This was my approach anyway. I didn’t worry too much about the masks part. I’m using the word “Promethean” as “innovative” rather “of Prometheus”.
As in the Cambridge dictionaru:
There’s more behind this idea of beings bringing knowledge to mankind. It is also seen in Native American lore with the story of why the Raven is black, and in the old UK folklore about why the Robin has a red breast (same story different native animals).
There’s also the “Shining Ones”, aka the devas aka the serpent ones, (from Genesis 3.1 “nachash” that is translated both ways) who brought knowledge to mankind of which there are repeated stories like this globally, in more cultures than the bible.
Historians like Freddy Silva have studied the historical documentation and suggests these are not the same story spread through humans as much as the same happening repeated with different sets of people. The story of Azazel teaching mankind skills like agriculture and weaponry is part of this and is why he’s listed in Asenath’s work.
Whether all of Asenath’s featured entities can be mapped to Shining Ones is a different question I think, and I doubt it… but I also think at this point we’re deep into the convoluted stories of generations of adjustments turning history into murky and symbolic myth, overlaid with teaching stories and whatnot.
But I do think there’s a historical basis in this concept of “Promethean” beings.
Re this part, I would say you are “of the LIght”.
This desire to help others ascend and know means sowing the seeds of light aka knowledge and skills to those with the ears to hear. And I would say you need material skills to gain the comfort and time needed to spend effort on spiritual skills rather than full time survival.
When you work at that his is where the terms “Lightseed” and “lightworker” come from. Although that too has become misunderstood and associated with fluffy RHP, the goal is exactly the same: human ascension and empowerment.
I don’t think it matters so much about the personages associated with this, they are sort of ‘midhistory’ and their stories are awesome but there’s more to it, something more universal that desires humans to be stronger and to gain enlightenment.