Mastering Evocation: Section #7 and 9

I think the best example I can give about getting over one’s attachments came from a very scary time a few months ago.

My company was scaling back it’s workforce and I was pretty new to the company. I was notified that I was going to lose some hours (my supervisor took me aside and told me that in all likelihood I was going to lose my job). I was PISSED. I had spent the last few months proving myself to the company and I knew I was one of their top performers, I was going to lose my job over something stupid.

I let the anger build, and build, and build until I almost lost my mind. I pulled back a bit and walked out into an empty lot. I yelled for a demon I have a pretty good relationship with and he came. Now I didn’t see anything, or hear anything, but I did feel his presence and I was unmistakable, he was there. I told him that I wanted him to make sure that not only did I get to keep my job, but I would get my forty hours a week.

Right after I felt him leave, I was ecstatic. I fully expected him to deliver, even without a full physical manifestation. Thing was, I couldn’t bring myself to care about my job anymore. I felt like everything was going to be fine but it didn’t have to be. I was actually giddy for the next few days. I expected an outcome I was not attached to.

A few days later I was informed that the company actually needed to hire more employees as two quit, one got promoted, one slipped on ice and broke his hip, and another slipped on ice and fell into a comma.

I hope this helps Fool, you got this. If attachment is holding you down try using your attachment as a fuel for the ritual, spend it all in the ritual.


[quote=“Orismen, post:23, topic:1971”]I think the best example I can give about getting over one’s attachments came from a very scary time a few months ago.

My company was scaling back it’s workforce and I was pretty new to the company. I was notified that I was going to lose some hours (my supervisor took me aside and told me that in all likelihood I was going to lose my job). I was PISSED. I had spent the last few months proving myself to the company and I knew I was one of their top performers, I was going to lose my job over something stupid.

I let the anger build, and build, and build until I almost lost my mind. I pulled back a bit and walwed out into an empty lot. I yelled for a demon I have a pretty good relationship with and he came. Now I didn’t see anything, or hear anything, but I did feel his presence and I was unmistakable, he was there. I told him that I wanted him to make sure that not only did I get to keep my job, but I would get my forty hours a week.

Right after I felt him leave, I was ecstatic. I fully expected him to deliver, even without a full physical manifestation. Thing was, I couldn’t bring myself to care about my job anymore. I felt like everything was going to be fine but it didn’t have to. I was actually giddy for the next few days. I expected an outcome I was not attached to.

A few days later I was informed that the company actually needed to hire more employees as two quit, one got promoted, one slipped on ice and broke his hip, and another slipped on ice and fell into a comma.

I hope this helps Fool, you got this. If attachment is holding you down try using your attachment as a fuel for the ritual, spend it all in the ritual.[/quote]


Fucking this!

Use your RAGE, it is RAW POWER.

Exhaust it in the ritual, haha.

Also, I have achieved wondrous results opening my spiritual sight from working with Purson over the past 2 months.

It is absolutely glorious. He worked rather fast now that I think of it, should I really have come this far this quickly? I doubt it would have happened without King Purson’s aid.

Truly he is the true Lion King of Divination & opening Spiritual Vision, I owe him my thanks!

Please, consider calling on him and see what happens, as I know you are really doing the work.

As I grow, he stays with me, he is such a noble spirit, I’ve known him all along.


That is awesome, I will definitely give him a look :slight_smile:

Fool what do all the guys you’ve said mentioned working with or studying under like Vitimus and Calliastro? Have they not provided any tips or insights to help get past the roadblocks?

[quote=“the fool”]ohhhh ok i get it now. you have to be EMO to be a magician!

in order to get the maick working, you have to be THIS —> [url=][/url]

so yeah. having thought about it, it seems there is a great big heaping dose of CRYBABY at the core of magickal work. i’m missing the crybaby factor

i always go into my magick when i’m CALM.


Indeed. You are already halfway there with all the passive-aggressive posts.

I think at the lower levels a certain level of emotion is necessary, but after you become more advanced your sense of desire will be strong enough on it’s own to replace emotional need. I remember somebody talking about the connection between desire and strength(in the thoth deck), I only wish I could remember what thread it was.
regardless I think the cultivation, release, and detachment of desire is what’s important. though I could be wrong.

No, you don’t.

You seem to be whining at us and getting mad when we give you advice.

I learned to harness anger as a power source.

But that’s kewl, you do you and I’ll do me.

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[quote=“the fool”]madame cagliastro, i am sorry and i admit i fucked up.

now let me go and talk to my spirits. they’ll either show up or they won’t. if they don’t i’m done with this shit. cos i’m tired.[/quote]

I get that you’re frustrated, but being rude to people on here won’t help.

A lot of people have overcome various barriers and problems, and felt the same frustrations, I know I’ve been there myself, and you’re not uniquely excluded, but maybe you just need to try another method for a while and then come back to this?

Here’s one: [url=][/url]

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Ah, I see. I misread you. I apologize.

so far this week i’ve done seven evocations. seven in four days is pretty good. will do more tonight and the rest of the week and we’ll see what happens.

If your trying to physically see spirits you might want to strengthen your third eye, a bit. I had to take a break from evocation for a while just to build up my faculties a bit.

Heres the first part [url=]- YouTube
and the second shorter version that gets right down the point if your impatient.
[url=]- YouTube

If dancing and moving around are what seems to work for you, you may also try to experiment with Binuaral Beats.

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[quote=“SinisterShadow, post:33, topic:1971”]If your trying to physically see spirits you might want to strengthen your third eye, a bit. I had to take a break from evocation for a while just to build up my faculties a bit.

Heres the first part [url=]- YouTube
and the second shorter version that gets right down the point if your impatient.
[url=]- YouTube

If dancing and moving around are what seems to work for you, you may also try to experiment with Binuaral Beats.[/quote]

Are these videos helpful to,on 3rd eye, or they are just one of times useless over the intenet? I don’t want to insult anybody, just want to know what it is worth befor giving time to it. Can it really help?

i meditated with both videos yesterday and got a good trance.

it reminded me of when i first started doing magick. i’d go into trances like that every thursday afternoon for months and i’d see visions then but it gave me a huge headache and i got that again yesterday. i still have it now.

Congrats.mi was trying tm,editate also, and, while the music is good, when this guy is talking… This is making me completely off in a blink of an eye… As he is talking ten times the same in a row…
For me these videos are useless, he completely cannot do the guided meditations, instead of relax you think all the time feel this, see this, brata like this, lay like. This… No no no… And i have some guided meditations which can asioy bring me out of this world when i need to do something…
Bt this guy is like a slap in the face during deep relaxationm:D

What is a sign, then?

True, though as you mentioned above it us usually a sign of a blockage, it is an encouraging sign. Now that you are aware of the blockage and its relative strength, you can un-block it.

True, though as you mentioned above it us usually a sign of a blockage, it is an encouraging sign. Now that you are aware of the blockage and its relative strength, you can un-block it.[/quote]

And, how to unblock it?
And, about the tingling or whatever, part of this can be also due to unwanted eye movements with closed eyes.

Keep at it. Since you are getting signs that things are happening you have no reason to doubt yourself. Stay confident and I’m sure you will succeed.

getting back on track now. bc this entire thread has been WAY off course, and so have i for the last little while due to confusion about exactly what the rapture and crossroads IS.

if this thread reads wierd, it’s because i deleted a bunch of ot posts i put up. i’m not here for that. i’m here to learn to evoke. everything else gets deleted. now back to the topic at hand:

the second part of transformation of consciousness covers
: the rapture and crossroads
: gazing and structuring into physical bases while conjuring forces.

this morning in answering an inbox from a fellow BALG prac i wrote the following:

i’m going to practice what i preach by photofocusing or using pencil points over paint splatters and rorschach tests to see what images appear in the optical illusion, alternately conjuring and describing the vision.

and in this thread a few weeks ago (, satan’s description of ‘sleeping wide awake’ led me to learn a bit about slow wave sleep and somnabulism. i would like to know if the crossroads is anything like the esdaile state?

i’ll ask a hypnotherapist friend of mine if he can induce the esdaile state in me in order to find out from experience, and then come back and reread as much as i can about the crossroads on the board to compare notes.

ok, spent the last week training myself to go directly into a light trance using the method outlined in this book. at first it didn’t feel like it was working because the induction in the very first exercise is too short for me and didn’t get the job done. so i went back and used autogenic training to get my trance stronger, which worked very well for me. then i installed the hypnotic trigger. THAT got me the result i wanted and now, when i use my keyword after doing NOTHING ELSE, i drop immediately into a light trance. if i hold that trance and do nothing else, the trance stays. in that state i can drift for long periods of time, it’s not heavy trance but it is useful light trance. now i now have a hypnotic trigger that puts me directly into trance without having to do much preparation. the book worked for me.

today i was looking for ways to deepen the trance and i found this page. reading it through i recognize that its advice is straight up autogenic training. there are useful commands on there that can help me develop my ability to structure objects.

the command ‘i see <colour, object, person>’ can be extended to ‘i see ’ which is autogenic structuring. finally i have a key i have been missing, and sure enough, the answer was with what i started with when i first joined balg: the answer was always to be found in autogenic training.

now i am going to test this out. using a sigil tonight, i am going to drop directly into trance, run through the entire autogenic training protocol, and with my eyes closed, i will repeat ‘i see ’ and see what happens. if i get a result, i’ll do the same with my eyes open while gazing at the sigil, and let that be my structuring session.

i’ll try that for now and see what happens.

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