Meditation, Mental Chatter, And A 7-Day Challenge - Who's In? ☼ September 2020 Round 2!

I’m in.

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I’m so in sounds awesome!

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Day one.

Three minutes set on phone stopwatch timer.

Noisy environment. Closed eyes. Lotus position on couch. Hands/arms loosely on lap, fingers interlaced, only thumbtips touching each other.
In breath meditation word SAT, out breath meditation word NAM.

Immediate mental distractions …
Trying to constantly think of a different mediation symbol - first a dot, then area intersecting eyes and nose bridge, then cross of horizontal line above eyes and vertical nose bridge (cross), then tip of nose above nostrils, finally rose in center between eyes.
Next distraction was scrunching face to try to clearly see a white light dot and tune out noise.
Next distraction was trying to ignore noise, though ridiculous to expect silence in noisy area.
Next distraction was itch on one foot. Did not scratch.
Next distraction was a skip on one breath.

Whenever a distraction cropped up it was noted but ignored once settled on the rose.

Even in out breath pattern with consistent SAT NAM.

Before I knew it, my mind was silent for two breath counts, and timer went off.

Opened eyes and shutoff timer.

Recorded results here.

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Day two

Four minutes set on phone stopwatch timer on first attempt. Three on second.

Low noise environment. Closed eyes.

Normal position on couch, feet flat on four. Hands/arms loosely on stomach, fingers interlaced, only thumbtips touching each other.

In breath meditation word SAT, out breath meditation word NAM.

Immediate mental distractions …
Round one -
Four minutes set.
Trying to center on just the rose between the eyebrows.
The cat that meows (Maya, not my Pandora), jumps up in my lap and wants pets. I finally sedate her to sit comfortably on my lap without further need of petting.

Round two -
Three minutes set.
All worries dropped from mind on both rounds but more relaxed this round.
No thought or distraction this time, just concentration on in(SAT), out(NAM) breathing.

Both oven and stopwatch timer went off.

Opened eyes and shutoff timers.

Recorded results here.

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Was going to start Monday but did a few minutes today.

Location: Home, Shower, seated

Timeslot: 2-3 mins

Environment: Shower water hitting the tub and walls, sometimes cat crying in the background.

Notes: Saw two sigils but don’t know as yet what they mean. I’ll try to Meditate one tomorrow and see if anything comes up.

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Day 3, 4-1-2018, between 9-10 pm.

Location: Back deck looking towards and slightly left of the crossroads a home away on a folding directors chair.

Asana: Sat cross legged, arms and hands folded in lap comfortably.

Environment - Quiet around me after emitting silence peace and still, envisioning indigo circle around me. Shamanic drumming playing on phone next to me, no wind.

No stopwatch set. Total time was 4-5 min.
Even breathing obtained quickly, in SAT, out NAM.

Immediate mental distractions -
Casting an indigo circle around me.
Grounding myself as tree-rock-fiery sulphur shielding.
Turning my attention around me without moving my head.
Pulling my visual focus back.
Even breathing.
Obtaining trance state.
Seeing the shaman hut and door in the trees.
Seeing the shamans light within the hut.

After gazing at it for five minutes, my attention noticed the door is closed.
I snap out of trance.

I realize this was not the same process as the prior two days, so willing to reset if need to do so.

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I will be resetting to day one later today.

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Did 5 mins last night.
Location: bedroom
Environment: lights off, 8pm about to sleep
Notes: lot of seemingly random things, will have to decifer. Felt pressure on my third eye for a little while as well.

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Reset - Day one meditation
4-3-2018, 7:05 pm.

Location: Back deck looking forward on a folding directors chair.

Asana: Sat in godform position, arms and hands on armrests comfortably.

Environment - Back deck, lawn chair, feet flat on floor, hands in armrests, eyes closed. Relatively low noise environment, aside from loud cars here and there.

Stopwatch set.
Total time was 4 min.
Even breathing obtained quickly,
in SAT, out NAM.

Immediate mental distractions -
Some visualizations within first thirty seconds. Concentrated more on breath than visualizations.

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Focus on your breath more than vibrating anything or “seeing” anything. Don’t think about it, in this case, just do so.


Thank you :slight_smile: One exercise done, a few more to do before an evocation.

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Last night was Day 3
Location: bedroom, laying down, lights off
2-3 mins
I was successful in concentrating on my breathing and not having any spirits jump in to talk.

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Seven day meditation challenge - Day 1

Location - Living Room sofa.

Posture - As straight as possible, feet firmly on floor, right hand resting along right thigh loosely, lady forearm along armrest, hovering higher. Silent, eyes closed relaxed.

First timer set at 4 min. Interrupted at 1:45 by howling cat.
Second timer set at 4 min. Interrupted at 3:50.

Not having thoughts about blog, dogs and cats chewing food, cats meowing, thoughts, messed up SAT on in and out breath for about ten seconds and corrected.

Vibration: SAT on inhale, NAM on exhale. Ave in/out time 3-4 seconds.

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Seven day no mental chatter challenge - Day 1

Location: Nylon lawn chair on deck.

Environment silent except for birds and other neighborhood noise.

Posture: Feet flat on floor, arms loosely on armrests. Eyes closed, chin down.

Time: 5 minutes.

Bird chatter and occasional car or gunfire from nearby marines base.
Maintaining the dot as the dot, not the symbol of Sol, an egg, a crystal ball, the dot.
Breathing in SAT NAM out HUUUUUUU, saw the dot as a point of white light drawn in through a black, red and YellowOrange barrier, into indigo me. Which had me radiating white light in the subtle bodies and physical aura. Occurred to me the barrier colors did not include olive green as colors of earth.
Also saw colored chakras as wheel-axles spinning different directions as if for a belt, all within an atom of atoms.
Practiced clairvoyance, Clairaudience and claircognizance during a dot breathing meditation.

If that doesn’t work as planned, try a 7-day “Observe mental chatter” challenge. :+1:

As in, observe, but step back from engaging with/having emotions about. :thinking:

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Right on :slight_smile:

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Another trick that might help is to meditate to some light music like an instrumental or reggae, even some love songs. Anything that is not too jarring (so death metal is out). It helps to quiet any chatter and makes focusing easier because the music soothes the mind.

One of the exercises in the book I’m using for my kundalini challenge is to meditate to different types of music and track how they effect your energy so I thought I’d mention this for anyone who may have trouble.


I do like the shaman moon drumming vid from YouTube. That is easy sleepytime music.

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Speaking of altered states, where is the psychological difference between near sleep states, and TG? Theta and Gamma are a little different in my understanding. What makes TGS so powerful in light of that? What would astral light be considered with that?

As far as I understand it, the hypnogogic state (near sleep) is very low Alpha, and then slides through Theta into Delta. The main difference between it and TGS is that you don’t remain in the Theta state long enough to trigger Gamma, but stay at low Alpha before sliding directly into Delta, hitting Theta for a very short amount of time.

I don’t know what you mean by “astral light.”