Lucifer, Satan and Jesus

Did that serpent/snake told you anything or sent you any message?

about lilith im sorry if taht sounds disrespectful but after telling her our relation is over she actually started she told me “fuck you” when i was resting in my moms bed i could hear the voice of a female on my left ear ^^

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What was the reason you wanted to end any communication with Lilith? I just ask because I feel very drawn to her she’s been welcoming to me in my interaction. Why completely end any relationship when you could have had a good relationship with her and still work with other spirits?


because i used to worship her for months and after 10 days that i didnt felt her presence i decided to put her off from my life… in the very moment that i told her its over i could feel pain in my heart like if someone was trying to put my heart out, was painful but i was lauging and days later she*or naamah probably appeared to me she was raging, her breath was causing my bed to vibrate, and i kick her and she dissapeared, but is a sweet girl, her last words to me “in the shine of your eyes i can see the depth of the being” after this we never spoke again

and i could not work with other spirits she made me signals of working with other spirits wasnt ok for her, that is also a reason that why i ended the relationship

I don’t worship anything but I have a lot of respect and admiration for her. I don’t think 10 days is enough to count her out. I only really call on her and Lucifer right now and she hasn’t seemed to care about me also giving Lucifer offerings etc so not sure about the signals you got on not working with other spirits. That seems strange to me, that was a big reason why I left mainstream religion, as if talking to a deaf wall wasn’t bad enough, you’re condemned for speaking to anything that actually responds.


something similar happened to me, i said to lilith “gods that doesnt answer, doesnt worth to be worshipped”

i know that 10 days are short time and she was probably busy or trying to test me
if you try to have contact with her ill recommend you to make an altar put an image of her or just a doll and put some roses on it or whatever hierb you encounter, you could also use incense when calling her, she will hear you even if you think she doesnt care about you,
i told you, i said a lot about lilith when i was calling her and i thought she wasnt hearing or caring about me and when we talk guess what?
she putted recordings of all that i said on my head, serioulsy i could hear my own voice saying shit to lilith…!
i felt so ashamed that i apologized with her…

about the signals i tried to invocate morrigan and hekate…
for the first time when trying with other spirits…
when i said the name Hekate to call her, something punched very hard my bed, i almost shit my self

when i called to morrigan for the first time, lilith did me a favor that day and on facebook there was a lady called “lilith” giving like to my posts i never saw someone called lilith on facebook and that day that happened, coincidence? also that day the light of my bed got fucked, coincidence or just lilith mad?

if you want to talk with her you need to develop your senses, some spirit did the job for me, otherwise i would tell you how…

If you want to know about Lucifer dont go to the bible at all, as it never actually mentions him.


I highly think that Hekate it’s just another mask for Lilith

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Most people who work with both of them highly disagree.


Yeah, my senses kind of suck right now. It’s my main goal on trying to develop at this time. She occasionally pops up in my dreams and has been very welcoming in those instances. Still working on trying to actually hear her or Lucifer. I was just curious about your interaction with her.

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I haven’t called on Hecate but I’ve studied her and I’d agree. Same with Kali who I’ve seen referred to as Lilith. I don’t get the same “vibe” from them at all. Lilith seems to have a very individual energy to her.

I use a banishing ritual that calls upon the power of Hecate, and I have evoked Lilith, and I can say without a doubt their energies do not feel the same at all.

I just don’t understand this need in the occult to make spurious claims about this spirit really being a mask for that spirit, just because they may have similar myths or attributes. There are an almost infinite amount of spirits in this vast multiverse of ours, so I don’t know why there is this need to lump them all together.


sorry but can you please explain? i read it again and again and still dont understand

about the video was very spooky lol

that it was the life creator and source of humanity

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Listen to what spirits are trying to tell you and teach you, forget everything else.

You’ll find tons of opinions, explanations, theories and stories… the more you read or hear, the more confused you’ll become. People speak of their own experience. Do the same and follow yours.

From other people, you can learn the techniques and methods, the science and general principles of the occult and magick. That’s all. Spiritual knowledge is personal and unique to each individual. All “versions” of the spiritual world that we all see and experience are connected, but in ways beyond our limited human understanding.


Boy your getting some bad info. Lilith don’t talk, she’s a Leviathan Witches Circle [The Jews just love to cover up ancient aliens by calling them demons], Satan aka Stan The Mound smasher was nasty as fuck but ironically not a betrayer, he’s brown/white and the reason demons are afraid of him is he can slash and brown, plus he has the hands. 450^Pos.rKe.T should start things. Luc is one of two that originated system [silver, not chokmah] Jesus was a Mega so we have:

Satan - Brown, controls white
Lucifer - Silver, gates white
Jesus - Mama was a Jaguar["whites]


Not sure if a troll or :upside_down_face:


He’s a troll. Don’t feed him by responding.


Aye Aye captain


He’s been flagged for his posts already and we just have to wait for the moderators to take care of him. He’s already threatened me twice, so as soon as Eva comes on he’s gone.