Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

MASSIVE Respect and Shoutout and Special appreciation to Mighty Mighty Dantalion.

You are fucking amazing. The power you have, the speed you work with and the compassion and Love I receive from you as my Patron is indescribable.

You’ve been there for me every single time and never let me fall. You take care of things even before I need to ask. You work with style, grace and panache only a few can match.

It’s truly an Honour to have you as my Patron.

All Hail Grand Duke Dantalion :green_heart::performing_arts::trumpet::closed_book:

P.S. Thank you for the awe inspiring Physical Manifestations.


what did he do?

Thank you King Paimon!! My son got an unwarranted suspension from school and within 30 minutes you had his name cleared and the actual guilty party taking the blame. You are amazing King Paimon!


And to add about King Paimon…you completely changed the principal’s attitude. She went from being downright mean to apologizing and trying to make amends for jumping the gun on suspending my son. Thank you again King Paimon! You came through when I really needed a pick me up today. I can’t say thank you enough!


I was desperate for somebody to contact me. She did. Thank you King Paimon and Lucifer.


I am here to thank Goetia spirit Belial. Belial has ensured I was offered the opportunity to live in a beautiful, renovated, LUXURY apartment in the best part of my city, rent free! Instead of paying rent to the owner, I pay him through services. Belial has also made sure that I keep living here rent free. I highly suggest working with Belial. He produces excellent results, especially for situations regarding money and power. Thank you again Belial. HAIL BELIAL!


Where do I begin?

Another FANTASTIC manifestation of WILL…albeit, by the seat of my pants.

I’m quite satisfied with this last development.

Gratitude, respect, and praise! :pray:

Lucifer, among others.

Debts will be payed, and y’all have earned your stripes massively!


To King Belial - this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. I appreciate the chance to work with you

Furcalor - I thank you again for what you’ve done for me in the past. I hope we get to speak again soon, I haven’t been able to reach you.

Dantalion - you always work so fast. Not always exactly how I expect, but you do keep your promises.

Naberius - your energy is one of the heaviest I’ve ever worked with, thank you for allowing me to experience that and for how swiftly you got to work. I will call you again soon.

Lilith - thank you once again for giving me the push into magick. I wil eventually find you the “nice piece of sandalwood” you asked me for. Please do not be upset with me.

Astaroth - you are amazing. That’s all.


Thank you Bune, Vuall, Sitri and Gremory for walking with me and bringing constant wealth and joy. Thank you Leraje for the back up…send it. Thank you Andromalius. Thank you Bael. Thank you Forneus, Naberius, Marbas, Buer, Amon, Foras and Halphas. It’s been a very challenging year and I’m grateful for your help.


This is my public thank you to great lords Asmodeus, Leraje and Haures…I can’t thank them enough im so happy!!! I did ritual curse month and half ago with them, and it worked better than I even expected!! I asked them to tear apart the life of the people who tried to destroy mine and actually at first things started to go downhill for me, I was devastated and thought that I did sth wrong and am being punished and for some reason I felt like lord Asmodeus is the one punishing me, I remember things getting so bad one day that I genuinely broke down and cried and begged him to forgive me if I did something wrong but I feel like I overreacted…soon after that my life got better, before I was kind of “obsessed” with people that I put curse on, but eventually I stopped caring about them and start focusing on myself and my happiness and things started going better, and then I realised that if you want to build something again, you need to destroy it completely before it can get better, yk…if you want new chapter to being you need to completely finish the last one…and then I realised that I wasnt being punished I was actually being saved…they moved me away from those people because I was destroying myself more than I was destroying them…after I realised that couple of days later my curse started working…those people got into huge fight, hugeeee fall out and more sick things between them happening, one ended up in the hospital wanting to kill themselves and refusing food and all, totally fucked up mental health, and the other ones life is completely destroyed, everyone knows what kind of piece of shit they are, lost friends etc etc…Im considering giving them finial punch (one more curse since they’re weak now) and hoping to end them forever…but once again I am thanking great lords Asmodeus, Leraje and Haures because they are the ones who made that happen!!!
Hail Asmodeus! Hail Leraje! Hail Haures!





I was good 26 minutes late for my flight.
I made it . I reached the security check and the gate was good 15 minutes away. Reached the gate 43B and it’s empty, me and my friend were way past the boarding time. Gates closed. Flight missed.

Was almost about to book another flight and almost clicked on CHECKOUT when a flight officer came along and asked our names and check his phone and said - GATES ARE CHANGED, FLIGHT WAS DELAYED.

It’s a fcuking miracle I fcuking swear. I was praying the entire time in the car that I don’t wanna miss this flight coz it’s my bday trip.

THE LEGEND LUCIFER - There is indeed nobody like YOU in all of universe and beyond.

Thank you so much Brst Friend and God!


I’m just glad for meeting Anubis. He’s showing me great things.

Salve Ampu

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Hi i want to thank valefor for taking a targets energy and giving it to me. It happened right when i was about to go to sleep then all of sudden i started getting this energy surge. So i guess it worked. Did the ritual 4 days ago.


Much thanks to Mammon, Belial, Garo the Spriggan, and ALL The other entities who heard my call for help when my food stamps were cut and delivered to me money for food and then doubled the grocery order!!! That was insanely amazing and it should tide us over until I can get this mistake fixed and get my food stamps back! Thankyou all so much!!!


Thank you Mighty King Belial for hearing my call at the last moment when one of the lawyers was being a dick.

You answered my call in the courtroom and came to my aid immediately.

The judge said EXACTLY what we needed without us prodding.

It was done in true Belial style.

You have my Deepest Gratitude and Humblest Respect.

Hail King Belial :heart::japanese_ogre::scorpion::tiger2:


Thank you Marbas. That was terrifying and painful but thank you.

Thank you Buer for your help.


Glasya-Labolas, you are an absolute fucking UNIT. Thank you so much for todays delivery :smirk: It is a pleasure to work with you.


Thank you Nitika for your money help.
Thank you Dulid(lucifer and the hidden demons) for helping healing my pet!


Thank you, Bael, for helping me be unnoticed in a crucial moment!


Thank you to Orias, Haures, Dantalion, Sallos, and Freyr. You always come through. Thank you!!!