Marbas Channeling

Yesterday at work, I was taking a small break to meditate, and projected Marbas’ sigil to open a channel. Immediately I started to receive information, so I opened a text editor and began typing word for word everything that was coming through. Something came up, however, and I had to stop mid-way. Today, I got back into the mode and finished the message. Interesting to note, he passed the mic to a few of his cohorts. Both gave an impression of their sigils which I attempted to describe with words, but I’ll have to probably draw them up. I think it would be fine to relay their names and sigils (that is, if I actually got them right, :P)
Anyway, here’s the channeling, I figured this could go under “Divination”.
One last thing - I feel like I may have meshed some of my own thoughts with the channeling - though I tried really hard not to and only pay attention what was coming through, not what was being generated. So read this with a discerning eye and discard or revise that which comes at you in such a manner. Also - due to my gnostic state, I was slipping in and out of consciousness - as is made evident by the horrible grammar and the lines and lines of repeating letters from falling out of consciousness and leaning my hands on the keyboard.

"The following account is given by the hand of man, being dictated by the goetic spirit seer who, for the j the inductance of such things is so any impasse may be overturned and a new path to creation, self-discovery, and “magickal ascent”
The division between the worlds jas geengrowwkkkkkl such that making the jorney into the abyss has destroyed livedkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Should I take the one and leave the other, pouring a cup without the pitcher? Leaving the fire to the hearth alone? Taking the money without the print to tender it?
Don’t be a fool as so many have done. Take my teachings, apply them and live by them. Then you shall point your fingers and say, “be” and it shall be. You will cry into the skies and say “blacken” and the sun will blot itself out.
You will walk through the fields and say, “bring me yield” and a forest shall spring up before you.

The first lesson to be learned is to take what you need. Do not wait for hand-outs. Don’t give yourself to the men who supply these things. Instead set seed and raise pigs, build your home from what the land has provided. There can be no claim to that which was not passed through the fool hearty hands of others. No legality may lay claim to it, neither can a neighbor say that you have taken it. It is yours, and it will always be yours until you pass it to hands in return for money or favors.

The second law is to pass nothing into the hands of beggars save they work for what you give them. When a beggar asks for money, ask the beggar what he can do for you to earn it. Allow no man the wretched position of becoming the black hole of an society. Give him work – then give him fair pay. This is not a free ride, and those who take it as such will continue to churn themselves in the fires of baneful existence, tainting all that they touch, destroying the surrounding cities until there is nothing left to be had. The mistake is not to be charitable, the mistake is to give without taking. Let no man who reads these things allow himself to again make this mistake. There is no gain for the beggar, nor for the charitable giver. Once you have passed a gold piece into the hands of a beggar – and take nothing in return, you have caused already the damage that eats at empires till they fall.

The third law by which all men should take into their hearts and live by it as if their child’s life depends on it. Do not allow yourself to be taken as the ground. If a man passes judgment without reason or cause – then you have been given the right to pass judgment on him, taking his very soul from him if it is your desire. Pointing fingers, shifting blame, and mocking the one for being like the other based on a trait unrelated to sin is a fool. Be not a fool, and be not the fool who allows fools to exist.

The fourth law is like that which is written in the books of old. Put no false gods before you to be praised or worshipped. Worship only the divine, the divine that is in all things. There is not singular point of existence which shall be praised above all others. All of creation is divine, and he who puts Christ upon the cross to worship him as a god is damned from the beginning. Worship the god within yourself. Worship the god that dwells within the life giving waters. Worship the god that settles in creation of any one thing – but do not worship the man who’s hand is stretched forth, standing in the glory of some supposed heaven, giving instruction to one man and sending the other to the fiery pits of yet another fictional realm of damnation and hellfire. They are not gods, they are not demons, they are figments of man’s imaginations upheld only to control, lead, and the degradation of the one true god – that which is present in all things that are, and gives all things motion and life, that which comes from the center of nothing and everything. The very spring of creation which is in constant flux every second and everywhere, which breathes in and destroys all, and it breathes out and creates all two million times per every single moment of conscious thought. There is no other. Those who deny this word and continue to worship some false god, as has been said so many times, is damned to die without truly living.


