Making hot women want to fuck you

Sorry…not on this thread very often. SO…Eros… I simply used sage to clear the area for the ritual. I carved the name of my target on a white candle (color didn’t matter that much but I think I used white, intent is what matters). I then used seminal fluid to cover the candle. I prepared an offering to him, food that I would in turn put into the woods beside my home for animal consumption in order to honor him after the ritual. I evoked him, burned the candle during the ritual, and assigned his task to him and commissioned him to go forth. I then left the area for the candle to burn to the end. I disposed of the candle, cleaned up the ritual area, and finally put the food in the woods. I then went to my job where my target works, and that is when she started touching me and hitting on me.


Wow bro pm me and tell me details of the work what food and how did you evoke Eros I would love to work with him

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I no longer remember. It really does not matter IMO. Intent is what matters on this one. I do remember reading up on foods that the Greeks and Greek gods liked and tailoring it to that end.


Lmao im sorry to dig this up but that genuinely made me laugh some

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Can the Law determine there was any coercion? Can the law say, “hey, that man there cast a spell on her to make her want to spread her legs for him”? No…Until the Governing bodies openly and brazenly admit to the existence of working Magick, the Law has no jurisdiction on Magick.

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I don’t believe animal products inhibit testosterone. I’m 100% confident it is the opposite.

Nothing has jurisdiction over consciousness: it is the fool who thinks he can overrule God who is limitless consciousness.

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I’ve heard of quite a few good results from people asking Asmodeus for help in getting laid.

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Sounds like a good exercise and it reminds me of the ancients’ admontion, that for a man to ejaculate a lot actually weakens his spirit and constitution. Do you have experience, or any practice/reading recommendations, on the Tantric exercise for a man to orgasm without ejaculating?

No. But the exercise will fuck you up.


Clench your pelvic muscles a hard as you can like a kegel at the moment of ejaculation , it will be hard bit you won’t release therefore won’t lose energy but will still orgasm, it’s really fkn hard at first but practice

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Lol @ mailing things that move and don’t

Before you make any more posts @Fer10, please introduce yourself. It is a rule of this forum. Also, the person you are replying to is no longer here and is unlikely to respond.

I lost count of Goetic spirits that deal in attraction.

Getting enraged is fine, in your example. You always have the ability to follow your true will: sometimes that will involve violence or the pursuit of “justice”. The LHP has tools for this. You just have to be careful that your will doesn’t fall into cruelty for-its-own-sake.

On the flip side of the coin, it is possible that the pursuit of sex for whatever reason is what you need. While it might be unsavory, there are also LHP tools for this. You just have to be careful that your will doesn’t fall into lust for-its-own-sake.

The point here is that your will should control what you choose to do, as well as how you choose to do it. You can do virtually anything, but should you? Do you NEED to? Everything has consequences (results) karmic and otherwise: are you prepared to accept them? Others also have their own will, which may oppose yours, are you prepared to clash with them?

The LHP is about radical freedom, and your ability to exert restraint in pursuit of your will. It is the path of the Warrior.

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