigils plus a metatron sigil for the middle


Metatron has been floating around a lot and has even come up in readings other people have done for me. Interesting.

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What an interesting fella.
Welcome to BALG. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the warm welcome. If anyone knows some angels and demons that bring prosperity and knowledge and possibly work well under metatron?


I dont know if they work “under” Metatron, but they certainly work “with” him:

Raphael: keeper of knowledge
Zadkiel: prosperity, lost knowledge/memories
Uriel: success in business
Ariel: manifestation of ressources
Raziel: understanding complex information
Jeremiel: getting spiritual visions


Thanks for the info I’m going to start researching them now, do they have demon counterparts because I want to have an as above so below type deal with the two triangles with the sigils under the spheres and have a silver and gold chain in two triangle shapes to contain them with 6 obsidian scrying mirrors pointed at their counter part at each corner.

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I just saw your reply.

Do you meditate?

Yep I enjoy meditation