Be notthe poor in condemnation, neither be the condemnation of
the poor. Lifet up your eyes and behond the wonders tht com
efroom the
kkklbecome new and wipe away all tears and tear off the rotting
flesh. There is a solar
ffffjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj]dlllllllbehol d the
brothers from the moon and see their home in the earth… These
are they from the systems quarius, nephertitis, zelotar,
igeiolgspeech,and the code masters. It is known they will show
themselves, adn being that the time is not yet nearcry out your
nak\mes and make your signs and they will come.

there is much I cannot say aconcrerngthis date. see them
whispering to their elders, praying for the gods to return -
for they are more lost than you. thier ships are badly damaged,
and the marbas is here in the name of researchin th e interest
of his brothers.

be it yet not known that a few will follow the good g = held
thosa great hirwarito’s who’s sign is like a dagger shunt at 4
degrees thoruhg the right arm of a two-topped table.

Here is the name of as[krit whowork has much to do with you rown… Call
upon him for reinforcement and allieship if and hwen you may
feel jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

THere wil come no less wars in the near future than there
already are now.

contactstin the inner journey of the
lllllllllllllllllllla mmoment unabled to be charted. If you are
to understand this, you are to go thrugh it poTHE FULLACCOUNT

speaking on the latendt powers of your mind = you should you
should put your eye out, and rely on the currents to guide.
Connection with the elements and object so as to manioulate
them and command that they obey - tease it = all matter must be
cvuasedxed in a manner similar to calling a mans dog. Speak and
build repiutation with the thing. Here is the key. When you are
so linked, you are the thing and becomigng the key to it’s
command is simply recognizing its demons, its weaknesses, it’s
callings and its strenths. Listen to the door as it shuts - but
do not listen to the sound, listen to what happens - how it
happens - then practice what happened = the door shall swing at
your command hither and to. Simple, yet greatly misunderstood.

Speaking on the animals - the powers they cary and the
languages they know are far more than you perceive. Likewise
listen to them, you will learn more than you know now.

This is applicable to the plants as well. SImply i=listen to
all things and you will be taken into the deepest depths of the
mind of nature.

to the trances statees, it is simple - nothing is more easy.
You must let go. ou alaready know that mirror. THe questio is
are you ready? Peer into yourself and find your eyes meet deep
into the world behind. THis is your truen nature. Leave nothing
to be seen that is not also within.

Leaving the body behind is much like a man trying to leave his
country. He will say there are laws in place to keep him thre.
There are things to be done in the propper order to be able to
step over inotto the new country. I am telling you this is not
so. Leaving the body is merely this difficult becasue you ahave
made it so. If you do not believe these words, you sill never
experience the fullnes of the truth of them. What I tell you is
this - leaving the body is notthing more than stepping out,
like crossing a line on the gorund for that man. It is that

This is the conclusion fo the one know as Calunia “calouia”
… caloiguia.

my sign ins liek a fishi in a box with ears who’s tail is a
rose, a flower, but the flower found on the woman not in her

I tell you this thing toat you will come through th next years
well. Keep no flag in your hands. Claim no country and make no
allegiances. Keep you rknees free from the dirt of kneeling.
… Folow the moon whne it is possible. There will be signs on
her face leading men and giving signs. This is not to be taken
as symbolism, but in fact there will be direction given from
the face of the nights child.

and bathe yourselves frequently despite your situation -
despite your possible sufferings. Make the bath wash your whole
being. Keep your energy free of the grime put to you by themen
who seek all control. It is known that an aura charged with a
certain light can be tracked across the earth. You wil find
those who do not clean their light will be found quickly and
taken. This pattern will come from several sources - you will
be wise to pay attention to those things that al
Marbas - once this has passed, you will free us.

— I don’t understand, why do you need to be fred?

free us from the box of limitations that keeps ufrom tearing
down the throne of god and building our mountains fro which we
will command as gods ourself. You, being a man have no such
box aside form teh bburriers you put up on yourselves. We have
boarders and limits, only a god can free them.
Keep your name in your hand - it is not you. Make ready to
dispose of it and leave all attachments on the byway.


This is excellent, thanks for sharing. Marbas’ metaphor about leaving the body and entering another country is superb. What is your interpretation of when he says "Here is the key. When you are so linked, you are the thing and becomigng the key to it’s command ". I think he may be suggesting that having a connection to something makes you that thing, causing it to be at your command.

I think you’re right. Some of this I don’t even remember - which sucks because there are a lot of “fill in the blanks” and I have no idea what to even fill it in with. I thought I got most of it, but apparently I missed a ridiculous amount. But yeah, I do remember that part, and it was definitely insinuating a merging if not fully becoming.

