Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here, Part two!

Thank you, Leraje. Its huge.


Lucifer, what a teacher. I’ve been working with him for about 2 months now, and I’m experiencing the other shoe dropping. We started with a euphoric flurry of activity, thought, movement, and organic growth. Now, we’ve encountered organic death. I knew this was coming - I could feel the pendulum waiting to swing back and knock the obstacles out of the way, the “Tower effect”. I’m here now, drained at the base of the fallen, false monument, and the pain in itself is a sacrament. All the disappointment about what others failed to deliver, I realize how to give it to myself. Such agony is the greatest reminder of where to store my faith.

Before pathworking with Lucifer, a friend warned me of His reputation as a “trickster,” and to beware of the tests I would endure under his guidance. It’s a blessing to have trust like this, to know that I will meet challenge after challenge until I reach the mountain peak. I understand now why people revere their deities and spirits as lovers. Lucifer feels like a partner that sees me for what I am, and what I can become, and will never let me forget it. All hail!


Thank you Amducias–again you have come through for me and in less than 24 hours. Your presence is always calming and last night I couldn’t stop smiling during the ritual. I cherish our relationship and appreciate how welcoming you’ve been.

All hail Amducias!!


Hail the beautiful and mighty Duchess Bime!

Thank you for coming to my temple and for agreeing to help me on my request!

You have my respect and gratitude great Duchess Bime!

Hail Duchess Bime!

Ps the prettiest blue eyes I’ve seen!


thank you Prince Orobas for your advise and help today.


:raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: That was Incredible !!! @ReyCuervo & Hermes Thank you!!


Thank you Al-Uzza, for keeping up your influence.


I’d like to thank my SOUL/CORE OF MY BEING/ SUBCONSCIOUS :sparkling_heart:


One of my wishes came true after maybe 3-4 months. Gonna make my journal entry about it here.
This was directed to my soul and the universe in general. Not sure if this qualifies to be in this thread.

So yes - TO MY SOUL - I thank you so much for the wish fulfilment. Thank you for reminding me what I am capable of doing. You are my personal GOD - always and in all ways.



Thank you Duchess Bune. My boyfriend and I were having money troubles and he was desperately looking for another job that paid more. I did a ritual with her and the next week he got a five dollar raise out of nowhere. I cannot thank her enough! Hail Duchess Bune!


I wanna appreciate Andrealphus for showing me a small haven of his! Peacocks have a freaky cry lol


I’d like to thank the mighty Duchess Bim for working with my Order Mates and accepting all their requests. You are a Star :star2:

Hail Duchess Bim you are truly Mighty and Beautiful :orange_heart::tangerine:


:crown: Paimon :moneybag:
Appreciation for small but powerful advice on financial strategy.
Our meeting was appointed by Lucifer, and he was cordial but firm. Though a brief meeting, it was enough for him to show me a very powerful investment strategy to secure my portfolio stability.

A very witty adviser. Understood my intentions without even speaking much on it and proceeded to show me exactly what I needed, with a single term and some brief media research.


I would like to give thanks to the Shem angel Iyahel, the archangels Sandalphon, Gabriel, Michael, Haniel, Raphael, Kamael, Tzadkiel, Tzaphkiel, Raziel, Metatron and other unnamed angels, and last but not least, to God Ganesha for removing all obstacles that stood in my way and for encouraging the generosity in someone that could have been a huge obstacle in my academic life.

Thank you!


Thank you goddess Bastet for bringing my cat home after a 36 hours search.
She was missing for 1.5-2 days (we noticed her missing 36 hours before finding her, so she could have been lost longer- sleeping in hard to find places is normal for her, so we assumed that was the case at first) and she showed up about an hour ago when I was preparing an offering for Bastet. I was tidying up my altar and had just poured a glass of red wine for her when I heard my cat’s voice.

Thank you Bastet for keeping her safe and guiding her home​:heavy_heart_exclamation::heart_eyes_cat::paw_prints:
Also thank you to @Mythopoeia, who kindly helped me find Stella- thank you Freya, Murmur, and Cimeries❣️


I invoked Foras for help and he came to me very quickly, bringing enlightenment and granting my wish. Thank you Foras!


Here is a big shout out to the Great King Bael! Thank you for the much needed rain! You have my respect and gratitude great King Bael!

Hail, King Bael!


26 Duchess Bune
Enn: Welhc Melan Avage Bune Tasa

I want to show my gratitude and adimiration toward Bune.

I have asked Bune for financial assistance. I told Bune that I need X amount of money but I didn’t know how could I get it… 48h after the ritual I got a call from someone who needed my services urgently. Bune opened the ways for me and made the negociation smooth.

Bune is very responsive when I do a ritual to invite him/her. I feel confort during the ritual though my psychic senses are not well developed I can feel his presence, the candle flame is a thing, she makes it flirk amazingly (usually I ask her to announce his presence this way.

This post is part of my offering to Bune for his assistance. I also wanted to offer orange and orange juice, Edited: chocolate and honey and she accepted.

Thank you Duchess Bune you are powerfull!!


Thank you great President Marbas for hearing my call and accepting my request! President Marbas you certainly are a very kind a cool spirit!

Hail President Marbas!


Hail Grand Duke Astaroth for being such a patient
And kind teacher!

Hail Duke Astaroth!


Renich Secore Vapula Typan
I want to give a huge thank you to Duchess Vapula for hearing my call, accepting my request, and helping me learn relatively complicated trade skills in regards to heating & cooling, furnaces, water heaters, plumbing, electrical work, etc in a very short amount of time! Never ever would I have thought I’d be doing some of the difficult installations I’m currently doing, considering when I started this job. Duchess Vapula has given me confidence and changed the way I look at certain tasks, breaking them down into easier understandable portions rather than looking at things as a whole and stressing about it. It’s seriously amazing the way Duchess Vapula has altered my mind & learning ability, enabling me to digest information and practically apply it at a much faster rate than I previously would’ve been able to accomplish, for which I am forever grateful & so excited about. For anyone who is learning a new skill, taking school/college courses, creative endeavors, wanting to advance their magickal practices, etc definitely give Duke/Duchess Vapula a call. You will be astounded by what They can help you accomplish. Thank you again Duchess Vapula, I am in awe of your prowess! :green_heart: :sparkling_heart: :black_heart: