Hi everyone, Chaoticrevenge33 here, I wonder, if its possible cover our own physical body with aeteric matter to create some kind of shields, weapons, limbs (amputed peoples), or similar?. For example in combat, cover my own arm to create some type of “aeteric blade” or “ki blade” (for DBZ fans) to hurt/ cut my enemies either than, create aeteric shield surrounding me for protect me?. It is possible densify so much the aeteric or psionic energy to create aeterical matter that create weapons or shields??. Thanks all for your answers, and sorry about this is a dumb question. Thanks.
i practice martial arts(bjj and muay thai) and there alot of qi practitioners who think they can fight, then they step into the ring with a real combat athlete and get knocked out 12 seconds into the first round while they were preparing their qi. its unlikely that it will work in any effective way. you can possibly have some really small amount of energetic intent there but the results will most likely be negligible. if you want combat, go into the military and learn a real combat MOS, or practice actual combat sports and compete in them like in bjj, muay thai, wrestling and kickboxing
Yes absolutely.
There is a technique taught at blue belt level in Ryu Kyu Kempo Karate, included in the kata, where you ground yourself visualising yourself as the top of a mountain buried in the ground. This makes it harder to push you off balance. Having tried this during sparring it’smy experience that this works very well.
There’s another technique where you use breath and quick tensing to build up your “guardian qi”. This is also extensively trained in kung fu… that exercise where you beat yourself with rods until you stop bruising, it toughens the veins and increases bone density in a very literal sense but also builds guardian qi.
I assume there’s plenty others but this is the style I personally studied. I have also practiced the strengthening exercises and did stop bruising as well, but you have to maintain, as the body does not keep hold of extra cells it doesn’t need.
So yeah, look up guardian qi, you’re on the right track. It needs both mind and body to be trained together but it’s a thing.
This will work on astral forms. And the astral can manifest into the physical but to a weaker extent normally. For example, I have spared in e astral and been hit with an attack where the attacker saw and felt me burn to a crisp: I felt the heat on my back in the physical. I thought that was quite impressive enough at the time, but for someone with stronger control of their qi who can bring more to bear, they could get bigger effects. Think also how some ghosts can cause scratches, again seems insignificant but at this point it’s a matter of scale, not whether it’s possible or not.
The other thing that comes to bear are increasing luck and avoidance. Magickally it’s beneficial to bless yourself or work with entities to give you an advantage where you avoid getting hit in the first place.
A lot thanks frater, very usefull
Perhaps you should try to get Mantak Chias iron shirt book it might help you start the path to what your looking for
Yes , Material Arts is spiritual Arts , You can solidify ether to make it like physical matter.
You could by Franz Barton’s books, see if any of them can help