I think you’re right. Some of this I don’t even remember - which sucks because there are a lot of “fill in the blanks” and I have no idea what to even fill it in with. I thought I got most of it, but apparently I missed a ridiculous amount. But yeah, I do remember that part, and it was definitely insinuating a merging if not fully becoming.[/quote]

Yeah that’s the same idea behind how Hentyos accelerates things.

I think you’re right. Some of this I don’t even remember - which sucks because there are a lot of “fill in the blanks” and I have no idea what to even fill it in with. I thought I got most of it, but apparently I missed a ridiculous amount. But yeah, I do remember that part, and it was definitely insinuating a merging if not fully becoming.[/quote]

Yeah that’s the same idea behind how Hentyos accelerates things.[/quote]

fuckin’ synchronicity

I love this! Marbas sounds like Jesus’ dark twin.

"true god – that which is present in all things that are, and gives all things motion and life, that which comes from the center of nothing and everything. The very spring of creation which is in constant flux every second and everywhere, which breathes in and destroys all, and it breathes out and creates all two million times per every single moment of conscious thought. There is no other. Those who deny this word and continue to worship some false god, as has been said so many times, is damned to die without truly living."
This is so true…it reminds me of how every particle is essentially having intercourse, and through the energy of that merging, the entire screen of existence is laid down upon our eyes… and all is created by either the attraction or repulsion of things, on the molecular level, physical level, etc.

"This is not a free ride, and those who take it as such will continue to churn themselves in the fires of baneful existence, tainting all that they touch, destroying the surrounding cities until there is nothing left to be had. The mistake is not to be charitable, the mistake is to give without taking. "

Very few people learn in their lives that true love involves the right balance of giving and taking. Even if this seems harsh it is not.

“Speaking on the animals - the powers they cary and the
languages they know are far more than you perceive. Likewise
listen to them, you will learn more than you know now.”

Very true also I love this and the knowledge this entity brings on connection with all things.

"behol d the
brothers from the moon and see their home in the earth… These
are they from the systems quarius, nephertitis, zelotar,
igeiolgspeech,and the code masters. It is known they will show
themselves, adn being that the time is not yet nearcry out your
nak\mes and make your signs and they will come. "

What do you think this implies??

[quote=“Theodora, post:6, topic:269”]"behol d the
brothers from the moon and see their home in the earth… These
are they from the systems quarius, nephertitis, zelotar,
igeiolgspeech,and the code masters. It is known they will show
themselves, adn being that the time is not yet nearcry out your
nak\mes and make your signs and they will come. "

What do you think this implies??[/quote]

lol, Jesus’ dark twin :stuck_out_tongue:
in all honesty I don’t think Jesus wasn’t all that dark himself. He did some pretty crazy shit. I wouldn’t put it past him to have worked with Marbas himself :slight_smile:

As far as what that means - I’m not totally sure. I’m not sure if he’s implying extra-dimensional creatures, physical aliens, or spiritual entities. There are systems named - they sound like star systems, but I’m not sure. The igeiolgspeech - I remember thinking, “how do I spell that?” and just totally fucking it up but I kept going because I didn’t want to get behind. The Code Masters - that’s a new one to me - I have absolutely no idea what that means or who they are.
However, apparently we can call on them and they will come - so, there’s only one way to find out :wink:

I think it’s time to see what these other spirits have up their sleeves. Especially Hirwarito … I’ll keep a running post. I don’t think this is just for me, which is why I posted it in the first place.

Damn, this is some serious powerfull and valuable stuff, DKM! And you are right when you say that this is not just for you! I agree to every letter in this text and again it is a confirmation we’re on the right path indeed!
Thanks for sharing.

Hello DKM:

This really is an in-depth & brilliant channel. I’ve been pondering this since you posted it, and all dropping off points aside, there’s enough information here to fill a book!

In essence, what I see is reaffirmation that we are indeed to become living gods; not only this but an extreme sense of urgency about it. For us to stop dallying and dragging our feet and making excuses about why we can’t - why the timing isn’t convenient or we don’t know enough … whatever our individual excuses are.

The indication there is an abundance of assistance readily available - eager assistance beyond even the wealth we already know about. Its time to stop studying endlessly and start applying. The day is here and the hour is now.

Grow up. Develop a spiritual backbone. Start making some definite decisons and ACT on them. Stop this endless thinking about, worrying, wondering & second-guessing. Cease putting it off. Move forward. You will not find your answers in your history or in the history of the world. Stop picking over dead bones. You will find all the assistance & understanding you need, and in great abundance by developing relationships with your nonphysical allies that are here for you now - in present time. Erect a new framework to think FROM. The old will not serve you, nor will it save you from your part in creating what is to come.

