Lucifer oh lucifer

all day ive been thinking about lucifer and all that he said through arcane . now i just cant stop :slight_smile: also ive heard the 9 kings are apart of lucifers legion is that true . if so how


EA made a video called "Why do Spirits have hierarchy?"that will explain why the infernal hierarchies are there to confuse you. In my own UPGs Lucifer is the emperor of Hell,at thetop of the hierarchy. Lucifuge is considered his vizier, not because he’s not powerful enough but because his time is so valuable that he isn’t gonna waste it ob menial labor like running the infernal empire. Below.Lucifer is a court of 9 demonic kings.

thanks arcane friday i cant wait :slight_smile:

“At the top of the infernal hierarchy,is the majician.”-Azazel

Some of the nine demonic kings will proudly admit to being in legion with Lucifer.

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its crazy that hes so powerful :slight_smile: i want to read more about demons in general or the infernal empire any suggestions.?

I’ve seen this around but can’t figure it out. What does UPGs stand for?

Unverified Personal Gnosis - full explanation here: TIP: UPG | The Informed Pagan

Part of the joy of posts on here is when they begin to verify one’s own discoveries, when it’s clear that other people are seeing them too. :slight_smile:



The exact quote is:
“The true hierarchy is as follows:The Operator and all of existence.”

When I started my post on Terry’s thread I mention not only the fact that it is UPG,but also pointed to EA’s video where he emphasizes that the whole notion of an "infernal.hierarchy"is ephemeral and meant to confuse.

[quote=“Arcane, post:10, topic:6289”]The exact quote is:
“The true hierarchy is as follows:The Operator and all of existence.”[/quote]

Posted this before, still got the link:

Think of it this way. Angels and demons arent seperate. If you were to become similar to the Infernals it would be comparable to Kundalini. One burns ones Carbon matter (demonick essence…did the bible not say flesh was sinful, whereas Gnostics said the body was a demonick shell to trap our angelic form?) until one burns it and burns with the Fire from within… This raising of energy is like Releasing that Angelic (Devic…Deva…Devil…a relation between the words…ones inner Angel is actually Divine Devic essence) self…so an Angel is the Light Body. One could say an Infernal exists at various levels from less physical to more physical energy…so one is essentially raising ones Satanic Guardian Angel if you go the LHP route. But the Infernal 72 arent meant to confuse…as they represent aspects of ones Kundalini Soul of Fire where one is doing self-transformations of a Great Work to both similtaneously Ascend and Descend to BECOME A GOD.

This is why I don’t use terms like angel and demon, because they’re unrealistic. I use the term spirit, which is a catch all term and describes any being with a non-physical essence.

A few things, what you described is nothing like Kundalini. Kundalini is an energy represented by a snake which lies dormant in the Base Chakra and when awakened rises to the Crown Chakra and gives you powers and abilities.

Secondly, the Bible is very pro-body. Having a body is great, it’s the only way to be truly human according to the Bible. That is where many of the Apostles had issues with the early Christian Gnostics is the Christian Gnostics were saying the body was bad but the Apostles were not.

No. Devic is not actually a word, I tried looking it up but no dictionary online contains it. The closest I found is Vedic. Deva is a Sanskrit word meaning “shining ones”. This comes from the Proto-Indo-Iranian “devá-” which comes from the Proto-Indo-European “deywós” meaning “God” or “The Celestial One”. It is a cognate with the Avestan “daēva”, the Persian “dēv”, and the Latin “deus” and “divus”.

Now, compare that with the English word Devil which is from the Middle English “devil”, “devel”, and “deovel” which are from the Old English “dēofol”, “dēoful”, and from earlier “dīobul” (pronounced devil). Ultimately, it comes from the Ancient Greek “diábolos” meaning “slanderer” and “accuser”. This is the nominalization of “diabállō which means “to slander” which is a combination of “diá” which means “through” or "across” and “bállō” which means “to throw”.

As you can see, the two words couldn’t be more different. This is about as absurd as saying bear meaning naked and bear meaning the animal sound the same, so they must be the same!

Again, Kundalini is merely an energy force. There’s debate about whether it could be considered conscious life. But all it is is an energy force that bestows power.

EA made a video called "Why do Spirits have hierarchy?"that will explain why the infernal hierarchies are there to confuse you. In my own UPGs Lucifer is the emperor of Hell,at thetop of the hierarchy. Lucifuge is considered his vizier, not because he’s not powerful enough but because his time is so valuable that he isn’t gonna waste it ob menial labor like running the infernal empire. Below.Lucifer is a court of 9 demonic kings.[/quote]

Oh yeah, I like the way this sounds! I’ve always knew that names and words were office’s and not just belonging to just one individual. I’m glad I had the Lucifer ritual perform for me when it was offered. Hello!! Helel Ben Sahar! Hello.

