Manifesting a partner using law of attraction

I’ve been using Neville Goddard teachings and assuming I have a partner and being thankful for it but I can not manifest a partner it’s been like 2 years since i wrote out a list of qualities in a partner and that usually manifested for people fast but not for me :/, maybe cause i get frustrated and sad Probably twice a day about it. , any tips I would appreciate greatly I can’t deal with the loneliness anymore

You have 5 succubi and you feel lonely?

The 4 come and go , one stays permanently , I do love her, but since I still need a human partner and a social companion especially being young I want to live my life and experience that , there’s a very big void in that aspect of my life which I do love my succubus very much but she even encourages me to get a partner

I’m sorry, I hope you find what you are looking for

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Me too

Perhaps you should try online dating sites. I met my wife on one.

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I know man I’m honestly about to use tinder

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You tried Ok Cupid?

No I’m still a late teen I don’t know if people my age use it

What about the people you know in school?

I just dropped out of college in my first semester I had no interest but Im doing stuff to make money now that’s more beneficial than that route for me personally

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I guess you are really young and dont worry about manifesting a perfect partner, i have to be honest with you there is no perfect partner
Everyone comes with a disclaimer

You can start dating, or make new friends. Get into friend circles where you can find new people and dating sites are also good

Hit the gym, have some gains you will have more than one partner lol


I been working out for 3+ years and everyone says I’m huge and stuff but I just suck at small talk and don’t initiate conversation but my social skills when someone else intiates are actually really decent

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I’m very into Neville and he’s one of the best teachers around. However, his techniques might not work the same way for everyone and few understand the implications of his core principles/teachings. That said, the principles he teaches are eternal and unchanging: they are exact.

From your post it is crystal clear that, although you say you have been assuming you have a partner, you are more conscious of the state of being single and unhappy than anything else. To an extent this is understandable because you are somewhat hypnotised by sensory evidence–most people are and often mistake strong hoping/wishing for the feeling of fulfillment–but you could improve things by first seeing you can be at least somewhat okay, if not happy, with the current appearance/state of things. Start by being single and content/happy first.


Hang out in places you like to go to. Like art,.go to galleries, like music, to gigs, etc, the point being you meet people not by trying too hard down the bar but in the places you like to go to
That way you meet like minded people and you will have something in common. You mentioned working out, if that’s at a gym, make small talk to the ladies. Doesn’t have to be a big long conversation, just say hey, hows it going etc. Smile, be nice, soon something will happen for you. It always happens when you least expect it


Recognise that you have this going for you. Recognise everything you have going for you.

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Thanks yea it feels like hoping lately , not nearly as bad as when I started the list for what I want in a partner have you ever tried the sleep technique

Find a woman who shares common interests with you. If there are activities or hobbies that you enjoy, find someone with whom you can enjoy said activities. I didn’t date until I was 31 years old. I am 34 now. In my case it was well worth it waiting for the right one to appear than to settle for less. Women really like confidence and kindness.

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That’s awesome man, hope I can find someone within the next year but yea appreciate the input, especially interests that’s real important to be good or even better , best friends with your partner cause then you don’t get as sick of them after years

There is not a perfect partner mate and you don’t need anything near perfect. Just meet girls and do your thing,until something it works out for both of you. If it’s not working very well,on to the next one. I don’t know where are you from and how the single people meet each other there,but i believe the possibilities to find a girl outside are way more than from the internet. At least for me,it never worked and it’s not because of my looks. Making friends, going out,having social activities i think was and always will be the best way.
Last thing about the law of attraction. Girls prefer the uninterested, mysterious dudes that also look like bad guys a little bit, you know. This mindset at least for me had an 80% Success rate and maybe more,for the girls in my circle that I was interested for. Your are very young and you will have a lot of experiences. But if i was in your position, i would leave as soon as possible the law of attraction,and i would focus ONLY on my looks,on my confidence and my social life.