Lucifer vs Prometheus

So i have been thinking.

I know alot of people who call thrmselvs luciferians. Thry are fairly cool people. But i had a thought.

The view they take doesn’t seem to fit the concept of satan or lucifer. It seems to be more geared towards (in my mind) the idea of the titan Prometheus.

Satan ia seen as a evil figurw who lovea to torment and harm others.

Prometheues is a creator, liberator, protector, maytr of humans. This seems to fit more with the luciferian rules they follow

I have thought of myself a few times as a luciferian chrtistian (denying tyranny in favor of faith that Christ taught) though i can see it as confusing.

Maybe i should refer to myself as a promethean?

What yall think?

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Well, you have to remember that Lucifer was never a liberator. He was created by Christians as a narcissistic archangel who threw a tantrum when he was no longer God’s favourite. He wasn’t interested in freedom for humanity. He was jealous because God had commanded the angels to bow to Adam, and he thought Adam should have been bowing to him.

Occultists and worshippers rewrote him to match their own ideals of enlightenment and liberation based on older myths, one of which was the Greek Prometheus (the historical Lucifer was a minor god in the Roman pantheon; he was so minor in fact that there are no stories about him. He was the son of Aurora, the personification of the dawn and represented the planet Venus, hence his epithet “the morning star.”)


Which is actually the reason that it confuses me. Its like your ( luciferians) icon is a privilaged rich kid stomping hus feet because daddy told him to be nice to the oddopted children

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Satan really represents as a whole “The Adversary” there are multiple Satans, but without going into the biblical “Satan’s” what I can say is there are adversaries in all schools of belief. Baal vs Yam is the story of the adversary vs the hero/saviour or even Ra vs Apep, light vs dark, good vs evil, chaos and order essentially.

Whereas Lucifer depending upon the context and system is seen as an illuminating spirit, the Luciferian light in the Luciferian paths is often viewed similar to the fire stolen from the gods by Prometheus. Lucifer in a biblical context of course is completely different to the archetype we have nowadays in Luciferianism.

So if we’re talking about the archetype known as Lucifer then he is a personification/force rather than an actual sentient individualised being, irregardless of the subjective experience. If you actually look at it from a historical and biblical context there isn’t an actual being known as Lucifer.

Now modern Luciferians such as Michael W Ford, Asenath Mason and Bill Duvendack, state that Prometheus is an atavistic mask of the archetype known as Lucifer.

Divine fire and the light of Lucifer are often seen as being synonymous with each other but the question here really is, if those who steal the divine fire are archetypes of Lucifer this would mean that all thieves of fire are Luciferian archetypes or atavistic masks which would be very confusing considering the fact that “the fire theft” is a mythological theme that reoccurs in almost every culture and myth around the world.

For example Prometheus is the titan who stole fire from the gods, in Africa the mantis stole fire from the ostrich. Native Americans have myths about the coyote, the rabbit, beaver and other animals spirits amongst the various different nations that stole fire. In the Vedic rigvedas it’s said that the hero Mātariśvan recovered fire, which had been hidden from humanity, and the list continues.

So it really seems more as if most modernised Luciferians utilise the mythological personifications as symbolic masks which represent the different powers/forces they seek to work with, hence why so many damn Luciferians believe or state that Lucifer has a million masks. I used to believe this was ridiculous but now I’ve matured more, I simply say if it’s works for them it works for them. Hell chaos magicians even use fictional characters or egregore masks, to tap into real forces and powers through fictional symbols and personifications.


I agree and think Asenath Mason also agrees with you, and there are more figures that also have this Promethean feeling to them, which she explored with a bunch of workings you can also try in her book Awakening Lucifer:

Explore the key masks of Lucifer the Light-bearer and connect with his eleven most inspiring god-forms for self-initiation in the Draconian Current on the Path of the Dragon.

Over 14 enlightening sections, you’ll discover the hidden truth about Lucifer’s masks, titles, and attributes, and enter gnosis with the deities, spirits, and magical figures related to the Luciferian ethos and symbolism.

You’ll explore the manifestations of the archetype in ancient cultural contexts, learning the roots of popular legends and folklore, and finding the similarities and differences between Luciferian characters around the world. You’ll find the eleven god-forms each representing a different aspect of the archetype below:

• Prometheus, the Bringer of Fire
• Melek Taus, the Peacock Angel
• Attar, the Son of the Dawn
• Shemyaza, the Serpent Angel
• Samael, the Prince of Darkness
• Lucifuge Rofocale, the Lord of the Night
• Lugh, the Shining One
• Shiva, the Lord of the Trident
• Azazel, the Lord of Transgression
• Pan, the Horned One
• Janus, the Keeper of the Gates

Although personally I ignore “satan” for this reason: technically I’m “a satan” too after all. I “accuse yhwh” up and down BALG weekly. :joy: I think he was a psycho that wanted overcontrol and the only responsibility of a prisoner is to escape. I don’t get on with Lucifer but I agree with his principles.

