Lucid dreams and astral - symbols, signs, sigils. Help!

Hi! Is there any sign, sigil, or symbol that, by applying to my skin or meditating with it, I could get into the astral or lucid dreaming? I understand that maybe I’m looking for an easy way and I need to take the time to train. But still, do you have such a sign? Share it. Just what kind of demon can I summon to gain the ability to go astral and lucid dreaming. Thanks!

Numerous deities, angels, and demons can assist with lucid dreams.

From the Goetia: Gaap
You can look into the sentinel Quilielfi from the Tunnels of Set (number 29 in Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant)
Archangel Gabriel and angel Baratchiel of Pisces. The path of Qoph/Pisces is associated with lucid dreaming, as is the sphere of Yesod (Gabriel)


Gaap’s seal. He is a Prince/President of the Goetia (planets Jupiter as Prince, Mercury as President)

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Create your own using the Spare method.

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" Me: “Belial, is it possible to soul travel without REM phase?”

Belial: “Yes. Relax as you behold my sigil. Imagine a hook leaving your body and entering my sigil. Breathe. Once the hook is firmly attached, exhale. Allow yourself to be pulled by the hook.”

(Belial taught me how to soul travel within seconds)