I just saw this powerful message/channeling on youtube from this woman named China:
thanks for the share - I think this goes for the lot of them. I think that is why I am seeing results I went from park with breaks on and chalks on the wheels to 4 wheel drive…
Any spirit that makes up excuses for why it doesn’t deliver is a con artist. He’s eating the energy you feed him instead of using it to get results. It’s a transactional relationship, not a fucking religion. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever EVER grovel to ANY spirit EVER. NEVER ask a spirit what to do, NEVER let a spirit tell you what to do, NEVER let a spirit take your energy and try to hand you philosophy/religion instead of tangible results.
If a demon doesn’t deliver, evoke it using the 5th pentacle of Mars. Force it to swear to use all the energy and resources at its disposal to deliver results within an explicit, reasonable time frame. If it tries to resist you, have the spirits of Mars work it over. Force it to use its own energy and DO NOT FEED IT ANYMORE OF YOURS - no matter what, even if it delivers, and do not make any bargains or promises - it already conned you once. YOU called it into YOUR reality, gave it energy and a vehicle to work through and a task to perform. This creates a contractual, work-for-hire type relationship. If it STILL doesn’t deliver, cut it out of your life completely - destroy all sigils/talismans/links to it and discard everything it ever told you. Disregard the people who say THEY got results with that spirit. We’ve all hired somebody our friends praised to the skies only to find they had a terrible attitude, lied about their capabilities, and did the shittiest job imaginable. We’ve all bought a lemon that had glowing reviews.
If you hired a contractor and paid him money to build you a deck and he showed up at your house with Christian Science pamphlets, gave you a long lecture on why you aren’t “good enough” to have a deck yet because you lack discipline and your “mental vibrations” are too low, would you just let him walk off with your money and be like, “Oh well. I guess I don’t deserve a deck. Maybe if I do kriya yoga for a year…” Fuck, no. He put his name in the phone book. You called him. You paid. You get a deck in a timely manner or you go after him for fraud and get your money back.
If you think that attitude will give good results by acting like a spoiled, entitled brat, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the spirits you evoked would leave quite fast without doing anything for you at all.
What would you provide of yourself for the spirit doing your biddings? Nothing? You don’t care about any advise given from someone with thousands of years of experience and wisdom to share?
Just as much as you want results, some spirits want you to be active and productive for the result they’re working to get for you. Entitlements and ignorance is not one of those things.
For a minute fraction of the time and energy it took for this woman to get a pompous speech and NO MONEY, she could have called any one of millions of bigger spirits of higher rank that would start her income trending upward within a week.
In my experience, the spirits that are trustworthy and get results don’t want to chat. They want to move and act and show off more than anything else. They show up chomping at the bit and impatient for you to issue the task, dismiss them and let them get to work. They quizzically reject offerings and tell you point-blank that they have ten trillion times more energy than you and don’t need any more, thank you. They communicate in short, curt bursts, with only single words and short phrases. For most tasks, things start moving in the direction you want within minutes to days.
For example, a spirit that specializes in rainfall should be able to end a severe drought and bring moderate to heavy rains within three to twelve hours. If there’s a lot of resistance, it might take up to 72 hours to get things moving in the right direction. I can do the exact same thing myself, but for me to do it myself takes an hour and a lot more energy and for the spirit to do it takes 15 minutes and I often have raindrops landing on me by the end of those 15 minutes.
Now, knowing what results I was capable of getting myself and with other spirits, I decided to try working with Bechard, who comes from the same grimoire as Clauneck. I called on his superior and made the offering like the book said to - I even timed the day and hour, which I usually don’t bother with for easy tasks like this. I had pacts with all his superiors, just like the book said. All I wanted was a basic thunderstorm and I gave him a lot more energy than I would normally give. Not one tiny little black cloud in 72 hours. Toward the end of the week, I whipped out the good ol’ moon pentacle from the KOS, decided I was in the mood for a romantic severe torrential downpour. It started abruptly in under 3 hours. Of course, stupid me forgot he needed to go to the grocery store that day, and guess when the severe torrential downpour happened… While I was in the car driving home from the grocery. The rain was like somebody pulled down a curtain and I literally couldn’t see ANYTHING at all in any direction. So I meekly asked, out loud, “Hey guys. Do you think we could dial the rain back for a minute please?” The instant I said this, the rain just shut off all at once like God turned the faucet off and waited til I got home to start up again. A week or so later I gave Bechard another shot. Not one tiny little black cloud. Guess who I never called again?
