Melchiresa is the third of an old trinity of magic. The Trinity of Melchiresa, Belial and the Dark Prince. She is a powerful Antichrist. It is time for the Antichrist to rise again.
Melchiresa is a powerful vampiric spirit, beautiful and attractive. Initially she shows herself as a Dark shadow, that by energy work reveals her true beauty. She loves jewels, sex, green smaragd colour, smaragd and rubies stones, strong fragrance perfume. She is to be called when luck in love, sex, finances is needed but also baneful magic especially when a victim stands in the way.
I declare this Ritual opened!
West: call of Leviathan
Say: Jedan tasa hoet naca Leviathan
Trace the inverted Pentagram in the air *
North: Belial
Say: Lirach tasa vefa wehl Belial
Trace the inverted Pentagram in the air
East: Lucifer
Say: Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer
Trace the inverted Pentagram in the air
South: Baal
Say: Ayer secore on ca Baal
Trace the inverted Pentagram in the air
In the center call Satan: Satan protect me and empower my ritual. (doing the magic circle tracing it in the air or either with salt or sprinkle with personalised water starting from West, South, East, North than ending in the West point of the magic circle)
Melchiresa’s call:
Etsel mala’kel
test’zel sam’tan’el
Itz retz nama’tel
Itz hel asta’rel
kama’kala kama’kala
kama’kala satan’el
Melchiresa kama
Melchiresa kala
Melchiresa kama’kal vel
Me vaskalla
Me solvalla
Me res’alla ah’tan’tel.
Eko Eko Melchiresa
Litau izer osnas
Eko Eko Melchiresa
Siras etar besanar!
Eko eko Melchiresa
Bagabi Laca Bachabe/Lamac Cahi Achababe
Karrelyos Lamac Lamec Bachalyas
Cabahagy Sabalyos Baryolos
Lagoz Atha Cabyolas
Samahac Et Famyolas Harrahya
I do this Ritual so… (Make the Statement how can Melchiresa help you. remember she helps with luck, gambling, lovers but also vamping and bane work.)
In the power of the words: rokes pilatus zotoas, i direct the invisible servitors of the Earth under the Trinity of Satan, Belial and Melchiresa shape the future and bring me… (the needed Lover… /amount of money… /lucky Numbers…) I seal this calling with the words of power: Tulitas Zatanitos. So mote it be! (x3)
Umpesta (x7)
HAIL Satan! Hail Belial! Hail Melchiresa!
It is done!
- it is better to trace the same inverted Pentagram to the 4 elements. Can be done with athame, wand or the hand.
- one candle, incense strong fragrance is also needed