I always find insightful info on lilith from you and we are greatful.
Was a high class Courtesan in 2 previous lives. Temple prostitute in ancient Egypt , Isis Cult. As Black Sorceress, I love to be wicked when attending a christian wedding or funeral. Still give me a very natural high sticking it to the false Nazarene and his sheeple.
Do you have pictures to prove this?
Say pretty please …
Pretty please, with sugar on top.
I see what you did there!
Pretty Please?
Well look at you subduing the men. I’ll be watching to see what you do with this control.
The old world courtesies must be observed. Manners maketh man, after all.
She never was, you should know better than anyone who she is! You are her daughter! X
It as been months since that big 9 gatekeepers ritual as taken place. Anyone else feel different from it?
Lol! This reminds me of my Pinterest
More lost and confused about this world than before…
What now? I was hoping for the big 3 to happen. I hate humanity. Shit. I’m bored.
It must have been a girl who wrote this. maybe a guy but to each his own. This is a funny topic. Don’t know what it has to do with Babylon and the beast…but I dig it!