Message for the Homeless and Poor

College library


Ah ok lol. I was just wondering

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I’ve been homeless, It is not a good place to be energetically and physically. The energy of the situation is depressing and negating, and for some, it sucks the life right out of them. Thanks to the spirits, especially Belial, and Paimon, and help from members of this forum, I manged to pull myself out of it. Thanks for the messages @CyberLord They are motivating and inspirational.



There is the library system. Also, some of them have personal wireless devices. If you look around in certain areas you will notice that they all are not just merely useless scrubs. Some of them are well dressed and even high-tech (it was a joke made by one man that there is a new class of homeless people, the high-tech ones). I’ve even heard of some being in that situation whom had wellpaying jobs and advanced college degrees.

I took a tour, and found out that they have government centres to help people, such as something called “Work Source” which have computers to use for looking for jobs or brushing up your resume, as well as onsite people to help with resume tips or whatever.

But anyway, a final comment on the Homeless & Poor. I do not know whether to hate those at the top that enable it, or those below who continue to enable the problem. Within the past 10 years I have seen a massive decline and an increased population of the Homeless. It used to be an invisible problem that was easily remedied and my city by my standards used to be really cool and fun. But now I ask “Where did most of the hot girls go?” So its a problem that affects all levels it seems. An example:

So around 10 years ago I was shopping in this outdoor store for a Backpack for my outdoor hiking activities. It was a $500 Dollar Black Watersealed Arcturix 3-day extended backpack. Anyway, I used it for other things like shopping around town. I owned a $1500 custom carbon fibre framed Road Bike (very very light weight) where I would Coast down the hill into Downtown for shopping which I used the backpack for. Back then 10 years ago, I had people that made compliments on my bag asking where I was traveling from… I was the only one from what I could see going around town that visibly ever sported a big bag like that. Fast foreward 10 years later. This is very common I see alot of street people with similar backpacks (a much less expensive version). Anytime someone is wearing something like that I will hear richer upper middle class tourists (and some locals) make comments about them which I will not go into. This up to and includes even if someone is wearing normal smaller backpacks.

So my opinion and outlook on all this is that the entire situation has degraded and really sucks. Not just the individuals, but the very Social Spirit Mind & Attitude of even the people who are not homeless is disgusting and sucks. So who do I hate more? The ones up top who enable it… the Social Ignorants whom are brainwashed to verbally or otherwise bash the heads of the Homeless, or the Homeless who have given up and even feed into it?


This thread is NOT a referendum on whether people approve of the OP or people in his situation. Please keep comments strictly on-topic to work for those in dire financial situations, and not some bizarre parody of extreme (and technically inaccurate) beliefs all round, resulting in direct personal insults from all sides.

If you see something on this forum you disapprove of, flag it if you think it breaks forum rules then go do something more constructive, don’t try to wage warfare with insults, because exchanges like that will ALWAYS be removed so as to 1. not reward derailment, and 2. prevent the culture of the forum turning into flaming and childishness.

Don’t like people who are broke?

Hello, I'm E.A Koetting.

I want to personally thank you for coming to my Youtube channel. I strive to craft enlightening videos that can help you to experience Magick Ascent.

E.A. is my pen name, so just call me, Eric.

My life fits a classic archetype of transformation. I was adopted and abused in a foster home as a child, turned to serious crime as a teenager, and ended up homeless, literally sleeping in an abandoned graveyard in my early 20s.

I discovered black magick, and began fearlessly evoking demons to aid my escape from hell.

Please keep this on topic from now onwards.


This thread is somewhat related, linking it because it might be of interest:



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All the Universities in the DC area have key card access mainly to lock out homeless visitors. This includes their university libraries or media facilities (i.e. the Gelardin Media Center at Georgetown University).

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Really? Did not know that. What a shame.:pensive:

Public libraries also give free internet (on a timer). Getting a library card is free as well.


Absolutely loved this.


Best bit of this post is Belial acting like he’s down with the kids - “the hip-hop.”

Dad-dancing demon confirmed! :laughing:


I know, right? I thought it was wrong but a voice in my mind said keep it. I see Belial has a sense of humor too.


I just asked Belial about this. There were a few “racist” assholes who happened to be White that he didn’t like. He thought it would be funny to let loose Blacks upon them, and then change their spiritual dna into that of a Black person to turn the tables =)

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I sort of had the feeling that Belial didn’t have racist or bigoted tendencies. He is just really intense and serious. It’s good to know that he can have a sarcastic, twisted sense of humor at times. @Lady_Eva warned about this.

Belial really seems like the type that does what he says. Straight-up, no bullshit type. No cut cards, tough love. If you are willing to “man-up”, be serious and do what it takes, he will help you. If you are wasting his time, he has no patience for you.

He will work with you if he sees you have potential. He will not guide you like King Paimon does. Sink or swim.

“The only second chance is the one you make for yourself if you survive the first one.”

Damm, Belial! That’s cold, man. Then, life is hard. Then you ascend.



Yeah, they went away and killed people they’d never met to protect their own and their family’s slavery to their nation slave master.

Economics. Supply and demand. There’s a great supply of military personnel so it doesn’t matter how you treat them. Just wave a piece of rag on the end of a stick (flag) and beat a drum. This Flag & Drum Magick is some real strong stuff because the suckers just come marching in.



and your solution is…?

Sorry. My solution to what?


[quote=“cyberseeker, post:30, topic:16435, full:true”]
All the Universities in the DC area have key card access mainly to lock out homeless visitors. This includes their university libraries or media facilities (i.e. the Gelardin Media Center at Georgetown University).[/quote]

So they should. College libraries are for students. They aren’t homeless missions for people to loiter or treat as flophouses.