Making hot women want to fuck you

Actually, I was a devoted oral man. Menstruation was my favourite time. I could rarely get enough, so I took my time (orally at least). That’s when I could convince a woman that she wasn’t actually dirty and just let me at it. I use to love the juicy, iron filled flavours that repeated on me afterwards when I burped.

Anyway, as for the 5 minute comment, many women take a lot of time and spend money to go to horse races and these don’t last as long as most guys do, so what’s the issue?


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unfortunately, youre like 30 to 40 years behind in terms of how dating (and especially how women) work today. Not sure what country you live in, but its definitely no country in the western world xD


@Lilith_Claudia I sent you a message, please check the green icon, top right - it’s important! I’ll delete this reminder once that’s done. :thumbsup:

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Hahahahaha [quote=“Verdo, post:108, topic:10686”]
how women) work

Actually I am a woman guess that makes me 30-40 years old lady? XD So yeah guys… the flower thing is not so outdated. 3:) I’d always pick the guy with the flowers over the other ones if I’d had to choose 3;)

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What country do you live in ? Just curious

I did saw it. I’ll make a proper introdution tommrow I promise. It’s late now, so will draw to sleep but the guys around here did amused me so I just sticked around. :))

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Europe. Est border of it, Romania :slight_smile:

Ohhhhh that explains the whole flower thing .


yea i figured…because you couldnt possibly be a western woman asking for guys to bring you flowers. lol


Why don’t women in your country love to receive flowers? (just curious not knowing many locals from abroad)

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I don’t know myself , but they seem to be into guys who make a lot of cash . And can take them on shopping sprees

Ummm don’t they (women) like work over there? I know in Japan they don’t and they just likeee live off their husband’s wages.

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They do but they don’t make as much as men . It would take a girl who really loves a poor/middle class man to turn down an opportunity to be with a rich man .

they’ll work…they just dont like working as much as men generally do…hence the wage gap

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I’ve known people like that, but also women who had husbands and kids, trying to do the right thing, and then hubby jumped the secretary because James Bond and the sexual revolution, so the kids lives get fucked up and the daughter decides to not trust any man with her heart after seeing mum go to bits, variations on that theme are pretty common for both my parent’s generation and my own.

Men wanted endless pussy but the problem is they wanted it all to come fresh wrapped in pre-1950’s era modesty and slight reluctance, once women largely gave up on marriage and beat them at their own game, they started whining.

The sexual revolution has turned out to be a disaster for everyone, and although there’s a sizeable minority who find happiness, neither “side” is getting what they thought it would deliver.


That is nasty! :disappointed: She should be with whoever she likes/loves cause you know money tend to gooo… Well as much as I’d like to stay and chat more it’s kinda late so talking tomorrow. Good night! :*


Sallos is geared towards love not lust

Is Sitri geared towards lust ?

Yes. Sitri is legit for panty dropping


Lolll . Great !!