Love spell etc

Continuing the discussion from Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum:
Hello im trixie dimaawat 26 years old. Im new here. So forgive me if i violate somerules. I am interested magic. I am devastated right now. I have so manythings to worry about. I just took up the bar exam, my parents just recently brokeup. My bf doenst love me and i am suffering from aleopicia . Before i discover lefthand path. I always ask god to guide me but instead he give me alot of problems. I hope someone can teach me strong love spell thank you. Sorry if ilook. So desparate

I think you have more stuff you need to get in order. Love shouldn’t be your top list. Love don’t pay the bills unless you marry rich. =o) Make a list of things that will get your life in order. The ones that will help you get your basics met. food, shelter,job , finance, to allow you free time to explore love. It seems most people desire love over their basics needs of living or survival. It’s over rated. just my opinion.

Hello thank you for the advice. Im putting up my small business and applying in a lawfirm. But i can say that i am not emotionally stable right now because of what happening to me right now.