Magick and the energies”sources” required?

So I have a few questions I’ll try to get through all of them in this post, if not I’ll add more.

I’m a pagan witch, but I’m seeing a lot of spells and incantations for demonic summoning/invocations for rituals. In my path I am not interested in involving myself with that side of magick or I don’t know if magick is only produced through demonic forces.

Question 1: what other forces besides satanism can be worked with. The energy has to come from somewhere wether that be the old gods, the leylines, the either, or demons. (To my knowledge, feel free to enlighten me)

Question 2: how to draw from these sources for your workings. I have no issue calling upon the old gods, (bast, Hecate, tyr, etc) but I’m skeptical about calling upon demons.

I’ve found a few incantations regarding currents, but mostly if not completely composed of demonic tongue, or draconic tongue?.
If more information can be provided on that, that would be swell.

Does magick inherently lead back to satan or can it be done without the involvement. I work a lot with healing spells, protection, enchantment, and sentries. If I have to work with “negative” forces, sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet to get to where you want to go I guess.

(I’ll add more later as fit if I’ve forgotten a question I was saving for this post.)

My favorite flavor of fuel has always been blood and elemental energy. That said, it has limits that I think other sources don’t. I’ve been developing theories about the source and energy that fuels magick lately. For most of my life I’ve relied only on energy I can get from myself or nature, but I’ve also been picking up the pace of my work in the last month and it’s running me down. I think that is the draw of reaching out to angels/demons/spirits/gods; there’s a larger reserve of spell-fuel available.

That said, I have the same reservations about external entities that I do about xtianity and other mainstream religious deity worship. I like being a free agent, and leaning on other sources for energy feels too much like becoming obligated to them and giving up a modicum of freedom that is important to me. I don’t like feeling like other things have power over me; I prefer to be my own God, and occasionally enter into friendships with the spirits I find in nature as mutualistic equals. However, I have recently started learning more about deities, spirits, and demons and am reconsidering my opinions and positions on the topic.

I rely mostly on the manipulation of the energy around and in me to collect it and use it for what I need. No chants necessary other than whatever feels right to focus me or communicate my intentions. Usually that’s just English, for me, or incantations I create via the methods outlined in the Liber Null. Just keep in mind that my method limits what is available to you relative to working with other entities.


I appreciate your response, and I was thinking of using blood, but for very specific intentions. Like where it would be necessary for a quick spell like self defense, blood magic first to create a strong ward to give you time to make a stronger ward using runes. I’ve through about that a lot actually haha. I have often used runes for my sigils, enchantments, and offensive magic. I used to know someone that had ticked a demon and now posses an enchanted ring that allows them to draw energy from the either.

I’ve been using dead language spells for healing and dividation for cleansing but I don’t know much in this language other than it’s an earth elemental language. I’ve thought a lot about going to a cliff side to meditate and listing to the rocks fall to learn more about the language. Same with fire elemental language, listing to the crackling blaze as it whispers it’s sweet nothing into the universe. But I feel like that a topic for another discussion. :sweat_smile:

No not at all. In pagan or natural witchcraft you don’t use these as they are from a different culture that has nothing to do with paganism. Why would you care about the persona non grata of a religion that is foreign to you? As a pagan you would call upon your pagan gods. For example, if you are a Norse pagan, you would call upon the Norse gods like Thor, Odin and Freya, and the forces of nature that the Norse believed in, and, upon yourself.

Bear in mind, that the Christian “demons” are quite often, though not always the former gods, nature spirits and fae/djinn of conquered peoples, not original entities the Christians/Islamisists/Jews (JCI) discovered. This is a form or psychological warfare to make the conquering complete and subjugate the people completely into Christian. I encourage you to research the history of and entity and not rely on pop culture anything for it’s story.

So what pagan religion do you follow? We probably have resources here where people have discussed working with your gods that you can look up in the search at top right.

Satanism is not a force of any kind, it is a philosophy.
The underlying force you work with is simply energy.

You. You are the one that is magick and nothing else. Your choice, your intention and your direction is how that energy gets to be moved according to your will. The entities help, but they don’t do anything unless you ask first. You are the beginning and the end. “Ask and you shall receive”.

Humans are literally like walking power stations, we make energy all day and night from the air and food we consume. Never underestimate yourself.

Two things: attention, as energy follow mind, and intention, to tell it what to do after you have directed the energy somewhere. You don’t need to get technical about where is comes from, you are connected to everything.

Good. Stand in your power and call upon yourself as an incarnate higher being.

Magick has fuck all to do with Christian dogma. Magick is physics. It existed before humans existed, it certainly existed before silly egregores created by Christians as an excuse o dehimanise people and persecute them existed. Know your history or be controlled by it.

Do as thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law, LOVE is the law. I dislike Crowley but he was right about this. Love/curiosity/invention, these drive the universe, and you have access to these as a human, so use them and ignore the dogma.


Cosmic/universal energy, Source, elemental, celestial, underworld, solar, planetary, inherent, biological…

Awareness and intention.


Wow that was an amazing read.

I ment demonic energies, not like satan himself. Energy, not the dogma. I could have worded that better tbh.

That’s abit complicated, I’m omnitheistic I work with gods from cross pantheons.

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Fair enough! Thank you for your response!

I see. This is not being pagan.

Yes is usually just called having a philosophy. Philosophy is not religion. It’s not at all complicated.

To say you’re “pagan” simply implies you follow a specific pagan religion and that means revering it’s specific gods, which it sounds like you don’t.

Working with entities that happen to be labeled as gods doesn’t mean you have to revere or worship them or identify with any kind of religion.

Conversely you can identify as a Pagan… or. Christian, Wiccan, Buddhist, Hindu or other religious followers, and also work with entities from other religions across the world, they’re not mutually exclusive. Even Christianity doesn’t deny they exist, it just asks you not to worship any of the other entities except the one.


My miss understanding. Thanks!

Demonic and angelics entities are “creations” to give a face to particular kind of Power.

They have their own personnalities but they hold the power of Kabbalistics ideas from medieval magicians.

Exemple : Astaroth represents the qliphoth side of Jupiter while Reiaiel represents the angelic side. Which means they share the same “intelligence” but one has a side, the other as the other side.

So you can directly work with Jupiter, or the element of Air, the East, the concept of Spring…


Very interesting, thanks!