But yeah the story is way too muddled and I don’t want to call up a mask with a unknown entity behind it. like to be more precise.


That is kind of my point.

To me luciferian or satanism seems like it gives creedence to the church, etc. As a protestor rather then as a icon.

The mask, i guess, of Prometheus makea more logical sense. Seeing as how our society is largely built with greco roman influence.

I dont get how also luciferians seem to go out of their way to “oppose” the church at near fanaticism. I.E. you cant see 1 thing thr church has done for the betterment or benefit of man.

As someone (Gawd i hate that phrase) who practices stoic philosophies. I find Prometheus a better icon. His powerful stature, wisdom and courage. Appeal to me As a Man, cultivator and.philosopher

I think it would be more appropriate to see the modern idea of Lucifer as modelled on older beings like Prometheus rather than Asenath Mason’s religious dogma of Prometheus actually being a mask of Lucifer. Simply representing the same archetypal energy doesn’t mean they are the same being and, after all, Prometheus was here first. The modern Lucifer is a late arrival to the game by historical standards.


I think she (mrs mason) is just making a cultural connection. Between the two.

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Except…culturally speaking, Lucifer is not Promethean. Western culture is Judeo-Christian in origin and still maintains that religion’s template of him, though some popular media have begun to embrace the modern alternative version, like the comic/television show Lucifer. On the whole, though, Lucifer is still considered the spoiled brat he has always been.



I would say christianity still does possess a greek gnostic roots to some degree. Even protesant churches reconized the early gnostics ( a win is a win)

As to the stoic practices are still there as well with the 4 cardinal virtues.

In this case. What are your thoughts on the concept of prometheainism?

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This was my approach anyway. I didn’t worry too much about the masks part. I’m using the word “Promethean” as “innovative” rather “of Prometheus”.

As in the Cambridge dictionaru:

There’s more behind this idea of beings bringing knowledge to mankind. It is also seen in Native American lore with the story of why the Raven is black, and in the old UK folklore about why the Robin has a red breast (same story different native animals).

There’s also the “Shining Ones”, aka the devas aka the serpent ones, (from Genesis 3.1 “nachash” that is translated both ways) who brought knowledge to mankind of which there are repeated stories like this globally, in more cultures than the bible.

Historians like Freddy Silva have studied the historical documentation and suggests these are not the same story spread through humans as much as the same happening repeated with different sets of people. The story of Azazel teaching mankind skills like agriculture and weaponry is part of this and is why he’s listed in Asenath’s work.

Whether all of Asenath’s featured entities can be mapped to Shining Ones is a different question I think, and I doubt it… but I also think at this point we’re deep into the convoluted stories of generations of adjustments turning history into murky and symbolic myth, overlaid with teaching stories and whatnot.

But I do think there’s a historical basis in this concept of “Promethean” beings.

Re this part, I would say you are “of the LIght”.

This desire to help others ascend and know means sowing the seeds of light aka knowledge and skills to those with the ears to hear. And I would say you need material skills to gain the comfort and time needed to spend effort on spiritual skills rather than full time survival.

When you work at that his is where the terms “Lightseed” and “lightworker” come from. Although that too has become misunderstood and associated with fluffy RHP, the goal is exactly the same: human ascension and empowerment.

I don’t think it matters so much about the personages associated with this, they are sort of ‘midhistory’ and their stories are awesome but there’s more to it, something more universal that desires humans to be stronger and to gain enlightenment.




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I looked up Prometheus upon a wiki. I found it interesting that there was a comparisipm between him and Jesus.

"Moyers asked Campbell the question in the following words, "In this sense, unlike heroes such as Prometheus or Jesus, we’re not going on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves.

For Campbell, Jesus suffered mortally on the Cross while Prometheus suffered eternally while chained to a rock, and each of them received punishment for the gift which they bestowed to humankind, for Jesus this was the gift of propitiation from Heaven, and, for Prometheus this was a gift of fire from Olympus"

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There’s a clear undercurrent of forces opposing the transfer of knowledge to humanity, opposing empowerment and supporting the control of human energy and information.

I think these are the same forces that caused these “punishments”, not because there’s anything spiritually meaningful about the punishment, there’s isn’t, but as a warning and with the intention of using fear to discourage humans from seeking self empowerment.