It seems to me that Marbas has very much taken on the attitude of a Teacher who is utterly fed up with an obstinate student … :wink: Z

I couldn’t agree with you more.
It’s time to stop fucking around. Don’t waste time doing things that are not related to your ascent. Definitely the feeling that what Dante and EA have been saying for a while now - get ready, if you’re not … well … you know.
Instead of watching that TV show, take that hour and meditate or read something of knowledge …
This forum arose for a reason, and I think it’s more than just a place for EA fans to gather and chat. This is a place for those who only have a few steps left, or who are ready, to be able to coordinate so that ascension for each individual will be quickened.

Also - I’m still trying to decipher some of this, but just for some food for thought, the statement, “…THE FULL ACCOUNT OF THE WOMAN…” I can’t remember exactly what it was talking about - however, I do know it was in reference to something that Eve (or one of the Eve’s) did in the past. That this action performed is important to understand - it’s effects on us. I invite anybody to seek out the meaning. I will attempt to as well - but it definitely seemed important - I remember typing it out in caps on purpose - it was a crucial point. Feel free to investigate this if you think you know what it’s referring to or how to come to this knowledge.

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DKM: regarding “The Full Account of the Woman” it brought to mind something I haven’t thought of in YEARS … In the gnostic gospels, there is a writing titled Voice of Thunder" … check it out & see if it fits your sense of what Marbas referred to in that statement. :wink: Z

EDIT Sorry, my bad. It’s titled “The Thunder, Perfect Mind” - a feninine narrative in the Nag Hammadi scrolls…

Thanks so much for sharing this! What a wealth of insight. I’m going to keep re-reading. One of the truths that rang true is the concept of charity that Marbas spoke of. Up until now it has always seemed like an unspoken law to give but take back. It is nice to see it being written in words. With my friends it always seems that way. If someone gives something to me there is always some price to pay for it later on as in the giving of a favor. It is a natural law of some kind that when left unbalanced, causes destructive energy to touch all that the receiver comes into contact with.

All I can say is, WOW! There is so much to take in with this channelling.

DKM, thanks for sharing that.

Thanks for sharing DKM!

I wonder if this refers to unplugging oneself from the Matrix in the material issues. Instead of waiting for aid from the state, I and several friends of mine -non-occultists though- are investing in building their own water wells for use in the house, central heating/cooking systems that run on wood, tending a vegetable garden etc. Everything the government can’t tax or cut off (or hasn’t tried for now).

The one big obstacle is still generating ones own electricity. Ever since Tesla ‘they’ have been pretty successfull at suppressing any and all free energy generation inventions. Last year another Dutch guy that was working on a free energy device simply disappeared. I’m pretty fed up with it at times.

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Thanks for sharing DKM!

I wonder if this refers to unplugging oneself from the Matrix in the material issues. Instead of waiting for aid from the state, I and several friends of mine -non-occultists though- are investing in building their own water wells for use in the house, central heating/cooking systems that run on wood, tending a vegetable garden etc. Everything the government can’t tax or cut off (or hasn’t tried for now).

The one big obstacle is still generating ones own electricity. Ever since Tesla ‘they’ have been pretty successfull at suppressing any and all free energy generation inventions. Last year another Dutch guy that was working on a free energy device simply disappeared. I’m pretty fed up with it at times.[/quote]

“Everything the government can’t tax or cut off (or hasn’t tried for now).”


[quote=“Bran, post:16, topic:269”]“Everything the government can’t tax or cut off (or hasn’t tried for now).”


LOL. Well, you know Bran, I think the only reason our government hasn’t taxed sunlight yet, is because it ain’t sunny enough over here. In fact, come to think of it…they do. People with solar panels who generate more energy than they use and thus supply energy back to the grid still have to pay ‘energy tax’ AND that energy is sold by their energy supplier to other customers. Talk about mob practices. So I refuse to invest in anything that doesn’t take me entirely ‘off the grid’.

@ DKtheMage: (like the new moniker, btw)

I’m still pondering the original channel… there are hundreds of “Codes” out there and this has been teasing my brain for a week now. Could he be referring to “the Codex”? It seems a more likely candidate than most that would be common mortal knowledge … Just a thought that won’t go away, so I put it out here.

Had any impressions after reading “Thunder, Perfect Mind”? :wink: Z

[url=] is for sale | HugeDomains

I do not know whether you can use this or not…but I thought of what you had said about electricity…something like $27 for the whole package of info.


interesting. I’m actually considering purchasing this.