
Hello…sorry I may be asking simple questions.
But I’m a beginner and I don’t know much.
I just want to know something
How can I summon Lucifer without using black magic?
What is sigil and how can it be used in this regard?


Hi there are loads of answers to this on the forum already as it’s been asked so many times
If you check out the search function at the top of the screen :mag_right: you’ll find everything you need plus more :slightly_smiling_face:

Lucifer is amazing to work with btw. He is great for people who are new ,as he is patient. And also he is a great teacher


Try this:


May I ask why this stipulation?

I have a feeling the no black magick stipulation is a result of Hollywood movies and a misunderstanding about the nature of magick so I’m gonna ask a couple questions that may seem too um basic and beginner to those using magick regularly.

@NIRAN What does the term black magick mean to you? What do you think black magick is?

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If I may,

If we look at the technicality of the practice (if one could say as such), I would say, as a pretty wise and powerful sorcerer once said

“All Magick is Black Magick”

You are using your power and your will to push reality in order to make change; aren’t you putting yourself above the concept of God? (and there is nothing bad in this, don’t get me wrong, please do it, lol).

That seems black Magick to me (please anybody correct me if I am wrong), freedom of exercising your power, and I think that Lucifer is a big promoter of that.

Black Magick is not Bad Magick


Isn’t evocation in general black magick?

@Schattenmond Well that depends on your definition of black magick.

What if you were evoking St Michael the archangel or Jesus (egregore or not)?

Would you call that black, white or grey? It would still be evocation regardless of entity evoked.

It’s more about how you perceive and interpret the act of magick that makes you judge it black or white good or bad because all magick is occult (meaning hidden or blacked out of the minds of mainstream people).

Edit add: not sure that came out right but I hope you see what I’m getting at.


Dont you mean that black magick is not bad magick but black magick can be bad magick?


Even white magick with wrong intent can be bad magick.

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But i mean bad is always subjective to your morals. So something for you may not be bad for everyone

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Actully there is also the other way around, there is magick that is bad in regards to other peoples norms and morals wich can be good for you.

Would you consider a knife “Evil” just because people occasionally gets stabbed with them? You can use a knife for both cutting your food or for harming; it’s not the tool, but the intent


I do not mean this perfectly … I mean I do not use magic I need a simpler things

No … I mean I do not use magic … I need simple things

If you don’t use Magick why are you on a Magick forum?


I just need a simpler things … because I do not Know Magic

I do not mean that … I need simple things I do not know about magic a lot

To answer you question Lucifer is a demon after all, he is the king of the I freak empire/ hell and is a part of the darker currents of Magick. To work with him is to jump into those currents and those currents can also be called black Magick.

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Good but how do I do it … I do not know magic It may be decisively

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