Mending Heart, journal of passion and magic

Aries horoscope for Friday Feb 19

Aries horoscope for Friday Feb 19
Does it seem that things are looking bleak right now, Aries? Do the circumstances of your life leave much to be desired? Maybe so, but there is good news here in this message. You may have stumbled into a situation that does not seem all that hopeful, but the positive in this is that you have the power to change that - all of it. Your life can begin to get better the moment you make up your mind to change the trajectory. And even better, as soon as you begin coming up with a plan for greater abundance and happiness, you will see amazing changes starting to take place.

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I didn’t get it, did you actually see the chocolate bar being bitten?

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we ate the chocolate, Mepsitahl changed the taste of the chocolate


You like dark choc? :flushed:Ehehehe always tastes funny to me… Specially those weird ones… I had one once tasted like chilli :hot_face:

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I don’t care for chocolate myself, but I wanted to get something rich, and that one kinda leaped out at me. I started working with Mepsitahl, my intuition for a while was great, I gotta keep it up

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i wanna eat lemon with its taste changed!

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yeah they are pretty weird my brain rejects them even as a snack, but when you are on no sugar diet they actually are like good enough to eat, still weird

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Well I have had an apple that tasted like a peach and it had nothing to do with spirits… Its called tree science… Not that it relates to anything else but yes… Flavours are tricky.


yeah i know, i had one a apple that tasted like garbage, like thats not even strange enough the apple was like irresistably aromatic,

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Yes, when a branch of a tree is dying, you can actually put another branch from a different tree to grow in it and it will grow the fruit from the tree you’ve put as new, with the flavour of the one that had the dead branch. I’ve done it myself, taught within my family…


I given cigarettes as an offering, and they taste so odd smoking them

I never consumed my offerings so I don’t know :flushed:

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what about chicken, try it once?

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I ask the entity to partially possess me to enjoy the offering

I’ve offered animals, but I wouldn’t eat a raw dead animal :pensive:
Unless it’s apocalypse!

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but actually in hinduism offering is considered to eaten after being given to the entity that has godly energy and is considered to be holy.

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Lucky you :wink: when I’m possessed my senses don’t exist…


oh i think i needed to specify that it should be neat cooked chicken

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Well… You’re offering food, it’s different.
I’m offering the life of the animal I’ve raised…

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