Me and my shadow

Sound like someone is yammering to you.

Totally agreed. I came to my own conclusion/revelation about a week before I came across this forum. The term “godform” is one I hadn’t seen before coming here. To me, it’s just “me”.

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Im about to find a youtube vid that will blow your mind. Hold onto your bras and banana hammocks


Fml its not in my history anymore!!! UGHhhh!!! Sorry to bring anyone up then down. I cannot find it

What was it about?

It starts with the name of the OTO and how when changed into numbers. And this guy is writing on a chalk board really fast anf he deciphered pretty much everything to the name “bible” and all our seasons and the prime meridian, equator, … i mean everything down to 3 numbers and how they all come down. MC squared. The law of relativity. Its legit mind blowing

Does it have to do with Nikolai Tesla, 3, 6, and 9?

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I think so

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Twice, my dark patron has given me sigils and names of entities who may be able to assist me.


The first is a spirit whose purpose was initially unclear. The name sounded like “Malgeobh”. I went into research mode and found Mal’Geb, a mountain on the Red Sea in a tiny country called Eritrea.
Considering “Azazel” is the name of two geographical locations, this wasn’t too surprising.

When I summoned Mal’Geb, she alternated between the form of a spider and a woman. While I was familiar with the concept of spider goddesses, this didn’t feel like a Goddess but a spirit/demon. There is precedence, as it turns out. The Jorōgumo of Japanese mythology fits the bill.

Mal’Geb will send forth her spiders to make adjustments in the web of reality you have weaved.


The second is a name that I initially jotted down as “Ashatael”. A little research brought me to a mountain in Mongolia called Ashata Uul. Another geographical location!

Ashata-Ul is specifically gifted in teaching astral sight, travel, lucid dreaming, and things of this nature. The only form that I could see was that of distant space, with twinkling stars.


I can’t believe you brought up spiders @levilevi. The day before yesterday i was meditating and saw this big spider decend from the ceiling. It went to my head and i felt the energy of the spider go down into my body and it stayed there. I had no idea why it came, who sent it or what was going on, but like usual i just went with it. I figured the meaning would soon be clear. Then you post this today. Wow. … does this mean I’m supposed to invoke them and learn from them? More meditation is needed I see. Thank you for posting this.

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@nikki Slightly off topic but the spider is a potent symbol. The fabric of reality can be seen as a web. Most ancient and native american cultures have a spider or “weaver” goddess. I have a running theme in my art with the solar system and the Earth represented as a “world-spider”.