Magick for physical self defense

I want to learn how to defend myself but it’s going to be a long time until I can afford any classes.
A you-tuber called Chaos Psion mentioned on one of of his videos that he was able to zap of friend of his with his hand at will,.

I want to know until I can afford martial arts training is there any way through magic that I can defend myself against bullies or criminals. And I’m not talking about spells or rituals that are supposed to keep me from getting in those situations. I’m talking about when it’s happening to me right in my face.

Maybe there are talismans or other enchanted items that could help me?


Hi there as another member wisely reminded me the other day LBRP is a must do for physical protection. Also the Kabbalistic Cross which is often done before and after the LBRP or can be done as a standalone.

You can also use nordic runes, certain stones e.g. clear quartz around your neck for protection.

Of course you could also petition demon known for their protection powers.

Sorry but Israel Regardie himself wrote that the LBRP is simply for clearing a space at a very basic level to shine a light on you in the astral plane for spirit communication. It is not a protection ritual. I suppose the rosy cross ritual after the lbrp will be more appropriate if you want to do things the golden dawn way. :man_shrugging:

Look into Kruvest from The Book of Azazel.

But I would also apply a binding, which is preventative so I assume you’ve already applied preventative measures. A talisman counts as preventative too though.

I’d personally throw a death curse, which tents to have the effect of simple removing them from your life as if they died, but they can be perfectly happy elsewhere.

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Kinetics. Kinetic energy through psionics. With it martial arts and weapons are obsolete. You can stop a persons heart or rupture every organ in their body with a simple punch. It is all concentration and feeling the flow of energy first through your body on the mental level such as qi or what not but then deeper to the kinetic action of that energy and the energy around you. The movement of air, objects, the flow of blood in someone’s body, engines, electronics, radio transmission, all of it even subatomic movement produces kinetic energy it is energy on the physical level.

Start simple with moving energy through your body and using it to enhance your movements and strength, play with this, your mind knows how to do this on an instinctive latent level but you got to be able to talk to yourself. Then start to talk to the wind or other forces and start guiding their energy, wind is best as it is easiest to see results with. You can take the energy from one source and apply it to something else to get fast results or make thoughtforms manifest their goals faster.

For defense easy way is to just fill your body with qi then run the kinetic energy on the outside of your body. Get good with this and that laser focus you need with it and you can shatter bones but feel like you threw a normal punch. You can’t defend against this with martial arts it is like trying to stop or deflect a car hitting you. Get good enough you could theoretically just stop someones heart or give them a stroke anywhere in the world with a projection of this force through a dimension devoid of space or using your aura to conduct it into their’s without touching them or doing anything more than what amounts to ‘thinking’ really hard.

Side effect of building yourself up for these practices is it amplifies your aura so situations of needing to fight are less and less likely as your energy automatically starts to eat up, push away or dominate potential threats. They will find themselves unable to act against you and decide to go elsewhere like they are suddenly face to face with a bear. Strong shields designed to kill attackers work as well. Someone comes at you with malicious intent and they get hit by a car while crossing the street towards you but you got to really charge those a lot until it feels like you are surrounded by high voltage lines.

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I would think in the glamour region for this.
Maybe something in the lines of making sure other people don’t notice you much.

But I think nothing beats body language and actual knowledge of physical self dense. If somebody really means to harm you, there is no talisman or spirit that can really prevent that. You are the only person that can. I’ve gotten myself out of so much bad situations without having to get physical, just by knowing how to handle myself and the body language that comes with it. I’m not a big buffed up sporty guy, neither do I usualy come across as a fighter but I’m not easily impressed or intimidated by people bigger and stronger than me. I guess mainly because when I was still doing martial arts (krav maga and bjj) I trained mostly with people way out of my weight class.

Little edit-like addition because my edit-window had passed.

A lot of martial arts gyms would offer a free first class before you commit to anything. Depending on how much of those gyms are close to you, you can always go to a few of those sample classes of different gyms at first.
I haven’t payed for at least 13 yoga classes at first until I ran out of yoga schools and had to actually sign up for classes in my neighborhood ^^

No your somewhat wrong alchemic theory usually a more balanced aporch,… saying you soul travel just for self can move you slowly away from what you want form the spirt or demon.azazel is not quite as dark as Belial he sometimes twists the answer I get form the astral plane.

Excuse me what? You’re grammar and reply seem to have nothing at all to do with anything that has been said.

Obviously your more experienced than when comes to evocation,.I was just recommending that not give to the demands of a spirt or demon immediately, because it can your souls mental energy.em also Muslim so Allah might view it as ignoring him.

Noted thank you

Okay I now it’s been a while but this is the best answer I’ve seen on this page and I’m guessing you actually got some experience