I fashioned a necklace with one of the solar wealth pentacles on it and consecrated it with the proper energy on Sunday and the hour of the Sun. The amount of business going on around me exploded outrageously right off the bat. I kept charging the necklace every Sunday and the upward trend in income continued until I decided that the energy of the necklace was too intense and it was physically hurting me to wear it for long periods. After I quit wearing it things slowly drifted back down to normal. I tried calling Clauneck on several occasions and he couldn’t get me a dime. He DID give me excuses, explanations, and assurances. Guess who I never called again.
Looking at that particular grimoire now the first thing I zero in on is the copious alterations that were made between the suppressed earlier manuscripts and the version that was published and peddled to the general public. In the source manuscript, the spirit in “Clauneck”'s position was Elantihil and had a totally different sigil. It would be interesting to see how Elanthil compares to Clauneck.
I like this dude
@anon31277086 pm me man i have some questions
Well, I think it’s a good balance, spirits are allies in ascent, not gods/gurus to be grovelled over, so I think that approach has a place.
I very seldom use a method to compel a spirit, but neither will I ever work intensely with a spirit that will not give me that option - and, likewise, if they advise me strongly against a thing, I’m more likely to listen if I have that power over them.
The transcript of that lady’s video is linked from the YouTube page thanksfully, so I read it, and I did find this a bit odd, this is Clauneck channelled by her:
That being said, I know that I am demanding. I ask a lot. I ask everything. As does your God that you pray to. That you grovel on your knees to. Please God give me this. God is a jealous and greedy god, asking for it all.
Did you think that the demonic realm was any different?
We too shall ask for it all.
And you must give it all or we have no use for you. We have no need of you. You are beneath us. You waste our time. And you waste the time of those ambassadors and our chosen ones like China.
There are not many in this realm who deserve her company. Who deserve her attention and focus.
She is a gem. More valuable than diamonds. She is gold itself incarnate. You are lucky to have her. You should be kissing her feet.
Source: https://greatwallofwealth.com/articles/channeling-king-clauneck-volume-1
This does not resemble the personality of Clauneck when I speak to him, so it could be that they will take the demeanour they think will get the best result, or that the operator’s expectations affects things, or something else, but I would not wish to work under those concepts, a healthy ass-kicking approach is good to have tucked away in your locker IMO.
I’ve seen too many people begin studying shamanism under the love & light paradigms and keep having spirits say “It’s a test” when things in their lives get fucked up, then, as @anon31277086 says, go the route of
“Oh well. I guess I don’t deserve a deck. Maybe if I do kriya yoga for a year…”
I’ve ranted about that before on here, ANY spiriti that says they will do a thing, fails, and then claims “it was a test” - cut them the fuck out of your life, because human insecurity runs deep and that crap will never end if you tolerate it once.
Many spirits will pull that kind of thing if they perceive it will work, and sadly, it often does, but as he says others will show up not only eager to get to work, but also (in Belial’s case with me) will flat out refuse to work with you unless you show willing to kick their asses, I mean he literally called up an army to attack me and see what I’d do about it.
IMO these things have to be about working together on a shared goal, and not about looking for an invisible friend who simply gives orders but never gives back.
Might someone married to a spirit have different boundaries? Yes, but again never for being jerked around and told “you are not worthy”…
I find your approach honestly refreshing, but this has been something that has been on my mind for a while regarding the philosophy/information you can get from spirits.
Results aside, why shouldn’t I come to the spirits for more information about a topic I don’t understand?
In his defence, because I like him, he’s very good at slower growth stuff for businesses, finding you the right people for the task, warning you of problems in time to avert them, and things like that.
He’s not a vending machine spirit, more of a string-puller and long-term strategist, but as has been remarked on here before, many people leave things until it’s too late for that kind of thing.
I also want to link an alternative approach to the spirit not delivering that was posted by E.A. a while back:
I never said anything about “not being worthy”, except for bringing up an attitude that’s been brought up on previous threads when it comes to “fast results”. Even the rate of success to find a spirit spouse is quite low. At least as a first approach to black magic.
Impatience, sometimes, leads to the absense of results, hence why I made that post.
Sure, I was addressing the topic in general and not you specifically, I know as well as anyone the high regard your ladies hold you !
Oh, I get that people like him, and I respect that. There are lots of spirits other people like that I have serious reservations about. Demons seem to manipulate existing circumstances and influence minds rather than create new circumstances or introduce new trends. As I’ve said before, they “fan out” and micro-manage variables. Which means for me they’re not the one-stop all-in-one they’re often made out to be. They’re one tool in the kit.
