Male and female romance vampires

This is about sexual-romance vampires of both sex. . Did you ever consider that the vampire victims are also vampires? Male players, male cheaters and fanny-ticklers and schmuck-fuck boys who can’t communicate what they want from women are all vampires however their victims are willing. Idiots together.

First off, vampire-women.

Basically, if you as a hetero guy do not come out and communicate directly what you want from a woman, especially a vampire cock tease then you will fall into the four categories which conveniently relate to the 4 occult elements; You will be a satellite, her chauffer or the like. A slave. She becomes your own pseudo goddess of destruction who will lead you on and suck your life away

There are 4 aspects to this slavery where you are hanging out with her hoping to get the pussy, giving her attention, in fact you are trying to suck her energy from her also


This is the Fool the Juggler the entertainer, she giggles away to your corny one liners and humorous stories. You think the sex is on but no, not necessarily. She’s bored and you are her jester.


Talking about sex and so on but not actually coming out and saying you want to get together for a fling or you want her as a fuck buddy. Dishonesty, stultification and energy drainage right there.


You’re her shoulder to cry on, you really wanna do this naked together in your bed but for now, this feels good and it may lead somewhere…it leads to vampirism only You’re being played. You’re not her big protector, you’re her schmuck .


You supply her with gifts basically treating her like a prostitute but she’s taking all she can, this includes chauffeuring her around in your car watching movies at the cinema etc thinking she’ll invite you back to her bed at the end of the night for sex. This includes meals out and nights out. You’re being sucked dry and financially

The male vampires

You have men who women find attractive and for stupid reasons of vampirism, they lead them on and fanny-tickle them even though they don’t want to get together to get intimate. You also get males who lead sucker-women on like they are genuinely interested in a long term relationship when in fact it’s deception, they just want to vampirically fuck them and discard them.

Likewise there are cheaters, idiots who don’t tell their partners that they are secretly snooping around shagging some other woman. These men are all energy vampires and no woman should tolerate their dysfunctional crap.

There is a way out of this vampirism and it involves replenishing one’s own capacity to produce energy for oneself so you don’t need to get involved in such vampire relationships.

This is a good starting point;


So you are suggesting that all these times that I failed to get laid, I also got vamped on top of that? Man you just destroyed my nice, laid-back summer night hehe.


Depends on the context, if you are in a Let’s Just Be Friends slavery-pit then yes, you got vampirized.

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I recently had a relationship like this i knew the girl was a psi vamp and i didnt like her but i felt bad for her and ended up in a relationship i hated

She tried beating me down mentally by overloading my brain with claiming she was in constant life threatening situations trying to get me to save her eventually my mind caved and after i visited her my mind was under severe attack i even hugged her cause she wouldnt shut up she even tried fake crying she keeps attacking me constantly and i just want her destroyed