Hmmm… It seems in Internet are lots of persons with tattoos to honour Loki but a lot are appealing a random egregor.
The God Loki of the LHP community says his name is LOPTR and that is his written runic form. Why? That’s why:
LAGUZ = Vitality, New situations and beginnings, power, excellent news
Othala = prosperity, freedom, gifts, family, ancestry
Perthro = divination, mistery, Ascension. Is a very special rune
Teiwaz = victory, legality, marriage, contracts, new work
Raido = expansion, magic, ritual, trips, voyage, clairvoyance, clairaudience
The other Form, the one of the random egregor, lots of tattoos and pacts in Internet is written as Laguz, Othala, Kaunaz (regeneration, transformation) and ending with the rune Isa meaning cold, death!
The runes are not a game, is a magical System. Is to be used wisely!!!