Your post reminds me of Conan’s prayer to Crom. I think you both have the right idea (prayer starts maybe the one minute mark):
I have a very unique “union” to a spirit and I can guarantee there is no speak of “not being worthy” . Quite the contrary. He doesn’t allow such thoughts and detests them. I suppose it would depend on the entity though.
Perhaps this woman in the video is perceiving the message differently then it was intended. Clauneck is a wonderful spirit but he makes you work. He’s actually very friendly and warm but HE works hard, so no surprise so should the seeker.
The only goetic spirit I did some sort of “work” was Orobas. I have to say I didn’t put much effort so I really do not know if he listened or took some action. I came to know their names in books, but it’s all new to me. This morning I had a dream, in such dream there was a “presence” and I heard people talking and they said three names, two names I can’t remember, the one I remember is Clauneck. What a “coincidence” to come across this thread…
Absolutely agree in my limited experience with daemon spirits theyre not going to act like egregiors …
100% agree.
Again agree.
I don’t bother with this. Fact is, there are so many spirits out there that cover similar territory, why waste your time trying to force one to do things your way when you can find 50 or more others that can do the job the first one refused to do for whatever reason?
Instead of sitting there running Spirits’ Chains to force a change, just MOVE ON.
And double down on the praise you give to whoever delivers.
Sometimes it’s not even a matter of skill, it’s a personality conflict. Sometimes it’s mistaken identity. And a lot of the time, it’s outright deception.
In the case of Clauneck, i think that woman was being lied to. Nothing about that prophecy sounds legit to me.
Clauneck exists in Quimbanda as Exu Pantera Negra, where he rules over health, including financial health. Health comes down to wise use of diet and exercise, so the financial health of working with Clauneck means long-term thrift and wise use of resources.
With that understanding, working with Clauneck would involve a personal financial audit, financial reorganization, reformatting attitudes towards money, law of attraction-style daily practices to build good financial habits, and mundane work to start business ventures and generate new income streams.
Nowhere in that longwinded speech was any of this information given to her. Nowhere did she say she learned or did any of the above.
Some people in occultism have such low standards that they accept anything as some holy oracle. Delusion is high in magick.
She doesn’t need to call ANY spirit for money. She can use the demon Google to DAFS and find a good internet marketer, then call on the spirit GOYA to invest in herself, follow their instructions, and within 10 months to a year be financially free.
Numerous times high-income earners have told me what they do is not magick and they never called on any spirit. They just followed a well-created system that allows them to print money on demand. I have been told these exact same words literally hundreds of times now by many different high-income earners, some of them now getting close to a billion dollars (one is now a billionaire).
So for me to have to sit and listen to this woman blabber on for 1/2 hour about why Clauneck thinks she’s beneath his aid, i just have to laugh. She’s being deluded and her time is being wasted.
That in itself should be a dead giveaway. Nobody who is really good with money wastes time.
That entire speech she gave was world-class fuckery on her part.
100% agree with this, it’s my experience too. I either get my results or i quickly realize there’s more to it than meets the eye. Whatever the case, spirits do not tarry long! Even in my inexperience i can tell spirits like to move FAST. Sultitan is right on this point.
I also get a lot of one-word answers. I know the spirit is moving when i broadcast because time slows down. I have yet to get a single longwinded speech. The only long speech i got was from Dantalion. It lasted 45 minutes, but even that wasn’t long - it took me over a year to verify what he said, and when i found verification online, it was well over 4 hours of reading, yet told me less than what Dan told me.
Too many things about that video don’t add up to me.
I have done this in desert areas that haven’t seen rainfall in over 50 years, so i can verify that what @anon31277086 says is TRUE.
Weather magick happens automatically when i conjure outside. The fact that you have to ASK for it to happen and the spirit can’t do it is suspect to me.
That. Is how magick is SUPPOSED to work imo.
What about the theory that spirits are only aspects of your subconscious.
The theory states that it is only your subconscious and not a real entity so of course you will have different experiences.
I don’t believe in this theory myself, but some on the forum do
This isn’t to excuse poor behavior on the spirits part, or to make excuses for them not fulfilling requests, but I want to make the statement that just because a spirit can do something, doesn’t mean they will do it, or are even ever likely to do it. Maybe they just don’t want to do it. Maybe it conflicts with their value system, maybe it just wastes too much energy, maybe they don’t like you. The same thing happens when you ask favors out of people. There is a lot of stuff you can do, but if I ask for a huge favor out of you, likely it is not happening. In fact, you might get really annoyed at me for asking for something so huge in the first place from a total stranger.
Reading your response is really inspiring. It’s clear you know these entities and do not put up with misinformation. I’d love to be taught by you! Either way, you rock! Best of success to you!