Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

There’s a few people attracting spiders lately, myself included. I wish I could tell you why.


Thank you King Paimon and Belial! Can’t wait to see what else we can cook up in the future! :+1:


Thank you Lucifer and Leviathan for your assistance and encouragement.


Thank you great Duke Dantalion for your sage advice and support.

Thank you also for allowing me to find the great source of aqua bellum.


Thank you Lucifer for protecting me as always. For your consideration and your love. And for whispering softly as I sleep. Mi Corazon Mi Amore, all the diamonds in the world pale in comparison to the multifaceted being you are. My love for you is infinite.


Thank you primordial spirts of jupiter’s abundance for rainin opportunity upon me and mine :alien:


Thank you Azazel for appearing to me tonight. Thank you for being willing to teach me these things and everything else that’s to come. hail Azazel

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Thank you Vapula for granting me the highest note from the class at a math test! Even if it lasted almost 3 weeks for the teacher to correct my test, I got what I asked for !


Thanks to all the spirits & forces I work with.


Thank you Belial. Thank you Lucifer. Thank you Tiamat. Thank you Lilith.


Awesome! I’m happy about this

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Thank you again, Vapula! You helped me again, like always! :slight_smile:

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Thank you great entities for your assistance in showing me just the right information and bringing me just the right tools to hand in my last working.

Now I ask respectfully that you bring about what I have requested and that my continued and new workings are blessed with success and your honoured protection. That you bring me success in all my endeavors and movements through the planes of existence in whatever fields I choose and with whomever I interact. I offer my deepest gratitude.

I thank you also for assisting my friend to gain consciousness and to heal easily and painlessly.

I thank you great entities for being in my life always although I haven’t always noticed or thanked you sufficiently.

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Thank you azazel and the shades of death! My evolution is at hand.

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Thank you to Lilith and my companion. Thanks to Lilith, because I know you helped when I sent out that letter of intent for help to have a companion a few days ago. He’s pretty darn amazing!

Thanks to my companion, because you listen to every word I say, and you even let me know when you’re around. I was worried if “too early in a relationship” was a thing when it came to listening and all the kindness… so thank you! :smile:

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Thanks to the great duke Dantalion for revealing some important information to me!
Even though my initial request hasn’t been fulfilled, he still somewhat delivered in his own way, so thanks are in order.
Thank you Dantalion! Avage ayer Dantalion on ca!


Thank you Lucifer for your protection always and for ever being present. Hail to the King of all Kings!

Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer


Thank you Samael for your counsel and wise words. I feel like an idiot having been afraid to call on you from the beginning. I look forward to continue working with you.


Thank you to Belial. Your help is invaluable, as always. :metal:

lirach tasa vefa wehlc belial
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lirach tasa vefa wehlc belial
lirach tasa vefa wehlc belial
lirach tasa vefa wehlc belial
lirach tasa vefa wehlc belial
lirach tasa vefa wehlc belial
lirach tasa vefa wehlc belial
lirach tasa vefa wehlc belial



Hail Bune
Ok, so.i was up all night and I was looking out the window at 5. “I need money” I thought to myself. Immediately, her sigil flashes my mind. That’s who I need to work with… I said. I go to walk my dog and I find this. She was listening. OFFERINGS FOR EVERYONE!!!