Manifestation I am, I feel , I speak , I love I know

[I think this is interesting and most people are not aware of this] i felt the difference (


Is this a meditation?

You might want to elaborate - external links sometimes break and it would be a shame to have the post get ruined because the info was all off forum and the channel went down.

Also many people don’t want to click a link to find out if it was worth clicking. :slight_smile: Human nature being what it is and time being a limited resource.

So that’s cool - how so? Do tell!


i watched the video. It sounds very interesting. but i am just thinking how to put it into practice. Do we keep saying all the affirmations related to each chakra everyday ?

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I think you either pick one that corresponds most with your intent. Or with your one intent you just go through all the chakra’s and embody the corresponding feeling towards that intent.

But… holy shit, so obvious and so brilliant!
This explains why I’ve never really resonated with the whole affirmation bit, while still seeing the value of the more serious “manifestation techniques”


In magick we have a similar way when we are asked to conjure a taste, a smell, something to touch, to hear, to feel, believe and let go…

I guess the idea of all those system is to imprint the subtle energy with the most of modalities we can to impact the physical plane and don’t just remain on the mental plane, or the astral one.


Thankh you i Honestly i felt like manyra or the flaffirtmations related to chakra just hit different i was feeling in my third eye area and chest it just felt different. Pardon me i will be more detailed in my sharing. It was sort of lacking in detail i will work on that! I am ,I feel , I do ,I love , I speak , I understand i like to say I innerstand… when i came across it made sense but were so u lse to saying i am all the time… i needed the reminder again… :innocent::grin:

Yes i hear exactly where you coming…
I feel the same way knowing that theres something missing and sure enough there was more to it… Like usual

Like the gentleman said, i guess you incorporate into you to your mnatras or affirmations fit what works into with the corresponding chakra… I find it interesting An will use it more to incorporate more depth to my statements of power or affirmations

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