Majick square to attract money

So I opened the money square from the M.E course workbook about 3 days ago.At first I put it in my pocket now it’s up where I can’t see it.Has anyone here used this with success? If so let me know how you went about it to make it work.It says it’s a fast acting square,and I’m still broke. lol

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What are you doing to allow the money to flow to you ( other than opening the square.)?

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These types of things work through circumstances of the least resistance when they do act.

What should I be doing exactly? I thought I was just suppose to open it and forget it.Thanks for any info.

I have tryed to open a Abramelin Square with the simple Koetting´s method, no succsess!:-(, I will try again!. If it don´t work I am thinking to evoke the Infernal Prince/s and spirits governing the square, I think that it will be powerful!

What should I be doing exactly? I thought I was just suppose to open it and forget it.Thanks for any info.[/quote]

How do you find which spirits govern the square?

Get out look for jobs, play lottery, anounce your services on internet/news, tell your boss you wanta work extras, sell something you dont use, things related to money

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What should I be doing exactly? I thought I was just suppose to open it and forget it.Thanks for any info.[/quote]

Sorry, been busy. Magic can and will get you money but like Kokuto said it usually involves the path of least resistance. Are you trying to get a raise or promotion? If so then the magic usually works by getting you that raise/promotion. Are you investing it in stocks/bonds if so the magic works to increase the stocks/ allow you to sell your bonds at a higher price.

With all magic you have to show it where to flow to in your life. This is why a lot of people (myself included) failed at attempts to get money magic to work. We just did the ritual and expected the money to come to us unexpectedly. I didn’t get results until I realized that I had to show the magic how I wanted it to work. Then it was, “I want that scholarship” BOOM I got the scholarship, “I want that job.” BOOM I got the job, “I want these 5 roof jobs to sale this week.” BOOM the 5 roof job sold (And I got a big commission :D).

That is what I meant. If you have poured all your intention and told the square how you want it to get you the money (The more likely the better i.e. “I want a job” is better than “I want an armored truck full of Benjamin’s to crash outside my house”) Then you are doing fine. I would look at what channels are open in your life right now in which money can flow to you (Job, investments, etc.) and then apply the magic to one of those.

Hope this helps.


What should I be doing exactly? I thought I was just suppose to open it and forget it.Thanks for any info.[/quote]

What are you doing in the mundane world that will give the money the ability to materialize? Are you investing money? Trying to get a job? Networking?

A stack of money isn’t going to land in your lap while you sit at home. Magick takes the path of least resistance so if its easiest for money to come to you by way of a bonus from work or a new job that is the route it will take before great aunt Bertha strokes out and leaves you her fortune and collection of cat calendars.

Damn Orismen we might as well have had identical posts.

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We must have been tapped into the same source :slight_smile:

Now I am getting back to making Aunt Bertha stroke out. I want those damn cat calendars!!!

I’ll pitch in, it’ll be revenge for all those B-day cards with $5 dollars in them.

All I as in return is one of the calendars…My favorite is the one wear all the cats have wigs…


I present Mr. Snuggles.

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That is NORMALLY how a money ritual works, HOWEVER…
I once did a working with the goddess Bastet, and a total
STRANGER gave me 1000$ that day! I did another completely
different working with “Elf” magic and got my disability approved the same week after a three year screw around.there was NOTHING remotely similar between these workings other than the beings I worked with were both female, and BOTH associated with wealth and supple living.


That is NORMALLY how a money ritual works, HOWEVER…
I once did a working with the goddess Bastet, and a total
STRANGER gave me 1000$ that day! I did another completely
different working with “Elf” magic and got my disability approved the same week after a three year screw around.there was NOTHING remotely similar between these workings other than the beings I worked with were both female, and BOTH associated with wealth and supple living.[/quote]

Very true. Unless you’re literally living in a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere, the money will come you. Of course this is all assuming that you have correctly followed the rules of sigil magick.

NOT just the seals,the motions and the incenses and the proper attitude.{HINT}DEMANDING is NOT it!

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The answer is easy if you have readed the book of Abramelin, the work to do is not so easy if you are not familiar with evocation.
If you have not read the book, read it!, it is best if you read the two versions ( Mathers and the new traslation, both available in Amazon), and yes! you are creating in yourself a subjective synthesis , if the individual is a lazy( no desiring perform the full operation of Abramelin for six or more months)) but ambitious Black Magician ;-), he will look in the book, chose a square and look what Infernal Prince and servitor spirit/s ( you must be familiar with all the squares the meaning of the words and of the names of the spirits, all this is hard work!). Then you evoke to the Infernal Prince, for example Belial and you put your square in the triangle and ask to Belial that charge it; Belial will ordain his servitors perform it or he will perform it personally or Belial will ordain his servitors obey you when you pick the squeare .Then you have a Talisman square, you pick the square in your right hand and summon to the servitors and speak your will, you don´t need open the square, the square has been open by Belial, you work after is summon mentally to the servitor or servitors and speak your desire and so it´s done;-).

This is the operation , I suppose that the communion and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel do all it more powerful, why? I think that one of the reasons is about getting a formidable divine omnipotence, all of your psichycal faculties are magnificent by the sacred contact with the angel ( your Higher Self or Daemon).

And No, I have not performed the full operation of Abramelin, I have charged the squares invoking the Prince, when I feel His energy I draw the square with this dark energy and while drawing the square I visualize my desire, with this system I have obtained interesting results.

I will be trying the method described more above when I have more experience with evocation, but I know that it will work, I am sure!:slight_smile:

That is NORMALLY how a money ritual works, HOWEVER…
I once did a working with the goddess Bastet, and a total
STRANGER gave me 1000$ that day! I did another completely
different working with “Elf” magic and got my disability approved the same week after a three year screw around.there was NOTHING remotely similar between these workings other than the beings I worked with were both female, and BOTH associated with wealth and supple living.[/quote]

Very true. Unless you’re literally living in a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere, the money will come you. Of course this is all assuming that you have correctly followed the rules of sigil magick.[/quote]

How do you explain doing everything right and still seeing no results? I work hard in hopes of getting a promotion or bonus. No luck. I buy lottery tickets. No luck. I network. No luck. Not quite sure what I could be doing wrong.

That is NORMALLY how a money ritual works, HOWEVER…
I once did a working with the goddess Bastet, and a total
STRANGER gave me 1000$ that day! I did another completely
different working with “Elf” magic and got my disability approved the same week after a three year screw around.there was NOTHING remotely similar between these workings other than the beings I worked with were both female, and BOTH associated with wealth and supple living.[/quote]

Very true. Unless you’re literally living in a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere, the money will come you. Of course this is all assuming that you have correctly followed the rules of sigil magick.[/quote]

How do you explain doing everything right and still seeing no results? I work hard in hopes of getting a promotion or bonus. No luck. I buy lottery tickets. No luck. I network. No luck. Not quite sure what I could be doing wrong.[/quote]

Perhaps you are obsessed and worry a lot, perhaps yo are not going to let your magick work, perhaps you would forget about it and would try again months later

Well I have a job working in a nursing home kitchen and the main cook just got fired.I asked for the spot and was given it a couple days each week.I also asked. for a raise and my boss said he would fight to get me one.The owner of the facility is being a tight wad.Hopfully this is the majick running its course.

Sounds like you did it right and it is in the works.

If you want I suggest working with Barakiel. He is an Archangel and is great at helping you open door ways in your life. He is also awesome at helping you let go and let the magic work in your life. After opening his sigil/evocation I have had nonstop stress busting laughter.

I use the sigil that is attributed to Baruchas, and had Barakiel manifest miracles in my life.


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