I think it would be fairer to say that everything represents an aspect of one’s soul and is both a mirror, gateway, and barrier to ascent.

My partner’s really into this stuff more than me, that everything in our lives is a mirror of our “issues” (good and bad alike) but I’ve had that experience myself many times that everything is a projection of my internal state, and by experience I mean actually felt it, lived it, and and was able to change reality with it and not just some nice theory from a book or something. :slight_smile:

In that respect, Lucifer-Within is part of all of us, and “Eva-In-Lucifer” is also a real thing, maybe (you not Eva of course!) the easiest to seek out when you approach the spirit?

That IMO is how the theory that’s touched on in trad. Solomonic evocation, that the 72 demons are dark forces of the self one must master, came into being.

The more a spirit shows up in your life, the more you need to work with and understand that energy, but the same’s also true of Bob at work who has a particular annoying quirk. :slight_smile:

And finally, to simply distance yourself from, cut-off, refuse to tolerate and engage with some person, spirit, or thing is a legitimate choice for empowerment, as opposed to allowing them to remain, snarling you up in petty dramas and preventing you from moving on.

Yeah internal vs external. Its all the same. We are connected to what some call the web of life. So shen you focus insteadon specifics its like imagine that wrb strand reaching outside of you…so tuning the inside is like attuning to specifkcs of the external web matrix; you call it LoA or whatever. I like to think of the Web out of SuperString Theory where riding across the Web to Tremble via my Intent.

Who is Bob?

Tantra - the weave. :slight_smile:

Who is Bob?

The Silent One. :o)

Tantra. I can see your bdsm fascination somehow ties into that in one way or another.

I take it Bob is some sort of shadow (energy or spirit?).

Incorrect - there’s far more to tantra than sex:

Tantra, also called Tantrism and Tantric religion, is an Asian tradition of beliefs and meditation and ritual practices that seeks to channel the divine energy of the macrocosm or godhead into the human microcosm, in order to attain siddhis and moksha. It arose in India no later than the 5th century CE, and had a strong influence on both Hinduism and Buddhism.

… Tantra Sanskrit: तन्त्र often simply means “treatise” or “exposition”. Literally it can be said to mean “loom, warp, weave”…
Tantra - Wikipedia

That was the definition I was bringing forth - it makes sense if you’re familar with the system and with the attainment of non-duality from the Source, “sppining out” reality as you see fit.

I take it Bob is some sort of shadow (energy or spirit?).

Also incorrect.

The “Bob at work who has a particular annoying quirk” was a hypothetical example of how a normal human can also be a mirror for our own stuff. I thought you realised this and were joking when you asked, hence I replied with more humour - [url=Jay and Silent Bob - Wikipedia]“The Silent One”…

Even though all of you are far much more adept and knowledgeable for deducing of Biosynth’s post here. What I understand from it is its essence.

According to me all that is, is he and all that will be,is he. This he us us and all is our reflection in internal projected on the ethereal of external.

Let me explain myself with the help of an excerpt from Geeta.

"Now as per Chapter - 11 of Bhagwat Gita, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna to show him the Cosmic Form of God, the way Lord Krishna just described Himself. On this request of Arjuna, Lord Krishna bestows a special “vision” to Arjuna so that he can see the Divine God in His universal form. In this Cosmic or Universal Form, Lord Krishna shows His opulence’s, hundreds of thousands of varied divine and multicolored forms.
Arjuna saw in that Universal Form, unlimited mouths, unlimited eyes, unlimited wonderful visions. The form was decorated with many celestial ornaments and bore many divine upraised weapons. He wore celestial garlands and garments, and many divine scents were smeared over His body. All was wondrous, brilliant, unlimited, all-expanding.

“If hundreds of thousands of suns were to rise at once into the sky, their radiance might resemble the effulgence of the Supreme Person in that Universal Form”

Here in the picture if you notice there’s a spiral of Dev (Angels) and Asur (Demons) moving from left to right but amalgamating into Krishna in his heart chakra. This makes me think that when we ascent to our godhood the difference between good and bad subsides. The distance between light and dark eliminates. All that remains is us and our will.

Once again, this all is IMO and you are most welcome to chime in. :slight_smile: