Making hot women want to fuck you

A tight game and magick are indistinguishable.


I’m curious which animal products would inhibit the production of testosterone as I’ve read red meat intermittent fasting would supply a boost


Can you give me the instructions of the spell you used with Eros please

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Ya curios about that too. Can you share more info about the operation? Thanks

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Asmodeus is also the Demon of Lust, principle demon of one of the 7 deadly sins.


I asked Zepar for help. Made a few blood offerings and carved the sigil into a piece of copper. Women turn their heads when I keep the copper sigil with me. That has been my experience so far. Working on the BALG course right now, so the sky is the limit. Did get myself a fuck buddy.


Why is your ability to have her interested in you the measure of your anything, especially your mettle? This is horribly degrading to your psyche.


Don’t understand the question. Explain?

I mean, a chick’s interest or not doesn’t make you more/less valuable. To rate yourself based on any external condition is to experience the illusion–and illusions are experiences–of diminishing of your true power.


How did you murder people with magick? Im kinda new and dumb but very curious and willing to learn

Welcome @MrAvenger901. Please introduce yourself in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

You actually do magic all the time because you are always experiencing according to the nature of your consciousness. Your negative intent and beliefs–even if not deliberately negative–literally create the experiences you speak of but only in perfect correspondence to your consciousness.


I agree with you 100%.

The problem is, the world doesn’t agree with either of us.

The world doesn’t recognize the inherent value of any person. It only recognizes the extent of their accomplishment.

So the guy who can charm the hottest girls, or the girl who dates the tallest, handsomest hunk are ‘better’ than the single person who ‘loves themselves’ or whatever the term is nowadays.

It is what it is and we’re all here to learn how to negotiate the double-binds reality throws at us all.


Here’s where I think it is valuable to realise that our experience in “the world” is entirely based on our self-concept, i.e. all that we consent to as true. The world can’t do anything but reflect our consciousness back to us.
Our convictions about ourselves determine our individual experiences in “the world”. This is the crux of magic. Consciousness is reality. If not for the fact that reality is one limitless consciousness, we would have literally no chance of making changes via magic. Self-knowledge is key. If you rely on the external, i.e. the illusion or effect, for validation we’ll be stuck.


you can make magic perfume that will boost your aura either to attract the opposite sex or to make a person sexually addicted to you and be his best shot it is more useful when you are an escort boy or girl to earn money.
or used that when you go to a nightclub.
This perfume is always more effective on a person who is already physically attractive or who has a certain ease to seduce,I’d use lilith or samael for that kind of thing.
Personally, it’s not the kind of thing I’m interested in, but I can understand that it can make any guy want to do it.


Consiousness is subjective reality.

My definition of magick is different than some people on this board. To me, opinions and experiences are not facts, and that’s where i find i have a difference of opinion with some members of this board.

To my way of thinking, if an internal paradigm shift also leads to a tangible change in the world, the magick is legit. Otherwise it’s just wishful thinking.

I’d like to also remind you that you’re not the only person with a consciousness.

Others will view the world with their own way, and draw their own conclusions. The conclusions are most likely to agree on objective standards - everyone’s subjectivity is different.

Even in magick it’s important that your subjective ideas are (or will eventually be) in line with objective realities.

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Your perspective is definitely valid in its own right. As long as you are happy with it, go ahead.

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This much is also true.

It’s important as a mage to read and calibrate reality for the sake of making decisions, not so much for validation.

For me, i find validation in changes. There’s something about making a request for an experience to happen independently of you, and observing it happen in real time. That flow in magick where you don’t know if you’re making things happen, or if you’re being swept away in something bigger than yourself. It’s a bit of both, really.

When the smoke clears, you realize that the unlikely event you set out to accomplish has not only happened, but on the back end it seems like it was going to happen anyway! Only you realize there was barely a chance in hell of it happening before the fact, but after the fact it’s taken for granted that’s what was going to be.

That to my way of thinking is magick. Not so much shifting your own paradigm, but observing others’ paradigms and experiences shifting in relation to yours, almost like tumbling dominoes. The momentum of these shifts causes reality itself to shift and that’s where the tangible change i take as a standard comes in.

Emotions are so unreliable that i refuse to depend on them as anything but an after-effect. I tend to look for events in line with my intention while holding firm against any reaction that would derail the operation. I like to keep mine as close to objectivity as possible because it’s so easy to blow smoke up your own ass in this game. I like something tangible to let me know the work is really moving.

Everyone has to decide what their standards are; different people have different standards.

To each their own, i guess

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If it works for you then by all means stick to it: no point trying to force yourself to accept something you’re not able or willing to accept for whatever reason.
You are right for sure in that magick shifts your consciousness such that others start reflect that shift back to you. Indeed, all too often, when it actually “works” you often get confused because you think that it would’ve happened anyway even without the deliberate focus/ritual etc.


Why would you want to do this. If you can get to this point of ascension of having your evocations manifest, there are better things you could do than viewing the holes that disgusting things come out of. Much less touch them.