Love binding spell that actually works?

They either lied or they don’t understand how it works. Just like you cannot force a healing upon someone, you cannot force a cleansing upon them. Even if they were successful, whatever was cleansed from them will simply return once the cleansing is finished because the target wasn’t consulted so he is still open.


Shes been practising for over 30 years

Then she should know better.

You have to enlist the mind of the person being cleansed, otherwise it won’t stick because you have no authority over someone else’s body and spirit.

She did it for me too but id forgotten i was getting it done it was while i was sleeping and i woke up feeling amazing i wasnt as sad and anxious as before and she did it over three nights

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I love how simply you state things !


Who me? Or darkestknight?

Try galdr. look up bindrunes for love and lust.

Works like a charm.


Thank you @SeekerofK
Did you use it? What kind of results did you get?

I use galdr frequently. The elder futhark in general is an easily accessible current. I havent taught it to anyone who couldnt manifest their own results.

I’ll find you a premade bindrune for this. Just a second.

Thanks so much your a star

“that actually works”

I see you already tried different love spells and they did not work with you. The problem is you, not the spells.

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How is it me? What did i do

“that actually works” means you were doubting the spell you did, and doubting the ritual/spell you just did is counter productive. That phrase alone that you said actually means you are lusting for results which is really counter productive. Either you doubt magick, or you are just impatient to see the results.

I think its impatience and my negativity

No wonder that those spells you tried didn’t worked. Until you let go of those things you mentioned, any spells you will do in the future wouldn’t work.


A binding spell and a return to me spell is different. It should be in the order of return to me/contact me spell and then cast binding spell if its in the case of an ex lover returning to you. Start working the relationship once he started open communication with you, rekindle love, then once you noticed some love from him proceed with binding spells.


I know your right teddy

Thats the pattern it should be

I need to find a way to stop all those negatives etc

And rome wasnt built in a day

The strange thing is i was in the city centre earlier and a monk came up to me and handed me an amulet with a goddess on it… he then asked for a donation im not sure if thats a universe sign because she is the goddess of love and compassion

Then you should find a way of stopping those negativities flowing inside you first rather than finding another spell “that actually works”. With those kind of vibe, even if someone tells you a spell that worked for them, it wont still work for you. I use the term vibe/vibration because every LOA stuff could be applicable on this.

Hello @DarkestKnight. Can I send you a pm to ask you something that no one answered to me in some other post? I would like to ask you because you seem to have experience and knowledge.

Sure, go ahead.

That’s not how the Intranquil Spirit works.

It drives them crazy until they come back to you but is often sold as a love spell when it’s anything but. Driving them crazy can mean a lot of things to different people. People can drink, fuck or drug themselves into the ground. They won’t be able to eat, sleep, work or have a real relationship with anyone else until they go back to you. You can have them blocked on everything, change your number and move. They will find you. Just don’t expect a sleep, food and happiness deprived person to show up in a great mood.

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