Love and seduction magic with satan (worked on the 7th day)

Firstly, I want to explain a few things before delving into my experience and the step-by-step of the ritual. If you have tried other rituals and had no effect, or if the effect was not lasting, I encourage you to read about my experience. It will be extensive, but it was the only one that worked for me completely, not only in love but also in finances, health, and personal growth. If you’ve seen my posts, there are some I made about love rituals, but in none of them did the loved one stay with me consistently. They would come and then turn against me and disappear. Now, however, they came and stayed, and every day we deepen our bonds more. The person has now said to my face that they love me, that they care a lot about me, and that I’m the only one who can give them sexual pleasure. For someone who initially didn’t want me at all, this was an extraordinary breakthrough. Today, we have a very steady life together. We go out together, travel together, and have a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, although we haven’t officially declared anything. They almost stay at my house every day. Before, they wouldn’t talk to me, avoid me, say they didn’t want me, that they wanted to be alone, to enjoy and meet other men (our relationship is homo-affective; we are gay).

I had tried all sorts of rituals for love, sexual seduction, and even to ward off their other lovers, if any, all in an attempt to bring back my ex-boyfriend. I had performed rituals with Lilith, Belial, Asmodeus, Lucifer, Leraje, Glacyas Labolas, Pomba gira Maria Padilha, and others. As I didn’t succeed, I politely asked them to withdraw from my request when the ritual didn’t flow. I did have some progress with the entities mentioned above, but it was always the same: I would advance one step and then regress three steps. I’m not judging the entities; perhaps our energies didn’t align so well, as I know they are very powerful energies.

One fine day, already distressed to see the person mocking me, saying they didn’t want me, that they wanted others, that our time had passed, that they wanted to be “free” and didn’t want emotional responsibility with anyone, I decided to summon Satan. I made the invocation at night, around 8:00 PM. In this dialogue, I was very sincere about what I wanted; I poured out my heart. I had two situations that troubled me: the loss of my ex-boyfriend and also financial issues, and I was very explicit about this. Personally, I’ve always enjoyed working with denser forces; I’ve always had an incredible affinity. When I evoked Satan, I felt the atmosphere around me become “heavy.” I got chills, a shiver down my spine; I felt that he was there (nowadays, my evocations are lighter; I believe I have adapted to his energy). Continuing, I made my requests and asked for a strong sign that he would bring the person back to me. I even asked Satan to lock their emotional, sexual, and sentimental life, and finally, to lock their life so that they would turn to me. I was explicit; I told him to give me a sign within 7 days. The days passed, and I was anxious, unsure if the person would come to me or not. Then, on a beautiful day, on the seventh day, which happened to be a Sunday, my ex-boyfriend sent me a message. Initially, they just said “hi.” I waited about 30 minutes before replying, then I replied. They said they missed me and wanted to see me. That’s when we met, and from then until today, things have progressed, and we’re doing well. There was a moment when I was apprehensive about the outcome, so I went to see a clairvoyant lady, a Babalorixá in my city. She is 72 years old now but has been working with spiritual energies since she was 13 years old. She incorporates spirits, caboclos, exus; in short, she incorporates various spirits. Although I had already worked with Satan, I was apprehensive, doubting, even though my ex-boyfriend said he liked me, giving me numerous signs that he wanted to be with me. I went to this Babalorixá from Candomblé, which is an African-derived religion that works with spirit incorporations. She took my full name and consulted the guides. According to her, a spirit appeared to her, didn’t say anything, but appeared to her while she was consulting with the spirits using my name. She works with a guide who comes to her and spends a day incorporated in her, working and performing numerous spiritual works. I told her about Satan, and she advised me to call upon him. As always, I did, and asked him if he would really bring my ex back definitively, as she instructed. The next day, while washing dishes, Satan came to my mind and said, “Be patient. Even before you have them completely, you already want to give up. Have patience!” That was a turning point in my life. My faith in Satan skyrocketed by 10,000%. His experience of speaking to me wasn’t just in my head; I was washing dishes and listening to random music, my mind and hands were occupied, but that voice invaded my mind, and I felt shivers immediately. Since then, our bond of love has only grown stronger. And let me tell you, I’m starting to live such a good phase of my life in all areas, but I want more, much more, and Satan knows how much I want. If I were to detail the wonders in my life, I’d have to write a book. Hahaha.

Now, I’ll share the ritual, and I ask that you

Satan’s sigil:


Anxiously awaiting the ritual.


