So I have a few questions I’ll try to get through all of them in this post, if not I’ll add more.
I’m a pagan witch, but I’m seeing a lot of spells and incantations for demonic summoning/invocations for rituals. In my path I am not interested in involving myself with that side of magick or I don’t know if magick is only produced through demonic forces.
Question 1: what other forces besides satanism can be worked with. The energy has to come from somewhere wether that be the old gods, the leylines, the either, or demons. (To my knowledge, feel free to enlighten me)
Question 2: how to draw from these sources for your workings. I have no issue calling upon the old gods, (bast, Hecate, tyr, etc) but I’m skeptical about calling upon demons.
I’ve found a few incantations regarding currents, but mostly if not completely composed of demonic tongue, or draconic tongue?.
If more information can be provided on that, that would be swell.
Does magick inherently lead back to satan or can it be done without the involvement. I work a lot with healing spells, protection, enchantment, and sentries. If I have to work with “negative” forces, sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet to get to where you want to go I guess.
(I’ll add more later as fit if I’ve forgotten a question I was saving for this post.)