LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE - Important question about the prime minister

Hi. I have started to work with him for the last 2 weeks due to my thrist for personal power and wealth.

I wanna verify some experiences and personal gnosis with him. i have also done my previous research for everything related about him in this forum so i have pretty much read all i could find about him in the web to clarify.

I know some of these questions may sound weird but i will try my best to explain as good as i can.

-One of my questions is: Is he some kind of keeper of trasures till’ the point that everything that we know about riches, wealth, material possesions, success are directly involved with him or under his commands or at least under his awareness? i mean not the only one who opens up these vortex in our lives sources to fulfill desires but the one who controls the flow of it?

i.e if another demon under lucifer’s empire has the attributes to bestow wealth. lucifuge is the one above this other spirit and has something to do with this “requirement” ,again. Not to allows it but be aware of all that is happening? (having in mind that he is a “dark aspect of lucifer” or his “dark twin”.
(i just wanna verify the answers and experiences of other magicians)

He is known for this purpose and i’m totally aware of what does it could really mean. Every demon has control over their areas or attributes but my main question is that if there is a total control on the infernal empire or is just a dark primal source of energy malleable where us as humans has labeled all of this that i’m talking about into words and concepts just to organize things in our minds.

It can differ into lores and civilizations, beliefs, religions, hierarchies and he probably don’t have control over everything related to “hell” or does he?

these are some of my questions. would appreciate any comments on this. thanks.

No I agree it doesn’t really make sense that one entity would have full control over the ebb and flow of this type of energy for the whole planet.

But it might depend on either you see Lucifuge as the personification of a force of nature, or an individual person. If it’s the former then “he” can be found in any situation, and other beings can access and use this energy, but if the latter then the office is shared by others.

Either way other entities and names can be called on for the same offices.
People who have never heard of Lucifuge are not stuck and unable to get the kind of help he brings.