Materialization of astral body and swap astral body

Hello, is it possible that in soul travel and astral projection, physical materialize the astral body in the shape of any human we want, exactly like a real human being and we can continue to live in that body?

By condensing or slowing the vibrations of an astral body, is it possible to make it permanently physical?

Is it possible to transfer an astral body to another person’s body in soul travel or astral projection and be able to control it and continue living with that body permanently?

Is it possible to take out the astral body of that person and replace it with our own astral body and be able to live in that body permanently?

In this case, will the silver cord be cut? If it is separated, is it possible that we can be permanently in another person’s body and that body becomes ours?
Or is it possible to stay in another person’s body forever without cutting the silver cord?

And Is it possible to perform soul travel or astral projection with hypnosis?


Cross reference for relegated question: Transfer soul through astral projection

Still no… sorry.

No. Asking the same question with different words isn’t going to change this.

There’s no such thing. No cord to cut, it’s a metaphor and as long as your body is alive you are permanently connected to it, it’s not an actual cord.



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And anyway even if in the EA Koetting’s Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis lessons there is a pratice involving something similar: materializing oneself in a place, this takes place towards the end of the “program” (which would translate as years of workout). I believe it’s also temporary.

Yes, that book has a lesson toward the end to materialize an object in your hands that’s permanent, but, I don’t think anyone’s done it and neither has E.A., or maybe once I forget… He’s materialized ectoplasm when he was in a deep trance but doesn’t know how to reproduce it at will. That old livestream where he mentioned it was on the old youtube though so I can’t link it, assuming I even remembered correctly.

If it’s possible then it’s a thing for very advanced practitioners and more akin to the concept of developing Siddhis, and Siddhis are not a thing you develop on demand, so they say, you practice the asanas and mantras and they develop according to your innate affinities.

Which makes it not impossible, in theory, but practically speaking it might as well be. It’s not a beginner tutorial level thing. And there’s every change if you’ve practiced that long and that deeply when you get there you don’t care about it and you’ve fixed your problem another way.


Is body hopping possible through astral projection?

Still no. You can see through someone’s eyes and experience what they experience, but you will be a passenger without control, and still in your regular body in a trance state.

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Thanks Mulberry😊

what is your opinion on this?

Again, it’s all theoretical, no one’s ones done it to prove the idea and that includes Robert Bruce and E.A.

If the practitioner takes the physical body and alters them in the plane then they could return in the form they chose and change back also.

But as Connor point out this is the big question:

But then rises the question, how is the projection of our physical body even possible.

So this is drawing on stories of how people who become ascended just disappear, they have risen their vibrations of their whole body so that it’s not physical any more, and then if they want to interact with the physical they have to do the process in reverse.

They way I see it, this is technically a form of death, one that examples why death is not permanent but a transition.

After that, given that the higher form is supposed to be malleable this could allow you to change it in the astral. It also allows for things like teleportation: you become energy, teleport in the astral to another location and then become physical.

However, it could take 20 to 50 years meditating to develop this Siddhe, assuming this theory is actually possible.

My opinion is, it isn’t, that the more likely method for a non physical being to show itself to physical eyes is mind manipulation, a glamour basically, possible combined with telekinesis. Or at that point to die the 2nd death and choose reincarnation.


My understanding of astral projection is that it’s not a soul leaving a body but an expansion of consciousness to other planes but that consciousness is still relied in the body that produces the prana to keep it intact. When the body is destroyed it cannot produce the prana and the Self will die.

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Thanks again🙏 @Mulberry
I have another question

can a human become invisible with raising vibrations of body?and can raising vibrations with hypnosis?

or can become invisible with advanced hypnosis?(I mean real not illusion)

and if a human become invisible , then can he/ she become visible again but in another form that she/he want?

and what are 1_teleportation 2_dematerialization 3_rematerialization?

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In this case when we become physically, can we take another physical form?

Why do you keep asking the same question over and over and expecting a different answer? You have already been told that you cannot get a different physical body. It doesn’t work like that.

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If you can demanifest, teleport and remanifest then you probably will manifest as your idealized self. It’s a big if, that’s the trouble. Let us know when you get there maybe you can tell us how to do it. :slight_smile:

If you believe the stuff coming out of places like, idk, Skinwalker Ranch (look it up) then no, you have to put your energy ‘out of phase’ with the rest of reality. I don’t think this is entirely what’s going on.

As I said before, what I suspect is mental games, a glamour, where the target us befuddled or bewitched into not seeing something. Kind of like in hypnosis where people are told to believe something and do.

But I don’t know for sure, no one I know or ever heard of has done this, it’s all conjecture.

No. Hypnosis doesn’t really do this. It’s s state of mind not of the body.

No they can’t become invisible at all. The best you can do is fool others into not seeing you, which is not the same thing. Think about what being visible means. Light is still going to bounce off your physical form and into the eyes of onlookers.

You should google these terms if they’re new to you, you’ll get a lot of good information besides just the definitions and more than just my opinion.

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Do you know about trong jug/grong jug?
I searched in google but there is not enough information about it

and about phowa

I don’t have the foggiest idea, sorry.

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