Using the cross as the symbol of Christianity is a symptom of these forces subverting the teachings of Jesus, to keep that fear. He did didn’t die for us and that has no effect on personal responsibility. He and the many other sons of god lived to teach us that we can be like them, and that’s the material point.

The fish symbol, as the original symbol of Christianity, alluding to manifestation (the miracle of the loaves and fishes, which I believe is true and is straight up manifestation from 4D, the ultimate goal of many occultists) and how you can learn to manifest all the bounty you need to live a good life, that is a much better tribute to this ascended in my mind than the picture of his torture by his and our oppressors.

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He is teacher liberator and (perspnal theory) bringer of the new age. His crusifixtion was a blood sacrifice for the next and new age of enlightenment.

Humanity’s sin is our own. We choose weakness, indulgence and imperfection over true strength, disipline
And Sophia’

Side note: atheists deny God but blame God for the evils humanity suffers from. The path of power is responsibility. For our lives and our situation.

Back to topic: i can see Jesus being a ‘mask’ of lucifer

This is a personal worldview thing I guess: I don’t believe it was a sacrifice at all, I already said what I think it was…

I don’t believe in sacrifices period as a valid energy in your workings unless it’s your own. And it’s pointless to sacrifice for others for this reason: they all have to do their own work. As evidenced that it didn’t work and none of us are enlightened, in fact we’re further away from is as a species than ever., though a lot of that is because of the controllers, it just shows that as a ritual it was not successful.

Nobody can override free will, regardless of how high the intention is.

However I think this is not what happened, the bible itself has Jesus saying how the other disciples helped. Jesus was not the one scourged, was not the one who walked the path to Gehenna: his words say that. All these adepts in his group took part. In tat sense maybe it was a group ritual, but it still attempts to override laws that you can’t even at that level, and they would have known that, so that can’t be what it was.


Such rituals as fire creations, building fire… Like the very acts of creating a personal fire whether in rituals or outside of them also has this effect of connecting us to the origins of this myth about Prometheus.

Whenever my kids and I are building a fire we like to discuss that very primitive thing.

Remembering somewhere within us the ancestor who first got to create a fire whilst perhaps the onlookers and their observers got to imagine that it was a feat of pure mysticism as if this were truly a real miracle. It’s like a sacred ritual to pass this gift down to children, as lord baphomet would love for you to do.

Ans the fun part is to let them choose spells to create for you as their mentors.

I’ve let mine put all sorts of things in our fires.

I recently sanctified a tool with my oldest son, and we’ll be engraving into the axe and the blade handles.

Teaching him to chop down trees, small brush and twigs for kindling, telling him he’d entering a new rite. He gets trusted with a rifle next birthday.

Small stages of progressing into boyish masculinity… Using a pellet rifle and then using a hatchet or a knife.

Daddy gets to hand them fire from the gods, and it’s our little secrets… Family craftmanship

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So basically you think that the all current views on Lucifer only comes from an egregore?!?

Which means Prometheus would be a more “pure” energy to work with?

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The image of Lucifer seems to be one that formed in itself in recent times. To be promethean implies to create new. The Divine completely transcends what we consider comprehension, but it can be acknowledged in the balanced whole of all things. Some associate the Divine with ether, the source. This ether is completely inert though until its eldest son becoming conscious of himself and his own ability to create took it and transformed it, evolved the idea and added value. Lucifer is thought to be the bringer of light, whether this was due to a mistranslation of Helel or not, I do not believe it matters. It is clear the the archetypal Bringer of Light, is a being that resonates with many ancient gods, and connects its dots throughout many areas of our culture. This is why it’s said he wears many masks, he seems to be an undercurrent for various occurrences and forces in nature. All of us wear masks, father, brother, son, employee, boss, friend, foe, we are none of them and all of them at the same time. Many Luciferians find him in the Sun, the Dawn, Dusk, Venus, with associations to all the other planetary spheres as well.The light is Truth in one context, the bringing of truth can be very adversarial to the one in delusion and those attempting to delude. The balanced force of nature, natures light, made conscious and anthropomorphisised. He is a dualist, as we are duelists, as All is a dualist. His deepest aspect is Amaymon, Amun, the hidden divinity, here in the hidden Sun you will attain true Luciferian Gnosis. If your meant to connect to this deity Lucifer you will probably receive gnosis hidden in between the lines of what you hear about him. Just like the All he can be recognized by appreciating and trying to understand the various aspects of him. Prometheus is most definitely an aspect that will connect you and increase your Divine Consciousness. Being both celestial and infernal Lucifer truly is the light of the world, the truth wisdom strength and beauty of The World. The ascending flame and the descending light both operate through the same conscious.

Runes I associate with Lucifer are Sowilo, Raidho, Kenaz. Possibly even Perthro and Tiwaz