Something I’ve noticed over the years with RHP and LHP practitioners, each side even though we all are seeking answers and knowledge, will refuse to read each others grimores , religious texts, manual’s, ancient tombs, the simple solution in the search for truth is duality, polarise the texts, if one is Lhp, then read a rhp text and polarise the methods, similarly rhp people can read a demonic text and reverse the methods.
The way I look at it we are all seeking truth and denying yourselves the library’s and wealth of knowledge on each side just doesn’t make sense to me, I read anything I can get my hands on if its insightful, if I dont agree with the methods I just polarise it so to speak, use duality to ones benefit, you’ll be greatly appreciate the wisdom to be found, seriously dont write off knowledge because it seems too dark or too rhp inclined. Happy truth seeking brothers and sister’s.
I’ve noticed before some have expressed views on here about not wanting to read certain texts because of lhp and rhp bias, there’s a lot of LHP here that wont bother with rhp texts though, I just want to let them know they are missing out.
, also according to my numerology charts, my path Is that of a spiritual guide/teacher, also according to my psychology readings too.
I’m somewhat conflicted though as some people don’t flip to beliefs or judgment’s like I do so when I spread a certain message it can have real consequences for some, my biggest fear is, the sheer volume of people I’ve turned on and off their spiritual path’s, if one really is judged upon death, will the souls I turned on and away from their predestined paths sink my eternal salivation.
I agree. I think for us to truly ascend and become the gods that we are, we must realize that left or right, black or white, dark or light are all irrelevant. In the end, perfect power comes from harmony among all things.
Actually, Yahweh does not enjoy the smell of burnt human flesh, he repeatedly decries the idea of human sacrifice, calling it an abomination. The idea of “soothing/pleasing aroma” is only regarding animal sacrifices, and the smoke from those sacrifices joined the cloud of smoke of Yahweh above the Tabernacle.
I’m outspoken in favour of the LHP (my definition of what that is, and why it cannot be run alongside RHP is here for anyone interested) and yet I reached this conclusion after many years spent ON the RHP, committed to that, both because I thought it was the most moral path, and also, as a kind of meta-suicide to escape this reality.
I therefore am neither leaving power on the table (so to speak) when I reject all RHP-oritented GOALS (such as merger and loss of ego, dissolution into formless harmony with the All) nor am I required to avoid anything useful I find in a book by an author for whom that’s thewir final goal.
While that’s just one experience, I know I’m not the only person who is now committed to the LHP but has gone a long way along the RHP first, and therefore I am speaking out because I see straw-men all over different kinds of discourse, be it spiritual, political, there’s always “those dumb people we all know about who do X” and yet almost no-one has actually found one exact example that fits that narrative, and has nothing more complex going on.
This was my experience, and why I swapped destination:
What’s the best approach/method for getting in to reiki, did you do a workshop, I feel spoiled for choice, Reiki, tai chi, , Kundalini Yoga, they all do energy work so that’s my major interest as I’ve already woken Shakti I just need help getting the bride to Shiva her consort.
Personally I don’t really care what path the author is. If it has information that interests me, I’ll read it. However most of my interests are LHP oriented, because I believe the right hand path is spiritual cuckholdry.
Now you listen to me:
God sent himself, to sacrifice himself to himself, in order to save humanity from himself.
What’s wrong with you? Doesn’t that make sense?
And if you don’t love God with all of your heart and soul he loves you so much that you’re going to burn in Hell forever.
Mystery school called Gods Inner Faith and Temple Sanctuary (G.I.F.T.S.) attuned me to Usui Reiki Lvl 3, At Mu Ra Reiki Lvl 3, and Karuna Ki Reiki Lvl 3