Manifesting a partner using law of attraction

Yes you’re right law of attraction can kind of make you hoping the universe just drops it in your lap , tht only thing I need to work on is initiating conversation everything else is fine , ty for advice

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Think about what you honestly have to offer someone. What are your long term goals? What you like or don’t like.

I personally love the BDSM idea of a relationship contract. It makes both parties think about and agree to what they both want.

Im in the middle I could do either role but I’m more submissive I would be open to that probably later in life though, not so sure about carrying that out into other aspects of my life besides the bedroom

There’s your blockage.

Change the story you’re telling. Stop looking at that part of your reality the way it currently is.

Abraham Hicks ftw. :wink:


IsNt It WoNdErFuL, EvErYtHiNg is working out for me, I do like her teachings a lot actually

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To be more accurate, these aren’t her teachings. For a want of a better word/description, she channels them from Source.

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Ik I was just joking , have you manifested anything amazing from listening to her?

Their teachings are a major game changer for me, so yes. Things like manifesting 10k, and my overall situation improving.


You need to go out and meet and talk to people, part of finding the right person is making a larger social group you interact with and then as you get older it shrinks.

The girl you talk to at the grocery store might not be the one nor do you have any interest in dating but it is practice with small talk and maybe she knows someone you might work with.


I haven’t personally used this but someone on the forum posted this spell to get what you are looking for and you might find it useful: Dynamite spell to attract sexy lover

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I tried tht one two years ago actually I’ll try it again

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State Akin To Sleep? Don’t worry about stuff like that too much. I used to do it but it didn’t help after a point and I struggle with visualising deliberately so it sometimes made things worse. Different things work differently for different people. Just know that all things exist here and now. Consciousness is the only reality. Whatever you are truly convinced of will manifest instantly in perfect correspondence with your structure of consciousness.


Get your mind right and your body will follow. Meet the needs of the mind first and then the needs of the body are easier to handle.


Havw u try damon brand he has its a popular tat invoqe 3 names and bury the white cloth square, in a tree, plus diferent deities. I try 1 if by febrery meet my partner i will send tp u. Its been a month. And meet a few girls, but no the 1 yet, so i b here to update

What book by Damon brand is it ?

Its the one for sex love i tnk is adventures on sex magic. Amazon kindle, $11. Or search godes of love in google or create a fetish.

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Nvm bro tinder sucks don’t use it if anyone’s reading this all girls say they like the office , mac and cheese, or make me laugh , this shallowness is unbearable I’m deleting it lol guess I’m just gonna have to approach people


They use it