Lucifer and lilith

Actually the only time I interacted with any angels it was Michael that came to me… Because I had signed something in blood towards Lilith and he bla bla bla me and I just said, f… You. That was it :flushed: don’t know if there’s a coincidence there but I’d say there’s more to it… Not that I care really.

I had an experience where Michael was a complete dick, but Gabriel was like “yo michael chill” atleast something close to that lol but it was in my early “defenseless” days.

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Wait, what did Michael do exactly

Lmao awkward, do you know why Mike was a dick to you?

He tried to convince me I was doing the wrong thing.
I mean, by all the light in the universe and all the peace and all the good things, I was making a choice I could not turn back from. Obviously I told him I couldn’t care less what he had to say and I wasn’t very nice to him, he was a bit rude on his goodbye but hey, I’m happy. With my choice and with what happened since. Never heard from him ever again. On the other hand, I’ve heard from Hekate, from Astaroth, from Satan, from Naamah, from few others worth mentioning… So I still say… . F… You Mikey. lol

Maybe he had a point, not saying that working with Infernals is bad, but the fact that you have not heard from him ever again sends hints to me that you basically shut off an entire pantheon, and I personally think that’s not so good with magickal growth, but hey if you’re happy.

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I’m not after magical growth, never was.
I was magically grown when I was a child, don’t want anymore than what I’ve experienced throughout my life, it probably would not be good. Plus, I’ve proven to myself several times that growing whichever powers I have within me is not a good thing and I was shown exactly that.
So I did the right thing, the right choice and I’m happy with it. And I’m not the only one happy with it.
I’d say more, I’ve chosen a side.
You want to play both sides? Be the Master of the universe?..
Oh please be my guest.

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Actually there are people who have worked with many pantheons

You do know Mike and Luci get along right?

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I know that there is so much more to all that, which can be said with a few words.
This angels and demons is… Human made.
We all know that.

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Past issues

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Past life?

yes, which reappeared in this one

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Were you always that hottie with the horns in all your lives? :smiley:

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That is a picture that reflects my true self rather than a past life, so no the past with michael was an angelic one.

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I’m still building a relationship with her and allow her current to flow when it does. I try really hard not to be overly attracted to her and love her motherly aspect. Her fierceness and wisdom are very attractive. I give her offerings like my energy from working out and at times orgasms while thinking on her sigil. I haven’t started working with her but I do give her offerings without asking for anything. Lots of ancient ones I do that with to build a relationship. I have many daughters and her being such a strong figure of feminine strength energy i welcome her around my family . Looking forward to working with her in the future for sure

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Damn, Bruh you should’ve been 8 months early. I have build a pretty good relationship with her since then.xD

Hell yea brother! How’s that going for you?