Lucifer in Balg is YHWH?

Here is something to think about in the books of EA Lucifer tells us his day is Saturnelia he tells us many times he is Saturn, But wait a secont ANU-EL-YHWH is Saturn and by Lucifer showing up in dark form YHWH shows in a black form aswell I believe YHWH is worshiped blindly here BAAL is his son Enlil which is Marduck and Enki is his other son his sons are aligned with him I think this is a game yet I have a pull to Yhwh I feel Huge Power. Saturn is the God of a Thousand masks which one you serve he doesnt care Moloch is him also Mammon is him also many more Azazel might be him also but may be Mars which is a current of Enlil. These are Curents of Power not entities. Share your Thoughts I compiled it briefly.


I also feel Saturn s influence like he controls me cant explain it.I am Aquarius dont know if that explains something


Lucifer told magitians he is sol invicrus and sol invictus is synonimus to Kronos which is Saturn
Lucifer the Hidden Sun is also Saturn another name for Saturn is Sun he is the former Sun Imovable Sun.
And Yet YHWH is Saturn. So Guys What if you like the Same Guy



I would not say that Lucifer = יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH), and in-fact would say that they are quite different. Without going too much into the theory, יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH) is the pinnacle of Light, while Lucifer is the pinnacle of Shadow. This does not mean that they are enemies, but that they serve two different functions which may combine harmoniously.

Lucifer wants to help you become a powerful God, independent, rebellious, and strong. יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH) wants to help you help others, empowering you to lead a better life that may cause blessings to ripple out to those around you. Both beings are on your side and want to see you succeed, they just focus on cultivating different parts of your being.


Quick correction - I suppose it would be more accurate to say that the archangel Metatron, not יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH), is the being that represents the pinnacle of Light. I also somewhat regret the word choice of “pinnacle,” as the ultimate expression of Light, the fundamental connection between All things, is יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH), while the ultimate expression of Shadow is one’s own Divine Identity or autonomous self. Metatron and Lucifer are the beings, within my cosmology, that are the closest to pure Light and Shadow, respectively.

This is radically over-simplifying rather complex esoteric stuff, but this is an attempt to summarize the topic. Please also do not attach any moral values onto either Light or Shadow, as that is inaccurate. Both can curse, and both can bless. The difference tends to be in the emotions underlying the motivation.


In al the books, you see common stories.
Zeus -> Prometheus
Enlil -> Enki
Yaweh -> Luci

Yaweh -> JCI (if we not look into the Catholic dogma, Lucifer has a bigger connection with JCI then with Yaweh)

So how on earth did you mix Lucifer up with Yaweh? Even the story of being the real devil would make Lucifer illumination (the opposite) and not Yaweh


In Freemasonry, their “being of light” is actually Lucifer. In the lower degrees though, they still let them think under the religious dogma that it is actually Jehovah/Yahweh.


Isn’t Lucifer associated with Venus and the Sun as well?

I don’t think Yahweh corresponds to either of those.


Yep Sun God and Venus (feminine site of him)


From what I know, Yahweh hides his feminine side while Lucifer embraces it.


I think he got it from the link in the fourth OP post. (Warning: it’s really long)

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I agree with the above statements that they’re not the same. But also, I’ve talked about this with many spirits in the past.

Yahweh isn’t Lucifer nor are they opposites. They’re just different spirits with different agendas. Of course, I don’t believe they’re on the same side…but still, you get my point.


the whole point is this Lucifer is Saturn and YHWH is Saturn what does that mean

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That both these deities share a similar Planetary correspondence.

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No, but Jesus does.

Look up “shechinah” it’s the feminine part of God’s presence, very important in Judaism. Only in Christianity and Islam are the femininity of Yahweh obscured.

Slava Bogum


Odin and Hermes are also both Mercurial, are they the same?

Slava Bogum

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From what I’ve seen Judaism seemed to be a pretty complete and balanced religon. I don’t know what happened…


Jesus, the supposed Messiah, happened.

Slava Bogum

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He’s an Ascended Master from what I know. I’m under the impression that he’s a good healer.

Christians messed up his name and teachings. Many of them even oppose working with Angels and Mary.