Marquis Andrealphus can help with retaining memories

After reading this post on studying for exams I decided to call on Andrealphus two days ago.

Rather than remembering things for exams I asked him to help me remember my dreams and possible astral projections.
I just work up a couple of hours ago and could remember dreams vividly for the first time in a while
His enn is Mena Andrealphus tasa ramec ayer and his sigil is below



what happened? i tried to contact him using enn but nothing happened.

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Oh shoot, I meant to send that message to someone else haha.

My apologies, not doubting your prowess.


Have you tried performing a “proper” evocation? Additionally, sometimes you can get a demons attention and not be able to perceive it.

In the search bar you’ll find more elaborate evocation procedures. Koetting also has a free youtube video on the subject of evocation. When you evoke him dont be discouraged if you dont see or hear anything initially, keep going and give your task. Thereafter give him license to leave and (maybe) banish.


ok, thank you i did evocation once but turned against me

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what offering does he likes? i have a peacock feather, i want to ask him to bless it so when i put it under my pillow, i would have lucid dreams, is this possible?

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