Magickal workings, Journal of the Warrior

True, I guess I’m still learning about him tbh

Personal prayer to God and Jesus done

May skip the Lord’s prayer today

According to scans made by @Twilight_Dragon
Lucifer is almost always with me, I wonder, will he guide me in the afterlife?

Personally I prefer Jesus to guide me in the afterlife, but not saying no to Lucifer :slight_smile:


So Jesus is beyond Ascended Master then.


I assume this is from a christian perspective (which technically doesn’t include ascended masters) but it’s a quick switch.


Hey @MagickVigilante … check out Rudolf Steiner on youtube. Lots of audiobooks for food for thought on your jounal journey.


Depends on what you mean by ascended master

Jesus is one of the many gurus who realised the Atman, and therefore realised God

The soul is a piece of God, realise the Soul and you shall know God



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Contemplating on a particular demon I haven’t worked with:


@Mulberry if you have any experiences with him you’d like to share, or how he is, I’d be happy to hear if you feel like sharing

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Book on mysticism

Time to go to work

Christus Vincit
Christus Regnat


Recited lord’s prayer, very powerful occult prayer.

I always feel a little better after I recite it

A suggestion for protection is to recite the Our Father and then recite Psalm 91

It brings down the protection of God

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I don’t know if it’s relevant to you or not but there is a Jesuit manual on meditation and prayer that had some really high powered stuff in it. Wish I could remember the name of the book for you but it’s pretty famous so maybe it’ll come back to me or you’ll already know of it.


I’ll take a look at it thanks! :slight_smile:

Decided on becoming a priest, but without the sexual abstinence, I’m taking Lilith’s advice.

I will have to get sexual in secret lol

The Lord Jesus Christ reigns supreme, great guru of Self Realisation

May he help me in understanding him and God

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If you read the apocrypha with an occultist’s eye, there are hints that Jesus may have taught Mary Magdalene a form of sexual mysticism, as there is a conversation between Thomas and Paul that references her as Jesus’ “companion,” (believed to be a euphemism for wife, or lover) and that she was privy to secrets the apostles were not, stoking Paul’s jealousy.

I can’t remember which book I read it in, though. It was many years ago. :thinking:


I wouldn’t be surprised! :slight_smile:

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While celibacy is a component of many spiritual traditions, I don’t remember if Christ actually taught it to his apostles. I think it’s more a teaching of the church than him.

If Christ was a real man, then he was basically a rebel in his time, because he went directly against the Jewish orthodoxy of the day, threatening their power, so it is very possible he taught sexual secrets to Mary. After all, there is 30 years of his life missing from his mythology. We have the story of his birth, and the beginning of his ministry in the Bible, but we don’t have any clue what happened in the intervening years so who knows what he learned, or where he learned it. We know more about the life of Moses, than we do the Messiah.

If you follow the story, however, then you can see that he was, essentially, the epitome of what modern day Satanists like to pretend they are. He was the Adversary, going against the hierarchy, and teaching a doctrine of self godhood, and even the Bible itself quotes him as telling his followers that the “Kingdom of God” is within them, and that they were just as capable of miracles as he was. He is also quoted in the apocrypha as saying there is no need for churches, but, of course, that particular quote didn’t make it in when the Bible was cobbled together by the Roman emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea.

After the orthodoxy had him killed, they basically rewrote and reinterpreted his teachings, pretty much destroying the essence of them.


Agree 100 percent

The power of Christ lies in his nature of having followed God without ascribing to dogma.

Essentially that’s why they had him killed

Much like Lucifer, Christ is all about ascendance


Prayed to the Cosmic father and Jesus

May God help me understand him, and may Lord Jesus help me understand him and be near me

May they give me strength to help people realise the kingdom of God within them and may they give me strength for my future as an exorcist.

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It depends on which of the Gospels we are talking about. If you take all of them, you will notice a gradual change of attitude on various things throughout the story of his life, likely reflecting the opinions of the authors. Mark, the earliest, puts a sense of collaboration between the Jewish leaders at the time and the Roman’s, with an emphasize that it was the Romans’ idea to kill him (which makes sense as the Roman’s had dealt with a Jewish Revolt in the past that lead to a siege of Jursalem, possibly motivating the jewish leaders in the story to turn the “rebel” in). When we get to John, the blame is entirely on the jews, which could illustrate the growing tension between the two religions at the time.