Love and seduction magic with satan (worked on the 7th day)


  1. 1 Raw steak
  2. 1 Onion
  3. 1 Black candle
  4. 1 Photo of the loved one
  5. 1 Sigil of Satan
  6. 1 Wine glass
  7. 1 Bottle of wine
  8. 1 Syringe needle
  9. Plate or container to place the steak and decorate with onions
  10. Satan’s Enn: Tasa Reme Laris Satan, Ave Satanis


  1. Choose a calm place in your home or another location of your preference.
  2. Take the steak and sear it in a pan or skillet for a maximum of 1 minute, leaving it for 30 seconds on high heat on each side. Then cut the onion into rings. Place the steak on a plate and arrange the onion rings around it.
  3. Pour the wine into a wine glass and place it next to the plate in the chosen location for the ritual.
  4. Light the black candle.
  5. Take the needle (or another sharp object), prick your finger, and let the blood drip onto the Sigil of Satan and the photo of the loved one.
  6. Recite Satan’s Enn: Tasa Reme Laris Satan, Ave Satanis, calling upon him about 20 times until you feel his presence. He will notify you that he has arrived, and you will sense his presence.
  7. Make your requests. Ask him to bring your loved one back to you. Be as sincere as possible; Satan is not here to judge anyone. He has always been judged and continues to be by some, so the last thing he will do is pass judgment. Satan will listen to you and fulfill your desires. Ask him for a sign that he will grant your request. Request a sign within 7 days, and he will provide one within that time frame. After completing the ritual, let the candle burn out completely.

The sign I received was the person saying they missed me and wanted to see me, coming to me sweet, gentle, and patient. This person reached out to me without me sending anything to them, and today we are together and happy.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will respond.


I posted the ritual, if you have any questions you can post your questions or call me privately and I will respond without any problems!


I’m deeply interested in this ritual, as i’m in a similar situation as you, i’ve asked and petitioned many spirits and demons to assist me with my loved one, but the results were less than adequate.

However, this ritual, after reading it and seeing your experience, it got me feeling something for sure, slightly anxious in my stomach, most likely a good sign, i’m going to ground and center myself, give myself some time to think, gather the required items, and then if i end up performing the ritual, i will give an update here as well as how it went + post-ritual results.

Thank you very much for sharing this with everyone here. I am sure we will see results coming from others.


I understand you, I stayed that way, I tried with other spirits too but I was unsuccessful, our end was in October. I spent from October to February trying almost all the spirits, but nothing worked for him to stay with me. I felt the hard taste of frustration and rejection, it’s something that hurts a lot. But thanks to Satan things turned around. And it wasn’t just the ex who came, my financial life opened up, property, I also spent 4 months at the company I currently work for without selling anything, everything wasn’t working out, but when I called Satan things opened up in an incredible way. If you have any questions, you can post them here or call me privately and I will be more than happy to answer them. I would also be grateful if you posted your results, which I am sure will be very positive.


After you finished the ritual, how did you close it off besides letting the candle burn out completely? Did you just ask for the sign and then leave the candle burning or did you do any kind of peaceful closing to the ritual?

I am not someone who can drink Wine and i do not like wasting things, so i wouldn’t want the offerings to go bad on my shrine, what would you suggest doing? I perform the ritual as instructed, leave the offerings while the candle burns down and then after it has burned down, also offer the sensations of the food to Satan? I do not drink wine, so that one, i will most likely leave there until a sign is given to me, but the steak going bad would not be optimal on my shrine.

Thanks in advance!


So, at the beginning of the ritual, I offered him all the offerings, and on the candle, I let it burn until the end with all the offering mounted in my room. Be careful not to burn anything! In the case of steak, it doesn’t spoil quickly. I left it overnight and it didn’t spoil, I added a little cachaça over the steak. Regarding the wine, you can discard the remainder by throwing it away, or giving it to someone, what is in the glass after the ritual you discard.


Could you contact me privately? I can’t send you a message

Wonderful I am glad things worked in your favor so to speak and mate or partner able to come around as you desired with the help of said being Satan? Now question but do you Satan and Lucifer as the same being ? Completely off topic. Just curious, thankh you. That was insightful. All the best.

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Hello everything is fine? I’ll send you a private message!

Hello, yes yes, with the help of Satan.
I believe they are different energies based on my experience, as I have worked with both and felt different things. In my view, Lucifer is a very educated being just like Satan, but Satan is a denser energy while Lucifer is not. I don’t want to commit and judge one or the other, but they are good energies to work with, but my significant result came with Satan.



I have just finished the performing the ritual/request, I followed the instructions to the best of my capabilities, i will update if there is any progress within the next 7 days and if i obtain any signs.

Best wishes,


I wish you success in the result and if you have any questions, I am at your disposal!


Update. It’s been over 7 days, i didin’t see any sign and i was pretty attentive, (I know Satan would make it obvious) and nothing really changed about my situation, so i’m fairly certain Satan just didin’t accept my request.

Not sure what went wrong, but it is what it is. I wish success to anyone else who tries out the ritual, maybe i’m just a special case.

Call me privately and tell me what your writing is like. Let me understand, if you allow me.


Hi i have questions for you i cant write private message so can you write me first?

@Snashbox You do have PM privs and the OPs PMs are open. Tap the OPs profile picture, you will see a blue Message button - tap that and you can send a message. :slight_smile: :+1: